Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 715 Cold Rejection

Chapter 715 Cold Rejection
Because he was in a bad mood, Chen Kai's tone couldn't be better, but he still said patiently.

"I really don't know you. It's late at night now. It's not good for a man and a widow to be in the same room. If there's anything else, let's talk tomorrow during the day."

Having said that, he has already opened the door.

"I will stay in this hotel for a while, and I'm afraid I won't leave for at least three days, so we will have a lot of opportunities in the future. Now... please leave."

An Qiyu.Still looking at Chen Kai very aggrieved, a man can't bear this kind of look, but Chen Kai thought of Qin Xiang, even a girl like Qin Ying has failed, so how could he do something wrong here to Qin Xiang?
He even felt that as long as he said one more word with other girls, he would feel a deep sense of guilt in his heart.

"You'd better leave first."

An Qiyu stared at him quietly, neither leaving nor speaking, she didn't even move, she just stood there quietly, with a lovely and pitiful look.

Chen Kai let out a long sigh.

"Didn't you hear what I said?"

An Qiyu nodded silently, still whispering in a mosquito-like voice.

"He's not deaf, of course he can hear what you said, but he really looks familiar to you, like my ex-boyfriend."

As he said this, tears suddenly rolled in his eyes.

Chen Kai hates girls crying the most, and he really doesn't know what to do when a girl cries, so he said hastily.

"Don't cry first, if someone hears this in the middle of the night, what do you think I've done to you? Why are you looking for me? I've said it just now, I don't know you at all, so why do you have to stay here?" What about this place?"

An Qiyu's tears dripped down her cheeks, she didn't bother to wipe them off, she just stared at Chen Kai like that.

"You men really don't have a good thing. When you like someone, you make a vow of eternal love. If you don't like someone, you just kick him away. Now you pretend that you don't know him."

Chen Kai shook his head helplessly.

"How many times do you ask me to say it before you understand, I really don't know you."

An Qiyu blinked vigorously at Chen Kai.

"Then tell me, what do you do for work? Where does your family live? What's your name?"

Chen Kai was really speechless, he really didn't want to entangle with this girl.

"I can tell you that my patience has a limit. I have already let you go out with good words. You'd better not keep entangled in this place."

Speaking of this, he suddenly remembered the girl he met when he just checked into this hotel last time.

That girl was also stubbornly refusing to leave. If it wasn't because of the fight, the girl didn't know how long she would have been entangled.

Thinking of this, Chen Kai instinctively thought that this girl might also be here for money, Yu Shi frowned.

"I don't have special needs, so if you're in that kind of business, you're really looking for the wrong person."

An Qiyu deliberately pretended not to understand, and continued to blink.

"What kind of business am I in? I'm not in business. The reason I'm talking to you is because I feel like you are my boyfriend, but that was a long time ago, and I'm single now."

Chen Kai didn't know what to say.

An Qiyu suddenly stretched out her hand to grab Chen Kai's hand.

Chen Kai instinctively shook it off, walked to the living room and sat down on the sofa with a look of disgust.

An Qiyu really didn't regard herself as an outsider. When she saw Chen Kai sitting down, she walked up to Chen Kai's side and sat down tightly next to him.

"I don't know each other if I don't know each other, but since we can meet in this hotel, it's finally fate and it's been such a long night, aren't you lonely?"

"I am confident that I am not an ugly girl. With me by your side, isn't this a very good affair for you?"

Chen Kai listened to what the girl said, and smelled the scent of perfume from her body, and felt more and more that this girl was someone who did a special business.

The purpose of deliberately dressing up in such a pure and pure appearance is to sell more.

Although Chen Kai had already thought of this, he still didn't realize that this was arranged by Li Yunliang and the others.

"I don't know who you are or why you have to pester me. If it's just for money, I've already told you that I'm not interested in you."

"You leave quickly, I'll pretend that what happened today didn't happen, otherwise, I'm afraid I'll have to take some measures."

An Qiyu smiled coquettishly, and wrapped her arms around Chen Kai's neck.

"What kind of measures are you going to take against me? It's such a long night, and it's a lonely man and a widow. It's only natural for you to take any measures against me."

"Of course, some people are not men at all, they just have a burly figure, but I don't think you are such a man?"

These words have been quite explicit, and now Chen Kai is absolutely sure that this girl is in that kind of business, which makes him even more impatient.

An Qiyu obviously didn't give up, and deliberately said in a very coquettish tone.

"He is so close to you now, can you smell the perfume on his body? He paid a lot of money to buy it, do you smell the fragrance?"

He said to bring himself closer to Chen Kai.

Chen Kai had to admit that the smell of the girl's perfume was really alluring, as if it had an aphrodisiac effect, but Chen Kai didn't care about it, but became even more disgusted.

"I'm already very impatient. I hope you don't bother me anymore. I've been out all day today and I don't have the mind to deal with other things."

"And I've made it very clear that I have no interest in you at all, don't you understand human speech?"

He didn't let An Qiyu speak, and continued talking on his own.

"To be honest, you are pretty good-looking. A girl like you can find a good man to marry. Why do you have to do such a business?"

"I'll also tell you that I have a girlfriend. It's not an exaggeration to say that my girlfriend is prettier than you. She's a girl from a decent family and a lady of everyone."

Having said that, he sighed helplessly.

"If you were me instead, would you still be interested in you with such a girlfriend?"

Originally thought that if the girl still had a little sense of shame, she would at least have to leave if she wasn't annoyed when she heard what she said.

Very few girls can accept that men say other girls are pretty in front of them, not to mention that An Qiyu is very confident in herself.

Having said that, if a girl who looks like this is not confident, then there is probably something wrong with her head.

An Qiyu has the capital of self-confidence, so she was a little surprised and a little annoyed that Chen Kai was still unmoved by throwing herself into her arms like this.

If it were any other boy, the work would have already been done at this time, but instead of Chen Kai having any intention of doing anything, he kept driving himself away.

Fortunately, An Qiyu was already mentally prepared when she came, seeing that Chen Kai was not in her hands, she still had no intention of giving up.

"It's the first time I've seen a shy man like you. There are no cameras in this hotel. Even if you do something, your girlfriend will never know, and no one will use it to blackmail you."

As he spoke, he leaned closer to Chen Kai's body.

Chen Kai coldly pushed her away, stood up and glared at each other.

"I'll tell you one last time, if you don't leave, I can only call the security downstairs."

When An Qiyu heard this, she suddenly laughed.

"You're really interesting. It's an age, and there are still people pretending to be Liu Xiahui. I don't believe you really didn't react at all, unless you're not a man."

Chen Kai heard her subtext, what An Qiyu said was that she was a eunuch and a useless person, which made him even more annoyed.

"Since you don't listen, I have no choice but to let the security guard tell you."

As he spoke, he really picked up the landline and called the downstairs front desk.

"There is an inexplicable woman in my room, come up and drive her away."

(End of this chapter)

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