Chapter 87
"Who are you asking? Shouldn't you have brought her back from school?"

Qin Xiang looked at Chen Kai with displeasure on his face. When he saw this pair of eyes, a chill rose from the depths of his heart immediately.

Seeing that he was still standing there, Qin Xiang immediately raised her voice.

"You don't hurry to find my sister. If you encounter any danger on the road or make any mistakes, I will definitely not let you go."

At this moment, even Chen Kai had an ominous premonition in his heart, secretly blaming himself, why did he forget such an important thing today?
He suddenly remembered the quarrel between Qin Ying and Qin Min, so he blamed them for all the crimes, thinking that if it wasn't because they disturbed him, such a thing would not have happened.

But he comforted himself that Qin Yue just went to other places for fun, so it might not be that he encountered any danger.

Although she was thinking this way in her heart, she already subconsciously said that Qin Xiang wanted to call Qin Yue's tutor.

Qin Xiang felt that something was wrong, so she immediately wrote the phone number to Chen Kai, and Chen Kai snatched it, took out his mobile phone and called the tutor.

"Hello, is this the tutor? I'm at Qin Yue's house. I want to ask why you haven't finished class yet?"

The tutor's tone was full of doubts.

"What are you talking about? There is no class in our school this afternoon, and all the students don't use it for class. Did something happen to Qin Yue?"

Well, the ominous premonition in Chen Kai's heart became stronger and stronger, but he couldn't get angry with the tutor, so he hung up the phone, panting there.

At this moment, a phone call came suddenly.

Chen Kai answered the phone easily, and before the other party could speak, he immediately asked straight to the point.

"Where is Qin Yue? I'll tell you that if she was hurt the slightest bit, I'll kill you alive."

After hearing Chen Kai's voice on the other end of the phone, instead of being angry at all, he laughed instead.

"Do you think you can do this? If you are sensible, I advise you to say something nice to me quickly. Maybe when I am happy, I won't do anything that you regret for the rest of your life, but if you If you are still so ungrateful, don't blame me for being cruel."

Chen Kai was completely outraged, because he knew that the speaking voice was clearly that foreigner, and now he only regrets that he didn't have it at the time, so he simply killed him, so there would be no such thing.

The foreigner seems to enjoy it very much. Seeing Chen Kai like this, it's a pity that he can only guess his brother's phone number, but even so, it is enough to make him happy. He smiled at the phone.

"I'll warn you again for the last time. If you have anything to do, just attack me. If you have nothing to do with someone else's girl, what kind of hero is he?"

The foreigner responded half-jokingly on the phone.

"I think you still haven't figured out the situation. You should know that Qin Yue is in my hands now, and I can do whatever I want. Don't you think you should be more polite to me?"

Chen Kai was speechless, he only felt that the hand holding the phone had started to tremble violently.

When the foreigner heard that Chen Kai stopped talking, he immediately guessed that what he said had moved his mind, so he felt even more proud. After waiting for another two or three minutes, the foreigner finally became a little impatient.

"It seems that I made a mistake. I really shouldn't have called you. Instead, I should have contacted Qin Yue and waited for a few sisters. They are all richer than you, and they are very generous. Why should I be with you?" What about chewing your tongue here?"

Hearing this sentence, Chen Kai's eyes suddenly lit up, and he asked nervously.

"I don't think we need to go around in circles anymore. I know that because you were beaten by me, you have always wanted revenge in your heart. I will give you a chance now. Don't you want a hostage? I will change Miss Qinyue now. You keep me there, do you think this deal is suitable or not?"

The other party agreed very simply, and Chen Kai burst out laughing as soon as the words fell.

"I've sent the address to your mobile phone now. I hope that when you see it, someone will come over. If I see someone calling the police, or seeing anyone suspicious, I will kill Qin Yue immediately."

Chen Kai knows that at this time, he must keep the other party calm. Once he gets excited, it will definitely affect the other party, and at that time it is very likely to be self-defeating.

Thinking of this, Chen Kai let out a long breath, trying to calm himself down, and then responded to the phone.

"Forget everything else, you don't need to talk anymore." He said and hung up the phone.

Qin Xiang, Qin Ying, and Qin Min looked at each other. After all, Qin Xiang was a little older. Seeing her two younger sisters panicked, she knew that she must not follow them to panic, otherwise Qin Yue might really There is trouble.

Thinking of this, she signaled her two sisters to be quiet, and then looked at Chen Kai meaningfully.

"I can understand your desire to save my sister, but I have to tell you the truth, that is, the other party is not such an easy person to mess with. You can tell by the sufficient tone of that foreigner."

Chen Kai looked at Qin Xiang in surprise. In his impression, she never seemed to care about him so much.

Seeing Chen Kai's confusion, Qin Xiang immediately explained.

"Don't worry too much, because calling the police is the only correct and safe choice."

Qin Ying and Qin Min couldn't care less about getting angry at this moment, they all stood up and looked at Chen Kai, Qin Min sat down on the sofa and stared at Chen Kai viciously.

"What are you trying to do at this time? Do you think you are stronger than the police?"

Chen Kai didn't know how to answer this question, because there was no standard answer. If he called the police, some people would definitely be injured, and it was very likely that Qin Yue would be hurt to a certain extent.

Thinking of this, he shook his head lightly.

"You know? I really don't want to call the police, because someone will definitely come to trouble me today, and maybe even drain my blood."

As he said that, he left the villa amidst everyone's astonishment, jumped into the car, started the car and headed towards the address sent by the foreigner on his mobile phone.

Chen Kai knew a little bit about this location, it was a bar with a good business, and what was even more rare was that it was not particularly far away from here.

It seemed like half an hour to drive there, but because I was anxious, I stepped on the accelerator all at once.

(End of this chapter)

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