Chapter 697

Song Taojie snapped his fingers and said excitedly.

"That's what it means. No matter what you do, you have to give them a little color, otherwise these people are really a bit lawless. Let me tell you, I'm not there."

Chen Kai frowned and couldn't help asking.

"What would you do if you were there?"

Song Taojie continued to speak in a froth.

"If I were to be there, I would definitely beat them to the point of losing their arms and legs, and let them lie in the hospital for more than a month, so that they could taste what it's like to lie in the hospital and not be able to move."

Chen Kai shook his head lightly, and looked at Song Taojie with melancholy eyes.

"Li Yunliang is not a kind person. I taught them a serious lesson today. He will definitely not let it go. I am afraid he will retaliate in a short time."

Song Taojie looked disdainful.

"Why are you afraid of him? If he dares to retaliate, he will directly give them a more powerful color, and you are such a good martial artist, what can they do to you if they come to more people?"

"I think it's too polite to Li Yunliang. If you teach him a lesson, just beat him to the ground and let him know how good you are. He won't even dare to trouble you again in his lifetime. That's better."

Chen Kai sighed helplessly again.

"You think things are a bit too simple. After all, we have come from a long way. There is a saying that is very correct, which is called a strong dragon does not suppress a local snake."

"The reason why we made the move today is because of Zhang Tingting. They have the right time, the right location, and the harmony of people. After suffering such a big loss today, they will definitely avenge themselves."

"So I advise you to be careful, don't be so pushy, if you are retaliated by others, it will not be as simple as lying in the hospital for a month."

He stared at Song Taojie with a serious face.

"I'm even worried that you may be directly beaten to death by the other party."

Song Taojie still didn't care much.

"What are you afraid of? Soldiers come to block, water comes and earth floods, I don't believe that Yucheng really has no king law."

Seeing Song Taojie's virtue, Chen Kai didn't bother to say anything, so he had to say it to himself in his heart.

It seems that I can only be more careful. As the saying goes, the higher the ability, the greater the sense of responsibility. This group of friends really need to pay more attention.

It's just that Chen Kaiwai didn't expect that they didn't wait for Li Yunliang's revenge, but Zhang Tingting was in trouble.

Zhang Tingting was not injured physically, and was discharged after staying in the hospital for a day. This matter affected her, and Zhang Yilong asked for a few days off for her.

Claiming to the school that Zhang Tingting is not feeling well recently, and she will go to class after she recovers.

But unexpectedly, the school responded directly.

"After the school's research, Zhang Tingting has been ordered to drop out of school."

Zhang Yilong was taken aback, but still asked patiently.

"What's going on? My sister is excellent in character and learning, and she didn't do anything against the school's regulations. How could she be ordered to drop out of school all of a sudden? Did you make a mistake?"

The school didn't explain anything, but hung up the phone directly.

Zhang Yilong was so furious that he almost dropped the mobile phone in his hand to the ground.

Seeing her brother's expression changed, Zhang Tingting couldn't help asking.

"Is the school not allowing me to take leave? It doesn't matter. I think my body is fine now. Didn't the doctor say that I was just frightened?"

"I feel better now and can go to school."

She forced a smile.

"I don't want to delay my homework because of this matter. I still have to go to university."

Seeing his sister with a haggard look, Zhang Yilong really didn't want to tell her the school's decision.

But thinking that this matter can't be kept secret, sooner or later she will have to know, so he let out a long sigh.

"The school is not giving leave, but ordering you to drop out of school. Don't worry, I will go to the school to ask what is going on."

"There must be some misunderstanding. Your academic performance is so good. It is absolutely impossible for the school to let you drop out."

Zhang Tingting immediately widened her eyes, looking at Zhang Yilong in disbelief.

"How is this possible? Why did you drop me? What did I do wrong?"

She felt that her mind was blank, and she had even lost the ability to think.

Repeat these questions over and over again.

Seeing his sister like this, Zhang Yilong became even more anxious.

"Don't be sad first. Didn't I tell you? There must be some misunderstanding here. Wait for me to go to the school to inquire and let them explain the misunderstanding clearly. Isn't it all right?"

"For such a big matter, how can the school just give a verbal notice? At least there must be a written document, right?"

"But we haven't received any documents. Just because of this matter, I have to go to the school to ask you to clarify."

As he said that, he turned around and was about to leave the house.

Zhang Tingting suddenly reacted, grabbed him, and said anxiously.

"What are you doing? With your fiery personality, when you arrive at school, you will definitely start a fight without saying a word. At that time, not only will the problem not be solved, but it will make us even more passive."

"There must be a reason for the school to do this. You don't need to tell me, I can guess it myself, but since they have made such a decision, they must have considered it carefully."

"Then it's definitely not that you can go to them and talk to them, and you can talk about it, and it's not that anyone who comes forward can change this decision."

After listening to Zhang Tingting's analysis, Zhang Yilong became even more anxious, and kept walking up and down the room.

"Then what should we do now? Should we just accept our fate? You have such good grades and were dropped out of school for such an inexplicable reason. What about your future?"

"No, no matter what, I have to ask for an explanation. This matter must not be left alone. Even if you can bear this breath, I can't."

Seeing her brother's resolute attitude, Zhang Tingting could only sigh softly.

"This incident is indeed very infuriating, but I still don't want you to go to the school's leaders. I remember that the person who rescued me that day was very unusual."

"You seem to be very familiar with him, is it possible that this person has something to do?

Zhang Yilong's eyes suddenly lit up.

"You're still smart, calm and calm when things happen, not like me patronizing and furious, you wait for me at home for a while, I will go to Chen Kai for help now, he will definitely be able to help you solve the problem of your classmates."

After saying this sentence, I suddenly felt that it was a bit inappropriate. The meaning of this sentence was expressed, as if I wanted to let Zhang Tingting drop out of school, rather than change the school's decision to let Zhang Tingting drop out of school.

So he smiled awkwardly and changed his words.

"Don't get me wrong, I mean, I must let you continue to go to school."

Zhang Tingting was amused by her brother's appearance.

"I know what you mean. You promised me not to go to the school leaders by yourself, let alone fight casually."

Zhang Yilong nodded silently.

"Actually, I don't have to go to him in person. I'll inform him of this matter first, let him know, and ask him how to deal with it."

As he spoke, he took out his mobile phone and called Chen Kai.

Hearing what Zhang Yilong said, Chen Kai frowned immediately.

I thought that if Zhang Tingting was really good at both character and learning, the school must have been instructed by someone to do this, and the only one who was able to do this was Li Yunliang and Chen Kai who came up with another person.

Zhang Yilong didn't hear Chen Kai's response, and felt even more anxious.

"Brother, what are you doing? Did you hear what I said? My sister was expelled from school. Her academic performance is so good, and she still wants to pass the university entrance exam. What should I do now?"

"I really have nothing to do, so I called you. You must help me."

Only then did Chen Kai regain his senses, and sighed softly.

"This matter must be Li Yunliang's tricks behind the scenes, but we have no evidence, so we can't go to him directly. I thought about it for a while, and I think we should go to school first."

"At least understand why the school is doing this? Listen to what they say. There is no room for maneuver in this matter. You don't have to worry too much."

"I'm in the hotel, come over here, let's go together."

(End of this chapter)

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