Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 75 There is a way

Chapter 75 There is a way

However, when Qin Min strode forward, he walked directly in front of Chen Kai, and didn't even look at Liu Chenglong.

She wouldn't waste her eyes on someone she didn't know.

"I didn't expect such a coincidence. I just came here, and I happened to meet you downstairs in the company. Was that your colleague just now?"

It's unusual for him to open the car door for others so thoughtfully.

In his heart, he desperately wanted to know the relationship between him and that girl, and even though they were separated by a road, her eyesight was excellent. The girl had profound features, and she looked like a beauty.

Chen Kai nodded, "I'm in the same department and the same team as her."

Liu Chenglong, who was left alone, was dumbfounded. The two of them actually knew each other?
And this beautiful woman actually took the initiative to greet Chen Kai, it seems that she came here to find him?

First it was An Yueyao, and now it was Qin Min.

Liu Chenglong fell into deep self-doubt, why do good-looking women like to be around him?

"Really? Come on, get in the car, I'll take you home!"

"Okay, do you feel sorry for me walking to and from get off work every day, so you came here to pick me up?" Chen Kai suddenly moved forward with a big face, which appeared in front of Qin Min's eyes, occupying her pupils.

The male hormones surrounded it, and Qin Min's face turned red, "Are you going home yet?"

"Of course, let's go." Chen Kai smiled hippie.

The two left together talking and laughing, Liu Chenglong came to the side and was ignored by them like air, and could only watch them leave angrily.

Hmph, Chen Kai, I have succeeded in completely remembering you!
A strange strong wind blew, and the thick clouds in the sky were blown away. In a blink of an eye, dark clouds covered the entire city, and darkness swept across the entire city. The torrential rain poured down on the ground, instantly turning the pedestrians on the road into a mess.

Thunder and lightning all night.

When the rising sun rose from the east, the fresh air covered the city, and the ground was wet for a while, but it was surprisingly beautiful.

In June, the baby's face can change as soon as it is said.

Carrying a foldable simple umbrella, Chen Kai walked on the ground with puddles from time to time, feeling silently in his heart.

The sun was shining brightly all day yesterday, but when the evening approached, it suddenly rained heavily and lasted all night. The weather was fine when it arrived early this morning.

This kind of weather is really unpredictable, and the weather forecast is getting more and more inaccurate.

When I came to the company, I started my daily work as usual. Although it was still slightly different from what I had imagined in my heart, at least I was looking for something to do compared to before.

However, when the noon break was approaching, Liu Chenglong once again found an excuse to call Chen Kai to the office.

Even though he didn't want to go there, since he was his apparent leader in the company, Chen Kai had to go there even if he didn't like it.

In the office, after watching Chen Kai come in, Liu Chenglong pretended to be enthusiastic and brought the coffee in front of him. The hehe smile on his calculating face made people feel more and more uneasy.

This guy is suddenly courteous, maybe he poisoned his coffee, right?
"If you have something to talk about, don't make these fake things if you have nothing to do. Your friendship, do you think I will rest assured to drink this cup of coffee?"

He never intended to give him any face in words, and now he is just telling the truth.

I thought that according to Liu Chenglong's character, I should have been anxious with myself at this time, but I didn't think that he didn't care and turned a deaf ear to it. Instead, he said mysteriously: "You are just a new employee of the company. It is very difficult to get promoted and raise salary.”

"But men have to have their own careers. I know you are definitely not reconciled, so just be a small team member, right?"

Now that he is giving him such a good opportunity, he doesn't believe that he will refuse.

Beauty is important, so how can it be important to have a future?

"Now there is an exchange, you give me the phone number of that little beauty from yesterday, and I can say something nice to you from the leader, isn't it a loss?"

When Chen Kai listened to the music, he thought it was something?I didn't expect this guy to be so lustful that he dared to attack Qin Min. Does he know who Qin Min is!
Seeing him smile, Liu Chenglong thought it was his own words that moved him, so he immediately struck while the iron was hot: "I just need the contact information of that beauty. On the leader's side, my words also carry weight. Maybe the leader will tell you when he is happy." Put you on an equal footing with me."

As soon as the subject changed, he suddenly changed his face: "It's just that if you don't know what to do, then you will be a small team member here for the rest of your life!"

"I, Chen Kai, want to get promoted and raise my salary. I will never cling to a woman."

Chen Kai sneered, taking himself for nothing, even so he would not step on the Qin family sisters.

To him, the opportunity to get ahead in this world is just a matter of reaching out, and it just depends on whether he is willing or not.

Glancing at him with displeasure, Chen Kai didn't intend to spend too much time talking with him here.

If it's about work, then everything is easy to talk about. Although he is not happy to see him, he will not involve their personal relationship in work.

It's just that if he wants to discuss these things with himself during working hours, some of them don't, and he tries to threaten himself, then don't blame himself for turning his face and denying others.

"Chen Kai, this is a company, don't be too arrogant!"

Watching Chen Kai turn and leave, Liu Chenglong roared at his back, his huge voice instantly attracted the attention of other employees.

However, everyone only dared to quietly stretch their necks to take a peek, silently giving Chen Kai a thumbs up in their hearts.Although I don't know what happened to them, but there is no one in this company who dares to openly contradict Liu Chenglong.

'Chen Kai.Don't think that I can't do anything like this, I don't believe you can find other women as a dick! '

Liu Chenglong made up his mind, and then edited a message in the work group.

'Tonight at seven o'clock, the team leader invited all the team members to a celebration banquet, and each of them brought a female companion to celebrate the F TB won some time ago. '

Looking at the edited copy on the screen, a calculation flashed in Liu Chenglong's eyes, and then he pressed the send button until the phone showed that the sending was successful, then he put it away.

He has no background, no influence, and is just a small employee. In the upper class, he belongs to a small transparency.It is his greatest honor to have a beautiful woman by his side. Apart from that woman, he probably has no one else to take with him tonight.

As long as that girl is on the scene at that time, are you afraid that there will be no chance to strike?
(End of this chapter)

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