Chapter 788
Chen Kai stared at him seriously.

"I know it's very difficult, but in order to convince your father, you have to give up the engagement, so please do me this favor."

Li Zixi was a little curious.

"Seeing how serious your words are, I'm afraid I can't even listen to them."

Chen Kai finally said.

"You tell me the daily schedule of the Patriarch of the Li family. You'd better make a table, the more detailed the better."

Li Zixi's eyes widened immediately, and he looked at Chen Kai in disbelief.

"Do you know what you're talking about? If my dad's daily itinerary tells you, in case you plot something wrong, what do you want to do to my dad..."

"I know the possibility is not high, but when people are in a hurry, they can think of anything."

"If you can't convince my father, in case some ghost wants to kill him again, where will I cry at that time?"

Chen Kai was not surprised by Li Zixi's reaction, so he could only sigh again.

"That's why I said this is an unfeeling request. I really have no other way, so I can only use this method. Even if you don't agree to me, it is understandable."

Li Zixi was silent for a while, and finally shook his head lightly.

"I'm sorry. I really can't help you with this matter. It's not that I don't believe you. It's just because the matter is too important. I have to be more careful."

"After all, it is essential to be defensive. I believe that if you were in my position, you would make the same choice as me."

The matter has already been discussed for this sake, Chen Kai knew that there would be no other results if he continued talking, so he shook his head helplessly.

"I knew it was likely to be so, but I had to give it a try. Since you have made it so clear, I took the liberty. We will meet later."

As he spoke, he stood up and turned around to walk towards the restaurant. At this time, the cold dishes had already been served, but none of the hot dishes had been served yet.

Li Zixi stretched out his hand, obviously wanting to let Chen Kai sit down, but he didn't say anything.

He looked helplessly at Chen Kai slowly walking out of the hotel gate, sighed softly, and murmured.

"I'm really embarrassed, but you know that I have a deep affection for Qin Xiang. In order to be with Qin Xiang, I can even do anything."

"It's really the wrong person for you to find me. Qin Xiang only has you in his heart. I don't deny this, but I don't believe that Qin Xiang will not change his mind after my efforts."

"No matter how likely this is, I have to at least try. It is absolutely impossible to help Qin Xiang be with you. This is a matter of position."

"I have no opinion on you at all, and I even have some appreciation for you. I hope you can understand."

It's a pity that Chen Kai couldn't hear these words anymore. He had already walked out of the gate, and he was very anxious. Li Zixi's conversation had already collapsed. It was simply wishful thinking to expect him to help.

Now Chen Kai regrets that he came to him so recklessly.

Taking out his mobile phone, he suddenly thought of Song Taojie, thinking of checking information, now he can't count on others.

Only this kid can help more or less.

Now it's time to go to the doctor when you are sick, no matter who you are, as long as you can help, you have to try.

Chen Kai called Song Taojie.

"Help me check the daily schedule of the head of the Li family."

Because things were in a hurry, he and Song Taojie didn't have time to be polite, and said straight to the point.

Song Taojie said with some doubts.

"Why are you looking for this person?"

Chen Kai frowned impatiently.

"I'm too lazy to explain to you so much now, you just need to know that this matter is very important to me, and the sooner the better."

Chen Kai thought to himself, I have to take the initiative, I have to personally persuade the Patriarch of the Li family to give up his idea.

I can't see my own happiness with my own eyes being ruined by others like this.

Song Taojie heard what Chen Kai said so seriously, so he had no choice but to agree.

"Since you don't want to say it, I won't ask any more. It won't take long before I can give you a satisfactory answer."

After speaking, he hung up the phone.

I have to admit that Song Taojie was really well informed, and he sent a document to Chen Kai in the afternoon.

The document recorded the schedule of what the Patriarch of the Li family did from what time to what time, it was so detailed that Chen Kai couldn't even pick out any flaws.

He once again affirmed Song Taojie's ability, and promised to thank him well.

The document clearly records that the head of the Li family has a fixed day to worship the Buddha.

Chen Kai stared at the schedule quietly, with a smile on his lips.

It may not be easy to talk about this kind of thing in other places, but it is relatively simple in Buddhism.

Buddhism talks about letting go of everything and not being obsessed. If you can talk to the head of the Li family on Buddhist principles, it is not impossible to persuade him to cancel the engagement.

But I also thought that the Patriarch of the Li family has believed in Buddhism for many years and is a very devout Buddhist. If he wants to persuade him in terms of Buddhism, he must be fully prepared.

Fortunately, Chen Kai had also read some Buddhist classics before. He was extremely smart and had some profound insights into Buddhism.

I always feel that this thing is full of negativity, and Chen Kai doesn't particularly like it. Now, for his own happiness, he has no choice but to pick up a few volumes of scriptures and read them again.

He spent an entire afternoon preparing, and felt that it should be almost done. He didn't want to become a layman or a devout Buddhist.

As long as you can talk to the Patriarch of the Li family in relevant aspects, you have achieved your goal.

Early the next morning, he deliberately put on a casual look, and met the head of the Li family at the gate of the temple.

The head of the Li family just wanted to go to the temple to worship the first stick of incense, because it is said that only the first stick of incense is very spiritual.

He burned incense and worshiped Buddha this time not for other reasons, but for his son and Qin Xiang to be able to get married, he came here to pray to God and worship Buddha.

He really didn't expect to meet Chen Kai at the gate of the temple. He looked at Chen Kai with a strange expression.

Chen Kai also pretended to be surprised, walked over slowly and greeted with a smile.

"It's really a coincidence. This is where we don't meet each other in life. I didn't expect Mr. Li to be so devout to Buddhism. He came to worship Buddha so early?"

The Patriarch of the Li family could only silently nod his head and return a smile.

"I'm afraid there aren't many young people who believe in religion these days. I didn't expect to meet you in this place."

Chen Kai was quite confident in his heart. From the attitude of the other party, it could be seen that he admired young Buddhists very much.

So pretend to be modest.

"I'm just a pure believer. Buddhism is too broad and profound. Young people like us don't have much life experience."

"The understanding of Buddhism is really limited, unlike Mr. Li who can study Buddhism intensively."

These words made the head of the Li family very useful, and looked at Chen Kai with a smile.

"Since meeting is always destined, I know there is a vegetarian restaurant outside the temple, I think we can sit down and chat slowly."

Of course Chen Kai would not refuse, because he came here for this.

So gladly go.

After sitting down in the Su Zhai Pavilion, the Patriarch of the Li family suddenly thought that it might not be a coincidence that they met here today, but Chen Kai came here on purpose.

The purpose is for Qin Xiang's affairs. Although there is no basis for this at all, he has been in the arena for many years, and his intuition has always been accurate.

So cut to the chase and said.

"You didn't ask me to cancel the engagement, did you?"

Chen Kai smiled lightly.

"Mr. Li misunderstood. I originally came here to worship the Buddha, but I didn't expect that we are so destined."

"Since we can sit together today, I don't want to talk about those ordinary things, but I want to talk to you about Buddhism."

The head of the Li family immediately felt relieved, and had a very special affection for Chen Kai, so he said with a smile.

"But I didn't expect that young people like you are still interested in Buddhism. I once heard a saying."

"The most intelligent people in this world are either scientists or monks."

(End of this chapter)

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