Happy Fishing Village

Chapter 115 Picking Pears

Chapter 115 Picking Pears

During the Mid-Autumn Festival, Wang Hai didn't go out today, but stayed at home. Early in the morning, he watched the solemn flag-raising ceremony on TV, and was very excited.

"When will you go and see for yourself!"It is also a good choice to see the flag-raising ceremony in person.

The country is getting stronger and stronger, and the family CIA will be more and more happy.

"Mom, why are you going?"Looking at my mother, holding a basket, I couldn't help but ask, there is no work to do!

"The pears in the backyard are all ripe, and they will fall if they are not picked."Liu Xia said that although the few pear trees have not been managed much, they are enough to eat every year.

"I'll go too, the high ones are not easy to pick."Wang Hai put down the things in his hand and followed with the ladder.

"I wanted to eat this pear tree when I was young. The saplings my father bought have been grown for many years, and they grow very tall, as thick as a plate."

My mother is not in good health, but she dare not let someone climb up and down, it is very dangerous.

"Brother, I will go too, I will go too, I can climb trees."How could Wang Wei sit still? When they heard that they were going to pick pears, they immediately jumped up and wanted to follow.

"Homework finished"?Liu Xia scolded and said that everything must be mixed.

"I, I'll just write later when I get back. Think about it, mom, that tree is so tall and dangerous. I'll go up and pick it, and you just wait below."Wang Wei said with a playful smile, but it also made Liu Xia very happy. Weiwei knew how to love her parents at a young age.

"Okay, where do you go to listen to your brother, and you are not allowed to go anywhere in the afternoon, you have to do your homework, you know?"Liu Xia gave the order and said that if you want to play, you must finish your homework first.

"Don't worry, Mom, I will definitely not go out to play in the afternoon."Weiwei patted her small chest and assured her, then followed Wang Hai bouncingly and headed towards the backyard.

"God, what's going on, how did our pears become like this."Liu Xia walked in the front and couldn't help exclaiming, this pear is a bit big!

Wang Hai followed behind, carrying the ladder without making a sound. Of course, it was all his fault.

When he got the spiritual liquid back then, Wang Hai secretly watered all the fruit trees.However, in order not to attract too much attention, the corn field and the rice field were not irrigated, and it had to be done step by step.

"Yeah, that's great!"Wang Wei at the back cheered and ran to the front, looking at the huge pears and screaming, it's great.

"You girl, you still look like a girl, stand behind."Wang Wei rolled up her sleeves excitedly, and was about to climb up, but was grabbed by Liu Xia.

"Tell me about you, a girl from every family, who also learns how others climb trees and fish, won't you be a little more reserved?"Liu Xia is suffering from a headache. Now that she is so young, she is like this. When she grows up, she must have no chance to be a lady.

"Mom, don't worry, it will be fine when I grow up."When it comes to Amy's grade, she wears a beautiful little skirt, even if you ask her to climb a tree, she won't do it.

"That can't be used to her."Liu Xia muttered.

Wang Hai laughed and moved the ladder over. This is a two-person ladder, which is more convenient without leaning on the tree.

The huge fruit bent many small branches. Wang Hai put the ladder underneath and went up with the basket.

The outer skin of pears is also very brittle. If you are not careful when you pick them, or you squeeze them randomly, the skin will be broken.Even if Wang Hai didn't intend to sell it, and he didn't need to show off, but if the skin is broken, it is easy to break.

"Brother, that one, the big one over there, pick that one!"Liu Xia didn't allow Wang Wei to climb the tree, which made her very anxious. She ran here and pointed there, busier than anyone else.

"Don't worry, it's all to be picked."Wang Hai replied with a smile, the pears are ripe now, don't pick them, and save them for the birds to eat?

When Wang Hai picked them, he was very careful, the basket was not big, and when it was full, he put it down and let his mother put it into the big basket.

"Wang Wei, go over there and pick it up, pay attention."There is a small pear tree next to it. Although it is very short, it bears more than a dozen pears.

"Okay, look at mine."Wang Wei screamed excitedly, took the small basket, and ran over, I promise to pick it clean, faster than you, hum.

"Ah, my big pear, why did you run away!"Wang Wei yelled bitterly, because the first pear he picked fell because of slippery hands.

Although there is mud below, there are also stones, which directly broke the outer skin.

"Ah, that, my hand slipped."Wang Wei explained in a low voice, her face flushed slightly.

"I knew you would be like this".Liu Xia said angrily, "It's frizzy, can I keep it from falling off?"

"Wait for what you drop, eat it yourself."Liu Xia ordered, so that you can't concentrate.

"I, I didn't mean to."Wang Wei pursed her lips and reached out to pick it up, but another one fell off, which scared her so much that she covered her eyes.

"Tell me about you, what's the use of covering your eyes, it hasn't fallen yet."Liu Xia said angrily.

"Mom, don't be angry. Let her do what she wants. Besides, practice makes perfect. If you do more, you will be able to do it. It's just the dozen or so pears. Let's eat those first."

The soymilk machine I bought last time is multi-functional. It is written in the instruction manual that it can also squeeze juice. Wang Hai feels that since it is written, it should be able to do it. Go back and try it.

Picking fruits is not easy, especially in the edge areas, where the ones on small branches are out of reach and difficult to get through, which is more dangerous.

"Wang Wei, are you finished picking? Go home and drive the tricycle over."Originally, Liu Xia thought that the three trees would not bear much fruit, so she brought two big baskets.

As a result, two large baskets have been picked from a single tree, and there is no room for it to fit.

"Okay."Wang Wei jumped down happily and ran towards home, finally I had a place to use again.

"Don't forget to take some cardboard boxes".Wang Hai didn't expect that the girl ran away so quickly, and hurriedly shouted behind her.

"There are so many pears, just put them in boxes."Wang Hai is still hesitating, it seems that this is a bit much, even if the neighbors nearby give some, it will be too much to eat, why not sell some?
Wang Hai didn't want to set up a stall, and even such a good pear would not fetch a good price in the market.

"Wang Wei, here, take my mobile phone, let's take a video."Wang Hai plans to shoot a video here and post it to the forum, so that if someone buys it, he doesn't need to go out.

"Or, the next step is to plan an online store"?Wang Hai was a little hesitant. Online stores are more popular now, and they are also very simple. Besides, the quality of his home's products is good, so he will definitely not worry about selling them.

"The most important thing is that I save myself from going out."When those grapes were ripe, if they hadn't been used to make wine, Liu Xia would have prepared to pick them and go to the market in the town to sell them.

(End of this chapter)

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