Happy Fishing Village

Chapter 1 Resignation Chapter Village

Chapter 1 Resignation and return to the village
Wangjia Village is located on the edge of Fisherman's Bend. A pure sandy beach stretches along the long coastline. Facing the vast ocean, blue sky, white clouds, secluded sea, and sandy beach, what catches the eye is a beautiful picture scroll, like a paradise untouched by the world. .

However, Wangjia Village is a small and backward fishing village. The main reason is the inconvenient transportation.

The straight-line distance between Wangjia Village and Qianwan Town is not too far, but the straight-line distance is a shallow sea, and on land, there is a mountain in the middle, so it is inconvenient to enter and exit.Therefore, the villagers basically come in and out by boat, ferry, or by boat.

It is said that in the last years of the Ming Dynasty, when the world was in chaos, a group of desperate people came here unintentionally, and found that it was far away from the land, and those officials could not control it. The personal tax was not worth it, so no one came to ask about it, and this group of people settled down here, and gradually evolved into two villages, Wangjiacun and Chenjiagou.

Every village has a pier, but the pier is a bit dilapidated, and the boats are small fishing boats and sampans, basically there are no big boats.

It has just entered June, and the sun is already very poisonous, scorching the earth and the sea, and the sea is warm.

Wang Hai has been back for half a month, and it will be the anniversary of his father's death in a few days, so come back and have a look.

Wang Hai's parents are both out-and-out fishermen, and the reason for choosing this name is to let him live by the sea.

Unfortunately, three years ago, Wang Hai's father, Wang Yuncai, encountered a strong wind when he went out to sea, and the fishing boat was overturned. Even though he was an old water ghost, he still didn't come up.

It was also from that year that Wang Hai's mother, Liu Xia, also gave up his idea of ​​following him to the sea and drove him to a big city to work hard.

This time, Wang Hai actually resigned and came back, and he didn't tell his mother.Affected by yq, this year's catering industry has been greatly affected. Many hotels are empty, and the bosses have become fussy and picky.In a fit of anger, Wang Hai resigned and fired his boss.

"Brother Haizi, come with me, there are whales."A [-] or [-]-year-old boy pulled Wang Hai and ran away, squawking like a duck, and thought it was a foreign language if he didn't listen carefully.

"Dayong, how many times have I told you, don't speak so fast, speak clearly, otherwise, you won't be able to find a girlfriend in the future."Wang Haiyu said earnestly, how to put it, I am also a brother.

"Tch, you speak clearly, and I didn't see you bring your girlfriend back."Wang Yong countered that he hated people saying that he spoke too fast and couldn't enunciate clearly.

"." Wang Hai really wanted to beat the guy in front of him to death.

Wang Hai has actually seen a whale, not in an aquarium or a protected area, but when he was a child, he went fishing with his parents and saw it once. The huge body, the jet of water, and the powerful force gave him It was very shocking and unforgettable to this day. Therefore, he was not very looking forward to the whale that Wang Yong said, and it was not that he had never seen it.

"Whale stranded"?Only then did Wang Hai discover that Wang Yong called him because there was a stranded whale here.

This is surprising, because there are not many whales passing by in this place, and it is the first time that whales have been stranded.

Wang Hai found out that it was a baby killer whale with an obvious appearance, about three meters in length, and estimated to weigh a ton.

"How long has it been stranded".Wang Hai asked worriedly. He had read the introduction, saying that the whale ran aground. Even if it returned to the water for more than an hour, it would be in danger due to poor blood flow.

Moreover, whales need some salt and water to maintain the balance of their physiological functions. If they are stranded, their skin will also become dry and cracked due to lack of water and exposure to the sun.

"What to do, Brother Haizi, look at it and cry."Wang Yong pointed to the huge whale eye and said.

Wang Hai looked at it, and there were indeed water droplets dripping from under his eyes, and he didn't know if he was really crying.It is estimated that this little killer whale was stranded because of being playful and leaving the group, and then met retreating from the court. Now, I regret it.

"Let's find a way and try to see if we can get it into the sea."

"Shout, whale, what a big lump of meat, brothers, let's get it back and roast it, it's still a baby killer whale, the meat must be very tender."Wang Hai hadn't finished speaking when he heard a limp voice.

"Chen Er stick, get out of the way, we discovered this little killer whale first, and we have the final say on how to deal with it."Wang Hai stood up and said sharply.

This Chen Shu was Wang Hai's childhood classmate and also from Chenjiagou. He was a lawless master when he was a child. He dropped out of school early.

"Hey, your kid is back, I said who is it, the pig's nose is filled with green onions, and it's loaded with garlic. Brothers, come on, let's carry it back."Although Chen Shu was one year older than Wang Hai, he was a head shorter than Wang Hai in stature, and his body was thin. When he was a child, he was often cut by Wang Hai. Now, it can be said that his enemies are extremely jealous when they meet each other!
"you dare".Wang Hai took a step forward and said with a sneer: "You don't know yet, this killer whale is a second-class protected animal in the country. If you dare to take it back and eat it, you will be jailed."

"Hmph, I, Chen Shu, didn't get scared."Chen Shu's face twitched a bit. Some time ago, he heard that someone caught a bird, which seemed to be a second-class protected animal, and almost went to jail for it.

"Huh, believe it or not, Dayong, let's go."After all, Wang Hai pulled Wang Yong away.

"Brother Haizi, why should we be afraid of that second stick, at worst we will fight him."Wang Yong's face was flushed red, it looked like he had been beaten before.

Wang Hai shook his head and said, "I'm not afraid of him. I'm going back to ask for help. How can we carry that little killer whale into the sea?"It is said to be a small killer whale, but that is relatively speaking. For humans, it is also very huge, okay?

"Don't worry, those two sticks are the most suspicious. Besides, the killer whale is really a second-class protected animal. He must not dare to touch that whale. It's terrible to be uneducated."Seeing Wang Yong's worry, Wang Hai explained.

Soon, Wang Hai brought more than a dozen people from the village, and brought some tools, not only to pour water on the whale, but also to lift it down.

"It's really strange. It's the first time I've seen a whale. It's really big."

"Tch, it's still big. This is a baby killer whale. It's big when it's an adult. It's seven or eight meters long and weighs several tons."

"You two are comparing each other, don't rush to fetch water, look, the skin is dry."

Half an hour later, everyone finally carried the little killer whale into deeper water.Although the outer skin suffered some friction scars, compared with his life, it was nothing worth mentioning.

"Woooooooooooo"!The little killer whale swam around first, then whined several times at the crowd, and then left slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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