Happy Fishing Village

Chapter 113 Yin Yazhang's Family

Chapter 113 Yin Ya Goes Home
In fact, lotus root can also be eaten raw. After peeling off the skin, the white and tender lotus root has a faint sweetness.

However, it is not known whether eating too much will cause diarrhea.The dishes I ate at night are mainly lotus root, cold lotus root slices, fried shredded lotus root, and stewed braised pork with lotus root. At Wang Wei's strong request, I added a candied sweet potato.

This time, Yin Ya came uninvited, which made Wang Hai a little bit different, maybe there is something wrong.

Sure enough, just after eating, Yin Ya said, "Brother Wang Hai, school will be on holiday tomorrow, and I have to go home for the holiday."

Coincidentally this year, August [-]th coincides with the National Day, which is the same day, and the school has an eight-day holiday.

"Well, I'll see you off tomorrow."Although Wang Hai wanted to spend the reunion festival with Yin Ya on the [-]th day of the eighth lunar month, she also had parents, so there was no way to persuade her to stay.

Yin Ya went back after eating, but Wang Hai was a little worried.He planned to bring back some souvenirs for Yin Ya, but he didn't know what to bring.

"Xiao Hai, are things ready?"Liu Xia walked in and asked.

Wang Hai was taken aback, and said, "What?"
Liu Xia said angrily, "Of course it was something Yin Ya brought home, didn't you just talk about it."

Wang Hai shook his head and said, "I haven't thought about it yet."

Liu Xia made a direct decision and said, "Then choose two of the largest Splendid lobsters and bring them there. Find a foam box and put some ice in it at night. Even if it's a long way, you won't die."

Wang Hai nodded. Originally, he also wanted to catch two big lobsters, but he was afraid that his mother would say, but now his mother made the decision directly, that's it.

Wang Hai smiled knowingly, it seems that his mother chose Yin Ya not to change.

"What's inside, Brother Wang Hai."From the moment she saw the foam box, Yin Ya knew that there must be seafood inside, but she didn't know what it was.

Wang Hai smiled and said, "When you get home, you'll know if you open it and have a look."

Yin Ya curled her lips and said: "The distance is not close, don't it stink when you get home."

"Don't worry, it won't happen."Wang Hai swears that, besides, the transportation is so developed now, if the high-speed rail is used, it will only take seven or eight hours from the capital to the magic capital.

Wang Hai sent Yin Ya to the high-speed railway station all the time, and only returned after watching her go in. Watching Yin Ya leave, he always felt a little lost.

"Wang Hai, Wang Hai".Wang Hai had just returned to the station, and when he was about to take a taxi back, he heard someone calling him.

"Duan Peng"?Wang Hai shouted, isn't this my classmate in high school? He didn't study well but he was very righteous. Later, he went to serve in the army before he graduated. After that, he didn't know what happened.

"Unexpectedly, you still remember me."Duan Peng happily said that at that time, Wang Hai had good academic performance and belonged to the top students, while he was poor in academics, and usually the two of them rarely talked.

"That's natural, what are you doing here, if you're not in a hurry, let's have a drink"?Wang Hai is fine now, and he is very happy to meet his old classmates here.

"Let's go, we must have a whole meal."Duan Peng also had the same plan, and the two didn't pay much attention to it, so they found a small shop nearby.

"How about it? I heard that you are a chef in Shanghai. It's very good. There are many beauties in Shanghai and they are very fashionable!"Duan Peng asked with a smile, last year, he went to Shanghai to play.

"Well, that was before, and now I quit and go home to fish. What about you, you have been a soldier for several years, where do you work now?"If you have served in the military for a long time, you can be placed in a job.

"I have been a soldier for eight years. I had a chance to be promoted, but I was cut off. I was discouraged and recovered. Now I work in the Water Conservancy and Fisheries Bureau. The salary is average, but I am quite comfortable."Duan Peng is still very satisfied with his current job, and now that he has a car and a house, there is no pressure.

"Isn't it good to be a chef in Shanghai? Why go back? In your hometown, what is there to develop, open a fisherman's house"?Duan Peng frowned. Of course he knew where Wang Hai's family was. Nowadays, young people are all running out to big cities. You are better off, just the opposite.

"Well, I have my plan. I bought a fishing boat and I'm going to do a big job. Besides, my mother is not in good health, and I don't feel at ease working outside."

Hearing this, Duan Peng couldn't say much more. Some people put more emphasis on work, while others put more emphasis on family.

"By the way, today is not the weekend, you don't go to work, why did you go, it's a holiday"?
Duan Peng sighed and said: "I sent some seafood to two good comrades in arms. They are going to join me after August [-]th."

"Did they not place jobs"?Wang Hai asked curiously, since he is Duan Peng's comrade-in-arms, he must have been in the military for several years, so he shouldn't have no job.

"Yes, yes, but these two comrades-in-arms are too straightforward. They have been in the army for a long time, and they don't know how to deal with the world. As a result, they were excluded everywhere in the unit. Some time ago, they resigned and quit, so just ask me. Is there any good job here, we are a coastal city, so it must be much better than the inland.”

Duan Peng is also helpless, who can blame this, his comrades, or his unit?But now that they have all resigned, it is too late to say anything.

"By the way, you bought a big fishing boat. If there is no shortage of manpower, how about asking them to work with you? They are all soldiers. They must be able to endure hardships, but they have a straight temper."Duan Peng suddenly asked with his eyes bright, the opportunity is right in front of him.

Wang Hai pondered for a while, and said: "Yes, yes, but first of all, whether they can swim, how about their skills, working at sea is very dangerous, and working on a fishing boat is very hard, even more difficult than Ordinary work is even harder, and they don’t know anything, but they have to learn from scratch.”

Of course, another meaning of Wang Hai is that at the beginning, the salary will definitely be lower.

However, Wang Hai was always moved. The soldier was introduced by Duan Peng, and his character can never be wrong.Wang Hai also has his own little thoughts. As the saying goes, there are no rules and no rules. When the time comes, there will be neighbors and villagers on board. Some things, even hard to say, will not be easy to manage. The words of the villagers are easy to manage.

"Well, I'll contact them later and ask them what they think."After solving the problem, Duan Peng was obviously much more relaxed. Obviously, the frequency of drinking was also much faster.

"Can you do it, you'd better write down your home address first, or if you drink too much, I don't know where to send you."Wang Hai jokingly said, because he saw that Duan Peng was blushing from drinking, and he didn't know if he was there.

(End of this chapter)

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