Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 93 Underground Casino

Chapter 93 Underground Casino
There was a smile on the corner of Qin Yue's mouth. She really enjoyed the feeling of being alone in the same room with Chen Kai. Even if the two of them didn't know anything, it still made her feel sweet. I realized that I had a good feeling for myself.

It's just that when two people are in the same room and don't say anything, the atmosphere will feel extremely awkward. Now Qin Yue won't let him leave at all, so he can only stay here reluctantly.

But what do two people do?You can't just stare like this, can you?
Chen Kai looked up at the wall clock on the wall, it was only ten o'clock in the morning, and when those sisters returned home, it would be five o'clock in the evening at the earliest. Thinking about seven or eight hours in between, that kind of heart I felt distressed for a while.

Chen Kai didn't know how he survived the whole day today, he seemed to be watching TV most of the time, and made some food for Qin Yue at noon, the time didn't seem to be as difficult as he imagined.

Finally, when the sisters came back from get off work, Chen Kai let out a long sigh in his heart, thinking that no matter what, today is finally over, and I hope Qin Yue can go to school normally tomorrow.

I've been with her all day today, and I don't feel that she still has a big shadow. As long as I'm more careful in the future, I won't let her encounter similar things again, that's all.

Qin Xiang returned home first, and when she saw Chen Kai, she immediately asked Qin Yue what was going on.

Chen Kai naturally told the truth, Qin Xiang nodded silently after hearing this.

"Second and third will be back soon, go and prepare dinner."

Thinking that he could finally leave Qin Yue temporarily, Chen Kai nodded immediately, turned around and ran to the kitchen, because he remembered that there were still some ingredients in the refrigerator.

Today, there is no need to buy vegetables at the vegetable market, let alone things like grocery shopping, which he does not do by himself, and there are usually some other servants in the family.

Soon Chen Kai cooked several dishes. Although it was not as rich as last night's, it was barely passable. The three sisters had already sat at the dining table, chatting non-stop about how they and Qin Yue were doing today.

Qin Yue seemed very embarrassed, and stopped asking these sisters to ask questions, and Chen Kai also felt very melancholy when thinking of today's scene, so he ate the rice in the bowl silently, and did not participate in these few questions. The topic of sisters.

Dinner was finished soon, Chen Kai felt that he had been holding back all day today, and he was really bored, so he could take this opportunity to go out for a walk, so he stood up and washed all the dishes.

"Qin Xiang, I'm going out for a walk."

Qin Xiang is the eldest sister here, and she has the final say under normal circumstances, so there is nothing more appropriate to tell her about something. Chen Kai believes that going out for a walk is such a small matter, and Qin Xiang will not do it anyway. will block.

Qin Xiang really replied casually: "If you want to walk, just walk, but don't stay outside for too long, or the house will leave a door for you."

Chen Kai touched his pocket subconsciously, and found that the key was still in his pocket, and answered in the direction of Qin Xiang's voice with a smile on his face.

"Don't worry, I have the key."

Saying that he would not let Qin Xiang speak again, he walked out of the villa by himself.

It's not that he just wants to take a walk around, but wants to go to a certain entertainment place to relax. look.

As he was walking, he suddenly heard some noisy sounds coming from the direction of the basement. Chen Kaineng frowned. He was very familiar with this kind of sound, because it was clearly the sound that only casinos could make. But where is the entrance?
Thinking of this, Chen Kai looked left and right, and finally found a very secret place. The reason why Chen Kai didn't find this place at first was because the doorway was too narrow, and only one person could pass through.

Looking at the door, Chen Kai couldn't help shaking his head and smiling wryly.

"This boss really thinks too much. If people want to catch drugs and ban underground casinos like yours, it will be a matter of minutes. What's the use of making the entrance so narrow?"

Even though he said that, Chen Kai still walked in.

Chen Kai came here not purely, just to relax, but because Brother Hu asked about this location last night.

He really wanted to know if this place had any other functions besides the casino, but after wandering around here, he still didn't find anything suspicious.

There are all kinds of gambling equipment here, and there are many people on each gaming table. From time to time, there are voices of annoyance and some cheers.

There were also cheap perfumes from girls and the smell of sweat from men. All kinds of smells were intertwined, making Chen Kai feel a little breathless.

"I'm afraid I've stayed here for too long, and I'll be fainted in the future, right?"

Thinking of this, Chen Kai immediately took out his mobile phone and called Brother Hu.

"I'm in the underground casino you mentioned yesterday. If you have nothing else to do now, come here quickly."

After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone, because Chen Kai believed that Brother Hu would definitely not refuse.

Brother Wu received the call and recognized Chen Kai's voice. He didn't dare to neglect at all, and immediately called a few brothers to the underground casino.

It was still very lively here, but suddenly it became quiet. The boss of the casino heard that Brother Hu had brought someone here, so he immediately asked someone to come out to greet him in person. Thinking that Brother Hu from the Flying Eagle Gang would have such a great style.

"I didn't know that Brother Hu was here, so I'm sorry to welcome you, please forgive me."

The boss of the casino didn't know where he heard the lines spoken by the people in the rivers and lakes, walked over and smiled and held Brother Hu's hand.

Brother Hu didn't pick up the words, but kept walking towards the casino, and saw that Chen Kai knew that the other party was looking for him, so he walked out from the corner.

"I called you just now."

Brother Hu immediately laughed, and excitedly held Chen Kai's hand.

"Look, if you want to come over, you don't even say hello in advance. Just now, my brothers and I went out to do some business, so..."

Only then did Chen Kai realize that he really came at the wrong time, so he smiled faintly.

"No need to say anything else, I will greet you when I come again in the future."

As he spoke, he pointed to the boss of the casino and asked suspiciously.

"I don't know this brother..."

(End of this chapter)

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