Happy Fishing Village

Chapter 126 People with ideas

Chapter 126 People with ideas

In the evening, as the dishes were brought up one by one, the banquet officially began.

Crispy chicken, spicy pork ribs, braised pork, etc., each dish exudes a tempting aroma.

"Everyone, thank you for your support. Today is the first day for a fishing boat to go to sea, and it's a good start. This is just the beginning. I believe that our village will get better and better in the future."Holding the wine, Wang Hai made a simple opening remark.

"Come on, let's toast Xiaohai."The village chief was also very happy. He could tell that Wang Hai was not alone. When he became rich, he would definitely pull everyone together.

"good"!Everyone applauded in unison, holding wine glasses one after another, toasting Wang Hai.

"Come, come, everyone, eat hard, eat hard."Liu Xia greeted everyone with a smile. She has already learned that she has earned her income from selling seafood today, and she is very satisfied.

"Delicious"!The children were the happiest. Today's dishes are amazing. There are big meat and sweets. There are so many that they can't eat them all.

Once again, Wang Wei became the focus of the children in the village, and all the children were envious.

"Uncle, how's it going? I'll follow you today. Do you feel familiar?"Wang Hai asked, people like Wang Hu should learn quickly.

"It's okay, I remember a lot of things, but some things are new, and I remember a little slowly."Wang Hu said truthfully that this thing cannot be faked.

"It's okay, take your time, you must learn solidly."Wang Hai nodded and said, haste makes waste.

"I'll get it as soon as possible."Wang Hu replied, after all, he is in charge of the safety of a boatload of people, so he dare not be sloppy.

Soon, Wang Qiang came over and asked Wang Hai to fight for a drink, holding a full bottle of beer.

"Let me tell you, your parents are here with you, and when you drink too much later, no one will carry you back!"Wang Hai smiled and said that eight times out of ten times Wang Qiang went home to eat and drink, he would drink too much.

"Aren't you happy today, it's okay to drink more, right Dad."Wang Qiang said with a playful smile, so close, I can get home even if I stagger.

I'm happy today, it's a festive day, Wang Hu didn't care about him, just drink it.

After drinking for three rounds, the big guys became more lively, some chattered, some punched and drank, and some fought wine.

"Xiao Hai, Uncle has something to tell you."After a while, Wang Yunxin, an old fisherman in the village, came over.

"Uncle, what's the matter", you said.Wang Hai saw that it was a bit noisy, so he motioned for him and followed him to the side.

"It's like this, Uncle's fishing boat is old and has many problems, and it can't be replaced with a new one. I want to do it with you. Do you think it's okay? Your big boat needs a lot of people."Wang Yunxin is still a little embarrassed, after all, he is an old fisherman, and it is a bit awkward to follow the younger generation.

However, this is also the result of Wang Yunxin's thinking all the way.When I usually go out to sea, how much I catch depends on God’s will. If I encounter a large school of fish, the harvest will be full. If I encounter a small fish school, the harvest will be mediocre. However, there are also times when I have a good harvest. Last week, I don’t know. Is it an idea, a trip to the sea, but only [-] catties of fish were caught, and it was not a rare fish. After removing the oil money and so on, there was no money at all.

What's more, my son is getting older, and I'm talking about someone, and I'm always clamoring to buy a house in the city, hey.

"Okay, Uncle, I count you as one, but please don't say anything, this staff is also standard, there are more than ten people, I can't afford to use more!"Today is a good start, Wang Hai feels that there must be quite a few people who have this kind of thinking, and some of them may not come to tell him because of face.

"Okay, Uncle knows, you have a drink, and I will go to your house to report tomorrow."Wang Yunxin was very happy. Sure enough, it would be beneficial to say it earlier, but if it waited until tomorrow, it would be difficult to handle if there were too many people.

Wang Yunxin, of course, Wang Hai knows well, he is a man of his duty, he never takes advantage of others, and he has a good reputation. You can rest assured that such a person can be used on a boat.

After a while, another person came, Wang Yunsheng, who was of the same generation and grade as Wang Yunxin, and of course wanted to work on the ship.

Wang Hai also agreed. After all, everyone in a village knows their character.

However, when Wang Yuntian came, Wang Hai frowned, because he was older, over 50 years old.If this ship goes overseas in the future, the work will be intense, and I'm afraid it will be overwhelming.

"Xiao Hai, don't get me wrong. Uncle is very clear about how much he has. I'm here to find a job for my son. You know my son, he has no education, but he has a lot of strength. You Let's see, can it work?"
"Okay, uncle, I'll accept Brother Wang Ming, so don't worry."Wang Hai nodded. This Wang Ming is naturally familiar. Although he is a few years older than himself, they played together when they were young.

But this Wang Ming, whom I haven't seen for a few years, looks like a big guy, full of muscles, and has a lot of strength, but unfortunately he seems a bit rigid.

People are not bad, but sometimes they are easy to get into the wrong corner, making people look a little simple and honest.

"Thank you, Xiao Hai, what a young man!"Wang Yuntian staggered back, his whole life of fishing had caused him a lot of problems, and he almost couldn't do it anymore.

"Poor parents in the world!"Wang Hai shook his head, these parents, no matter how old they are, are always worried about their children.

"Xiao Hai, these people are looking for you because they want to work on the boat."After a while, Wang Hu came over and asked.

Wang Hai nodded and said, "Wang Yunxin, Wang Yunsheng, and Wang Ming, you should write it down first. By the way, do you have anyone to recommend?"
Wang Hai believed that there must be someone, and he also asked Wang Hu to go there, but he didn't know how many there were.

"Hey, I just came to talk to you about this. Many people were moved when they saw the catch, but the boat is so big that it doesn't take many people, so I didn't dare to agree."

Wang Hu counted the number of people on board now, including himself, Wang Hai, Wang Yong and Wang Ying, a total of four people. As for his son Wang Qiang and Wang Mufeng, they are here to help. What should they do in a few days? why go.

As for the driver, Xiong Zhuang, he was an employee of the Tianxing Group, so naturally he would not stay.

Including the three people who came over just now, there are seven people. According to the standard of ten people, three more people can be recruited.

"There are still three people left, see if there is any suitable candidate."Wang Hai smiled and said that Wang Hu must be very embarrassed if he asked for it.

"Don't worry, I will definitely take care of it."Wang Hai nodded, since you have delegated power to me, I will not be selfish. If you can do it, you can do it;

Otherwise, you will get the same salary at that time, and if you are lazy when others work, what will you look like.

(End of this chapter)

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