Chapter 725 Words are not speculative
When Li Zixi heard this, a sullen look immediately appeared on his face.

But he still asked patiently.

"Nothing, why do you want to see my father so persistently?"

Li Zixi sighed softly.

"We meet because we have something to talk about. If you say you have nothing to do, it's meaningless for me to stay here. I have other things to do, so I'm leaving."

He stood up and prepared to leave.

Chen Kai stretched out his hand to stop him.

"Don't worry, I just mean that there is nothing else but one thing."

Li Zixi looked at Chen Kai with some dissatisfaction.

"Just kidding at this time, it seems that it is not a very suitable scene. We met for the first time, don't you think there is some offense in your words?"

Chen Kai smiled lightly again.

"I just saw Mr. Li was very nervous, so I deliberately made a joke to ease the embarrassing atmosphere."

"If I really offended you, I'm here to apologize to you. I'm looking for you, or the Li family. I really want to talk about something very important."

Seeing that Chen Kai spoke so politely, without being humble or overbearing, Li Zixi was even more convinced that his previous guess was correct. This must be a person with a very background.

With this positioning, he felt that he should be more polite, so he smiled politely.

"The atmosphere should have calmed down now, right? Do you think it's time to spit out your golden words?"

Chen Kai nodded silently.

"Actually, I came to the Li family for a very simple matter, that is cooperation."

Li Zixi didn't realize it. In his impression, people who came to Li's family came to ask for help, but few people came to talk about cooperation.

What's more, Chen Kai came from another place. In Yucheng, in the Li family's territory, he dared to talk about cooperation. How courageous and capable is he?
Chen Kai was not surprised by Li Zixi's reaction.

Knowing that it would take a while for Li Zixi to react after hearing these words, he was not in a hurry, and took out a cigarette from his pocket to light it.

When the cigarette was smoked for a third, seeing that Li Zixi still had no intention of speaking, Chen Kai felt that he had to urge him.

"Did you hear what I just said?"

Only then did Li Zixi recover, and smiled awkwardly.

"I'm really sorry, it's been so long since we've met, yet I haven't asked you about your honorable name."

Chen Kai immediately knew that the other party was asking about his identity.

He felt that there should be nothing wrong with telling him, so he flicked the cigarette ash and said a word briefly.


Li Zixi looked at Chen Kai in surprise.

"Er Dongchen?"

Chen Kai smiled again, acquiescing.

Li Zixi took a deep breath, remembering that in the recent period, it was the Chen family that brought down several big families in Shanghai.

The aura exuded by the person in front of him told Li Zixi that Chen Kai was undoubtedly the one who did that.

Chen Kai saw the expression on Li Zixi's face, and knew that the other party already knew who he was.

He was not in a hurry anymore, he stared at Li Zixi silently, thinking in his heart that if he offered to cooperate, this kid would probably not refuse.

But unexpectedly, Li Zixi also sighed.

He is really helpless, there are too many people who have come to the Li family for help recently, and the Li family is not ordinary enough.

Even if he doesn't give others face, it's better not to neglect them too much, so he has been tired of socializing recently, but Mr. Li is not in Yucheng, so he leaves all the matters to him.

He was a little overwhelmed, but Chen Kai's Chen family in front of him was a family that had just sprung up.

The risk of cooperating with them is too great, because the family that has just emerged is not stable, and there is no telling when a big change will occur.

But the Li family is a family based in Yucheng for a long time, even if there are some small conflicts, it is within the normal range.

According to Li Zixi's judgment, the Li family will still stand in Yucheng for a long time.

Within the foreseeable time frame, no emerging forces have been seen that can shake the dominant position of the Li family.

One is an established family, and the other is Xinxin's power. Li Zixi feels that he has no reason to cooperate with Chen Kai.

Seeing the expression on his face, Chen Kai already understood his thoughts, but he didn't care at all, as if he had already expected it.

He looked at Li Zixi meaningfully.

"Do you find it difficult?"

Li Zixi was silent for a while, and finally felt that it was better to admit it frankly.

So he nodded silently and said with a wry smile.

"To be honest, this matter is a bit too sudden. I have heard of you before, and I know that you are a very snobbish person, and I also know your ability and ability."

"But have you ever thought that we have to take a lot of risk in cooperating with you, do you think the benefit of cooperating with you is worth our Li family's taking such a big risk?"

Chen Kai listened to him quietly, then suddenly smiled.

Li Zixi was a little puzzled by his smile, and couldn't help asking.

"You don't seem to realize that I have rejected you?"

At this moment, the cigarette in Chen Kai's hand was exhausted, he threw it into the ashtray and extinguished it, then heaved a long sigh.

"Of course I can hear it."

Li Zixi frowned.

"You can hear it, why are you still so happy? Isn't it your own wish to seek our cooperation?"

Chen Kai shook his head lightly.

"I didn't mean that, but before you agreed to meet me, I already had a certain expectation of the outcome of our conversation."

"I know that it is not easy to discuss cooperation with your Li family. If it were really that simple, I wouldn't have to be ordered to leave my hometown and travel so far to Yucheng, a place I'm not familiar with."

Li Zixi nodded silently.

"Since you have already judged our conversation, why did you call me out?"

Chen Kai smiled helplessly.

"It's difficult to know, but it's not impossible. I should at least try, and I haven't met Mr. Li yet. If you don't agree to cooperate with me, it doesn't mean that Mr. Li also agrees. "

Li Zixi let out a long sigh.

"I heard what you said inside and outside the meaning. It seems that you want to impress Mr. Li with the spirit of Jingwei reclamation, and thus cooperate with you?"

Chen Kai turned to look at the scenery outside the window, and said in an indifferent manner and tone.

"You can think what you want, but since I have already arrived in Yucheng, I have spent a lot of time and energy here."

Having said that, he turned his attention to Li Zixi.

"If this matter is not discussed properly, I'm afraid I won't leave. Otherwise, I'm afraid I won't be able to do business when I go back."

Li Zixi knew that he had encountered a difficult master today. When he saw Chen Kai say this, the expression on his face knew that he was telling the truth. I won't be in charge.

But faintly, Li Zixi felt that Chen Kai didn't just want to cooperate, maybe he had other things, so he let out a long sigh.

"I'm afraid I have to remind you, don't cause trouble. This is Yucheng, and it's the territory of the Li family. If you make any troubles, I'm afraid it won't do you any good."

"The principle that a strong dragon does not overwhelm a local snake, you must have heard of it, right?"

Chen Kai frowned, and a doubt flashed in his eyes.

"Didn't you understand what I meant? I'm talking about cooperation with your Li family, not here to make trouble."

Li Zixi sighed again.

"I'm not a fool. If you come so far to discuss cooperation with us, it means you must have other enemies in Yucheng."

"Although I don't know who those people are, I have to tell you that the Li family doesn't want to interfere with too many other things."

Chen Kai finally understood Li Zixi's intentions.

He saw that the other party was already planning to leave, and knew that today's conversation might come to an end.

He also stood up, looked at Li Zixi and smiled faintly.

"I admit that what you said is very reasonable. A strong dragon does not overwhelm a snake, but I also have something to tell you."

Li Zixi had no choice but to ask.


(End of this chapter)

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