Happy Fishing Village

Chapter 111 Recommendations

Chapter 111 Recommendations
The people who had eaten did not leave immediately, but strolled in the yard.

"Wang Hai, you still have a breeding pond here."Li Ming strolled to the backyard and saw the big pool, so he couldn't help asking.

"Well, be careful when you go, there are two big guys over there."Wang Hai reminded that before and after the last fishing competition, both Wang Hai and Wang Wei caught a big fish, but they didn't eat it, they were still raising it in the backyard.

"How big is it, hey, I'll go and see."The live broadcast girl immediately became interested. I wonder if there is such a big fish that is one meter long and can be broadcast live.

"Look, you know the hard work, remember to study hard in the future, you know?"Zhou Xiaoyan's hand was blistered from work, and it broke at some point, and she grinned in pain.

"I know!" Zhou Xiaoyan agreed with her mouth pursed. She never thought that doing farm work would be so tiring. Those videos she saw before were all lies.

Zhou Xiaoyan's father also walked around the yard with the others, and after a while, he walked up to Wang Hai and asked, "Wang Hai, in your backyard, are you breeding golden eels?"
Wang Hai nodded and said, "As you said, the fishing in Yuanbao Lake is so serious that it is getting less and less, so I built such a pond."

"It's not bad, but your pond is still a bit limited, and it's not beautiful. People who don't know it will think it's farmed and it's not good. I just walked towards the back and have some opinions. I don't know what you want. Don't listen".

Wang Hai smiled and said, "Just say what you want."

Zhou Xiaoyan's father took Wang Hai to the backyard, pointed to the road up the mountain and said, "I've seen it. There is a spring not far up there. The water volume is okay, but it doesn't flow down for a few meters. Far away, turn the road and flow towards Yuanbao Lake, so I feel that you might as well dig out the spring, build a ditch to connect your breeding pond, and then open a trail from the breeding pond to Yuanbao Lake, in that case, your pool will become living water.”

"And in this way, the vegetables in your backyard can also be irrigated with mountain spring water, so the quality will be better."

Wang Hai nodded and said: "Thank you, I will study it later."I have to admit that Zhou Xiaoyan's father's suggestion is very reasonable. Recently, I have been busy with fishing boats, and rarely asked about the backyard, nor thought about it.

Zhou Xiaoyan's father said: "I have also engaged in breeding before, but the environment here is not as good as yours. In the end, I transferred it for other reasons. I still have some experience in this regard."

Having met an expert, Wang Hai asked some related questions.It is because of the spiritual liquid that I have raised the golden eel so well, otherwise, there will definitely be problems.

After strolling around for a while, all the people went back to rest one after another. After all, they are all from the city. I didn’t feel it at first when I worked. Now, after taking a shower and eating, I feel quite tired. Especially a few girls.

"Brother, I will come again in the future, can I come to your house for dinner again?"Before the live broadcast girl left, she still couldn't forget it. She seemed to be a snack.

"Okay, when I come to play again in the future, come to my house for dinner."Wang Hai replied with a smile.

After everyone left, Wang Hai took the rope, drove a tricycle, and carried his mother to the corn field.

Although the corn has been shipped home, the corn stalks still need to be cleaned up, and the land will be plowed later.

My mother bundled them in front, and they were bundled into evenly sized bundles. Wang Hai was responsible for loading them into the truck and transporting them home.

Now the country does not allow setting fire, otherwise Wang Hai would have set fire to it. There are so many stalks that the ground pot can't burn them all.

Wang Hai shook his head. I don't know who said that burning straw pollutes the atmosphere. It has been like this since ancient times, and there is not much pollution. Instead, the smoke emitted by a factory is more than that produced by burning tens of thousands of acres. The smoke is even worse, and I have not seen a certain family to talk about it.

Burning straw is easy to cause fire, Wang Hai agrees.

"It's okay to pull it back, wait a few days, and cook pickles."The pickles sold in the market are either raw or cooked.The raw ones are marinated directly, use a large tank, the cooked ones are raw, add some big ingredients, cook in a big pot for an hour or two, then let it cool down and put it in a jar for storage.

Wang Hai feels that it tastes better cooked, and this old soup can be marinated with other things, and it is also very delicious.

It would take a lot of dry wood to burn for an hour or two, but now that there are so many straws, it's not bad.

Wang Hai felt that it would be much better than the current policy if more plants could be set up to use straw to generate electricity or paper factories to deal with the straw.

For example, how much you pay for a cart of straw is definitely better than what you are dealing with now, and you are more conscious.

After shaking his head, Wang Hai felt that he was thinking a little too much. He was not even a village cadre, and no one would listen to what he said or not.

When he was pulling the straw back, Wang Hai saw Wang Ying pushing a tricycle and cleaning the streets, very carefully, even the small scraps of paper were swept away.

It is because of all the bad deeds before, wherever he goes, there are people who will point out behind him. Although he can't hear what he said, more than half of it must be unpleasant.

"Mom and Dad, I must change my past, please help me."Wang Ying's heart at the moment is very complicated.He really wanted to change himself and be a normal person, an ordinary person, but along the way, there were so many harsh words.

"This guy must have gone to steal again and was punished by the village head to clean up."

"Hmph, what a disaster, he's a good person, he's just doing some sneaky things, how can he be worthy of his dead parents."

"You said, is he pretending, let us think that he has reformed himself, and then he will do some shady activities."

Wang Ying's ears were buzzing, and he really wanted to run home and hide under the blanket without seeing anyone, but when he thought of Wang Hai's words and the encouragement from the village chief, he persisted.

Wang Hai pulled the straw, walked up to Wang Ying, and shouted: "Work hard, we all see your deeds, don't care what others say, since you have already made up your mind, then work hard and say a few words." What's wrong with the sarcastic remarks, you have to turn the sarcastic remarks into words that people praise you, that's your skill, when the time comes, you will know whether what you are doing now is worth it, come on!"
This is also a test set by Wang Hai. If he can't pass the level of gossip, Wang Hai has no other choice but to give up.

"I will".Wang Ying wiped the sweat from the corners of his eyes, and said firmly.

(End of this chapter)

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