Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 79 Counterfeit goods

Chapter 79 Counterfeit goods

The arrogant drunk man was clutching his arm and writhing in pain, while Chen Kai looked at everything in front of him indifferently at this moment, as if it had nothing to do with him.

It's just that everyone present saw the scene clearly. It was Chen Kai who easily scrapped the arm that the drunk man tried to touch An Yueyao.

He actually knows martial arts?

After discovering this, all the people present were shocked. Although they had already discovered Chen Kai's uniqueness through daily life, his current performance was still unexpected.

After realizing that Chen Kai was strong, everyone knew that the current situation was similar to them.

There is nothing to be afraid of such a powerful master.

"Chen Kai, you can!"

One of the good male team members reacted and couldn't help but applaud loudly. He is a person who longs for the world of fighting strong men. He didn't expect to be lucky enough to see such an exciting scene in this life.

The people who came with the drunk man finally came to their senses, and immediately stepped forward to help the drunk man rolling on the ground, while the rest of them directly tried to teach Chen Kai a lesson.

A group of burly men swarmed up, and the scene was extremely chaotic. Liu Chenglong, who wanted to be a hero to save the beauty, continued to fall to the ground and pretended to be unable to get up.

There was no need for him to be involved in such a melee, if he was accidentally injured, it would be too innocent.

In the dimly lit box of the nightclub, the floor was full of mess, and there were occasional screams in the chaotic group frame. Regarding this chaotic scene, other people hiding aside took out their mobile phones and turned on the video recording function.

Of course such a wonderful scene was recorded, and this will be the glorious deed of their sixth team in the future.

Even though they couldn't see what was going on here, they could tell that it wasn't Chen Kai's voice just by relying on those howling ghosts and howling wolves. It wasn't that Chen Kai's voice was so unique and easy to remember.

But those rough voices are really too ugly, even if they deliberately don't want to hear it, it won't work.

After a short period of turbulent waves, I saw those seemingly powerful burly men fell to the ground and wriggled like parasites, groaning in pain.

The screen changed too fast, Liu Chenglong hadn't realized what happened, it was different from what he imagined, shouldn't it be Chen Kai who was knocked down at this time?
"Brother Hu, something happened on my side. I need you to come over and help me deal with it. Maybe you will know these people."

After finishing talking about the call with no expression on his face, Chen Kai threw the phone on the sofa and looked at the group of people in front of him indifferently.

Liu Chenglong wanted to escape, but was suddenly hit by an apple to the knee and fell to the ground, only one step away from the gate.

"I want to leave, does Team Leader Liu have anything important to do?"

Looking at Liu Chenglong who fell on the ground, Chen Kai sneered.

Brother Hu and his party also brought the guys to the nightclub where Chen Kai was, and found that the battle was over as soon as they arrived, Brother Hu was a little confused.

Didn't you call yourself over to fight?This fight is already over, why let yourself come here?
"Brother Chen, what's going on?" Brother Hu looked at Chen Kai suspiciously.

However, why do these people seem to have known each other?

"Look at these people, do you know them?" Chen Kai pointed to the group of people on the ground with his eyes, and the drunken man at the head was their leader.

Brother Hu took advantage of the situation to look over, and a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes when he touched the drunk man.

It's him?

"Know?" Seeing his reaction, Chen Kai guessed

"It's not just acquaintance, don't be too familiar with it."

Brother Hu snorted coldly: "This guy is our deadly enemy. He is from Longhumen. He has often come to our Flying Eagle Gang to make troubles before, but he is taught by us every time."

Being beaten up like this by Chen Kai today really deserves it.

Chen Kai understood, "So that's how it is."

No wonder he is so arrogant, he is actually a member of Longhumen.

Dragon and Tiger Gate is also considered a big gang in the Tao. Although it is not as prestigious as the Flying Eagle Gang, its power should not be underestimated.

What Chen Kai couldn't understand was that although the people from Longhumen were not good people, they wouldn't make trouble for no reason. They rushed in suddenly with a purpose, and when they came in, they asked An Yueyao to accompany them by name. Wine, did An Yueyao offend them?

But An Yueyao is not a person who will cause trouble, how could she offend people from Longhumen?
Looking at An Yueyao, she found that although she was scared at the moment, she also had a dazed look on her face, obviously she hadn't expected this scene.

Looking at them, Chen Kai asked coldly: "What's going on, why did you suddenly come in and make trouble?"


The drunk man who had his hand broken was tough, he turned his head and snorted coldly, unwilling to say more.

Really ambitious!

Without any warning, Chen Kai kicked the troublemaker, and the other side didn't say a word, he kicked more, until the troublemaker was dying and clutching his stomach, showing weakness.

"I said... I said it's okay?"

Looking at Chen Kai with fear in his eyes, the troublemakers did not expect this guy to be so scary, and started fighting at the slightest disagreement.

He can guarantee that if he didn't say anything, he might really be beaten to death by this man today.

Looking at Liu Chenglong who had nothing to do with himself hanging high in the corner, he was the one who caused all this, but it turned out that he was lucky enough to stand alone and take care of himself.

Thinking of all that he had suffered, the drunken man became more and more unwilling.

"He instructed me to do all of this. He bumped into me and said that he would give that woman to me as an apology, as long as I acted with him in a play."

In a few words, the drunk troublemaker confides all the ins and outs of the matter, Liu Chenglong is just a stepping stone, in front of his own life, how can it be so important.

An Yueyao looked at Liu Chenglong in disbelief, she never dreamed that one day she would be betrayed by the people around her.

If Chen Kai wasn't here today, what kind of ending would it be?

And he was pretending to protect himself just now?
Unpredictable people!

Everyone present was in an uproar, not only An Yueyao had such emotion, but other women also felt scared.

They couldn't believe it, if the drunk man didn't like An Yueyao, would it be one of them who was unlucky?
Angry eyes fell on Liu Chenglong like knives. Although they couldn't do anything to him, they wouldn't be angry if they didn't express it.

(End of this chapter)

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