Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 89 The Lonely Hero

Chapter 89 The Lonely Hero
Chen Kaixin said why it's not over yet?Looking at the virtue of the other party, it seems that he wants to put himself to death. If he only suffered some superficial injuries, Chen Kai would certainly not take it to heart, but now it is at the critical moment of life and death. Really dying here.

Not only did he think so, even the foreigner holding the steel pipe had the same thought, because he saw that it hit Chen Kai on the head.

As long as this blow really hits Chen Kai, even if he doesn't die, at least he will have a big hole in his head, and he can vent his anger no matter what.

But he didn't expect that the steel pipe would suddenly stop going down when it was in mid-air. The foreigner was stunned for a moment, and then he saw clearly that Chen Kai's hand had grasped the other end of the steel pipe at some point.

The foreigner was taken aback. He hadn't seen what Chen Kai did just now. It was just such a wrong timing. The foreigner only felt that his hands were empty, and the steel pipe had already entered Chen Kai's hands.

Chen Kai knew that there was really no good reason to talk to these people, and the most important thing now was to give them some flair and let them know how good he was, so he started fighting with those ten or so gangsters without saying a word.

Qin Yue was already crying hoarsely, but suddenly seeing the reversal of the battle situation on the field, she couldn't help being surprised and happy, and cheered for Chen Kai beside her.

Chen Kaixin said, you'd better not say a few words, it's hard to attract the attention of the gangsters to yourself, so that they have no time to deal with you, why don't you hurry up and find a way to take advantage of this opportunity to escape, why are you still here to join in the fun ?
But it was inconvenient to say this, because once she really said it, these people would immediately know her plan, which made it more difficult for Qin Yue to escape.

Although he was secretly anxious, his hands didn't stop, he kept waving the steel pipe in his hand like a demon, the steel pipe seemed to be alive on his body, only hitting these red ones, dazzled and completely There is no power to fight back, just hear the screams here

Qin Yue watched it with relish at the beginning, but soon found something not quite right, because Chen Kai didn't just defeat these little bastards, but wanted to kill them, because the one who fell on the ground at the moment , Either an arm was missing or a leg was broken, and some people were even worse, even blind.

Of course, Qin Yue didn't know if those people's eyes really couldn't see, but judging from the blood and tears flowing from the corners of their eyes, it was very likely that they would never see anything for the rest of their lives.

Qin Yue was so frightened that her face turned pale. The excitement on her face just now had already been replaced by paleness. He didn't expect Chen Kai to have such a side.

Chen Kai suddenly couldn't hear Qin Yue's voice, thought she had said something unexpected, and then kicked the bastard who was closest to him over, sneaked a glance in that direction, and found that she was still unharmed. Take it easy.

The gangsters lying on the ground could no longer move, only twos and threes were still standing, but they were all painted.

They stood at a relatively safe distance from Chen Kai, but they didn't dare to do anything again, because they knew that even if they really rushed up, it would be useless.

These gangsters just want to make a living, no matter how much money it is for, it is not worth throwing away their lives.

Chen Kai looked coldly at the trembling gangsters in front of him.

"Looking at your posture just now, it seems that you want to kill me, but I know that you must have changed your mind now, so I don't want to kill you all. If you realize it now, you should leave here quickly."

These bastards looked at each other in blank dismay, this sentence really reached their hearts.

But they didn't dare to leave so easily. On the one hand, of course, the money given by foreigners was considerable.

On the other hand, it was also because if he left now, he might offend foreigners, and he was worried that he would find other gangs to trouble him.

Chen Kai didn't have the time to think about why they still didn't leave, he threw away the steel pipe in his hand, walked up to Qin Yue step by step, stretched out his hand and untied the rope tied to her body.

"Now you are safe. Your sisters are waiting for you at home, and I have prepared a large table of food for you. It should not be cold when I go back."

As soon as the rope on Qin Yue's body was untied, she immediately threw herself into Chen Kai's arms, crying bitterly.

Chen Kai fully understands Qin Yue's mood at this time. After all, anyone would be scared out of their wits in the situation just now, but Qin Yue is still awake until now, rather than fainted from fright, it is enough to explain, She is a very strong girl.

However, no matter how strong a girl is after being saved, she will inevitably cry a lot

So Chen Kai didn't urge her, but just gently stroked her hair, comforting her softly.

I don't know how long it took, Qin Yue finally felt that it was almost time to cry, so she raised her head and looked at Chen Kai with teary eyes, but when she left Chen Kai's shoulders, she realized that Chen Kai's clothes had already been covered by her own. Tears were drenched.

Qin Yue's face turned slightly red, she lowered her head again, and said in a voice that only she could hear.

"Let's get out of here quickly."

The voice was too low, so Chen Kai couldn't hear clearly at all, but he could figure out what he just said with his toes, so he nodded silently, and took his hand again, the two of them walked out of the room together.

There are still gangsters who have the strength to stand, and a few bold ones want to rush over to stop them, but in the end they hold back and don't make a move.

Chen Kai couldn't help but snorted coldly, and while continuing to walk outside the door, he warned without looking back.

"If any of you are not reconciled, you can continue to attack me, but I think if I were you, I would definitely not do this."

After saying this, he and Qin Yue left here, and quickly got into the car. Because of what happened just now, Qin Yue was in a bad mood.

Sitting in the car, he didn't speak all the time. When she didn't speak, Chen Kai was happy and quiet. Although he had some questions to ask, he knew that now was not the time.

When the two of them re-entered the villa, the three sisters in the living room immediately stood up to greet them. They found that Qin Yue was safe and sound, and they let out a long sigh of relief, and cast grateful glances at Chen Kai in unison.

Qin Xiang grabbed Qin Yue's hand: "Quickly tell Eldest Sister, what's going on?"

(End of this chapter)

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