Chapter 106

The three of them didn't play until very late. After all, Wu Jing had to go to work tomorrow, so he wasn't as free as Wang Hai and Wang Qiang.

After sleeping until dawn, Wang Hai got up and went to the bank. Yin Ya had already done it before, and when he arrived, he could apply for a loan.

Wang Hai didn't know what kind of relationship or mortgage she used, so that she could borrow as much as one million.

"Millionaires, become millionaires!"Wang Hai laughed at himself. The money he earned from working hard in the past few years, the money he earned in the past few months, and the little savings at home have all been exhausted, and he has successfully transformed from a millionaire to a millionaire. Became a millionaire.

Instead of becoming a house slave or car slave, he became a boat slave.

He returned to Tianxing Shipbuilding again, signed the contract, and after the handover, Wang Hai was ready to go back. After all, the maintenance and testing of the ship would take a long time.

"Brother Wang Qiang, Brother Wang Hai, come and see me when you are free!"Although the contact time was short, Wu Jing and the two got along very well, which made her, a stranger, feel warm.

"Yes, don't worry."Wang Hai and the two waved their hands and promised to come often.

It was already noon when Wang Hai and the two returned to the village.Embarrassingly, Cha Cha had just finished eating.

Wang Hai rode a tricycle and delivered snacks to Yin Ya, and there were quite a few of them, and this was a reward.

After all, it is impossible for an ordinary person like Wang Hai to take out a one-time loan of millions, and this time, thanks to Yin Ya.

"Ah, you really bought them all, that's great!"When Yin Ya saw the huge amount of snacks, her joyful expression was beyond words, and she was very excited.

"That is, what you ordered, how could it not be completed."Wang Hai said with a smile, the princess has a life, how dare she not finish it.

"How are things going?"Yin Ya asked if she had chosen a suitable fishing boat.

"It's okay, it's relatively smooth, and I got a big deal."Wang Hai narrated the experience of the past two days. Of course, the conflict in the western restaurant was directly filtered out.

"Well, then Liu Wei is a man of credibility."Yin Ya nodded. The trip went smoothly. It won't take long for the big fishing boat to come back. At that time, you can start to try and go fishing.

"You didn't eat"?Yin Ya laughed suddenly, because she heard a cooing sound.

I wanted to rush back to eat, but whoever thought it was, it was past meal time, so I didn't catch up.Wang Hai said helplessly, go back and do something by yourself.

"Don't bother, don't you have instant noodles here? You can just eat a little. There are also ham sausages and sausages. You can add them yourself. I'm going to class."Yin Ya looked at her phone, it was almost time, so she hurried away with her book in her arms.

To be honest, Wang Hai himself forgot what he bought, because there were too many, four big shopping bags.

Wang Hai opened it, took a box of braised beef noodles, took out a marinated egg and two ham sausages, and soaked them in hot water.

Another can of canned yellow peaches was opened for dessert.

"Well, this can tastes okay."Wang Hai nodded. The hawthorn at home will be ripe in winter. Do you want some canned food?
However, Wang Wei has already ordered candied haws, so let's talk about it later.

It took 6 minutes to make noodles and 3 minutes to eat noodles. After eating and drinking enough, Wang Hai cleaned up and the CIA was ready to go back.

"Brother Haizi, are you going to dig wild rice?"Walking halfway, I met Wang Yong, carrying the guy, and heading towards Yuanbao Lake.

"That's OK, let's go together."Wang Hai nodded. It is true that there is nothing wrong with going home now, and he can't go to sea anymore, so he just went along.

Zizania can be regarded as a unique vegetable. In ancient times, it was used as food for a long time, and its seed is wild rice, the last of the six grains.

However, although Zizania and wild rice are the output of the same plant, they will not appear at the same time. When the wild is infected with smut and does not head, the stem will continue to grow larger and gradually form a spindle-shaped flesh. Stem, that is, bamboo.

Of course, if it is not infected with smut, it will grow normally, and finally head and produce wild rice.

In fact, the taste of wild rice is also very good, but it is not easy to harvest. It needs a little bit of harvesting, which is more troublesome.

Zizania is a temperature-loving plant, so it will mature before the cold weather and then harvest.Now it is possible to plant artificially, but there are so many in Yuanbao Lake, there is no need to plant them specially.

Autumn is high and crisp, which is the weather with the most autumn.The sky was blue, cloudless, and even the air felt fresh.

The climate in autumn is the coolest, neither hot nor cold, very comfortable, with gentle breeze and thin trees.

Yuanbao Lake is very clear, and the lake surface is rippling with the breeze.Small wooden boats rippling among them, there are tourists, anglers, and photographers.

There are many aquatic plants, cattails, etc. growing by the lake, as well as tall wild rice. .

Wild rice is generally stronger, larger and taller than other aquatic plants.

There are a lot of wild rice stems in Yuanbao Lake, but not many people come to dig them.As the saying goes, relying on the lake to eat the lake, when the villagers were starving, they relied on wild rice and other such things for food.

Of course, not all wild rice plants can dig out wild rice stems. Newly grown small plants cannot form wild wild rice stems, and those that are too tall, even if there are wild wild rice stems, are already old and too woody to eat. .

The wild rice that is only about one meter high is the most suitable, and the wild rice stems produced are the freshest.

There is another kind, that is, male wild rice stem. As the name suggests, it is the kind that cannot be pollinated, and there is no wild wild wild rice stem.

"Yongzi, you are male wild rice, I'm afraid it won't produce anything."Wang Hai reminded that it doesn't look like it at first glance.

"Try it."Wang Yong chuckled, this one is a bit bigger, but if there was one, it would be a big bamboo shoot.

It's just that it's a pity that Wang Yong tried so hard to pull it out. After digging it out, as expected, there was nothing.

"Come here, it's a big piece."Wang Hai pointed to the front and said, he can dig more than a dozen.

While Wang Yong was digging wild rice, Wang Hai planned to get some wild rice back. This thing is considered rare, and it was also a staple food before the Song Dynasty.

Later, because of the deliciousness of wild rice, people pursued more wild rice, so that the output of wild rice became less and less, and it gradually faded out.

Wild rice, there is also a famous name, that is Diaohu rice, it is a delicacy that even Li Bai can't forget.

Wang Hai planned to cut some back and cook a meal of carved hummus, which he hadn't eaten for a long time.Although Diaohu rice is delicious, it is very troublesome to handle wild rice.

(End of this chapter)

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