Happy Fishing Village

Chapter 142 This Benefit Is Good

Chapter 142 This Benefit Is Good

Wang Hai was also a little tired, and went to bed after returning home. The fishing boat was driven away by the marine police at night, and it took three or two days to repair and install the water cannon.

When Wang Hai woke up, it was already afternoon, he washed up, ate something, and went out.

Although Wang Hu has a boat at home, he has not gone to sea. Taking advantage of these two days of rest, he is digging the land at home. There is a piece of land that has not been cultivated, waiting to plant spring peanuts in the coming year.

"Uncle, lend me your boat."Wang Hai asked, if there is nothing to do today, let's clean up the rubbish.

"It's on the pier, go drive it."Wang Hu waved his big hand and drove casually, anyway, he didn't go out to sea.

With a big fishing boat, Wang Hu is no longer used to driving a small fishing boat, and Wang Qiang's mother refused to let him, saying that the small boat was dangerous.

What happened to Wang Ling last time really frightened many people. Even if there is no big storm now, she doesn't want Wang Hu to go out to sea in a small boat.

"Xiao Hai, don't go too far."Wang Qiang's mother persuaded him, why use a small boat when you have a big boat.

Wang Hai did not say that he was going to clean up the garbage on the seabed, otherwise these people would definitely persuade him, and besides, some people would make irresponsible remarks behind his back.

Wang Hai is not afraid of what others say, at most he will scold him for being stupid, but that will cause a lot of trouble and delay his work.

Familiar with the road, Wang Hai came to that piece of sea area, left the ball on it, and Wang Hai dived down.

"Hey, it seems a bit too much, and those two broken fishing boats, I can't drag them away."Wang Hai talked to himself and started to clean up the trash.

"Sure enough, it's automatic."Wang Hai found that his mobile phone would take pictures whenever he was picking up garbage, which must have been deliberately set by the system.

Wang Hai didn't care, anyway, he took better pictures than himself, and if he sent it out, it would also help everyone better protect the marine environment, so why not do it?
It's just that, after going back and forth a few times, the iron boat was already full, and Wang Hai was a little helpless. Although it's not very far from the coast, it's not close. It's quite troublesome to go back and forth like this, and the amount of fuel consumed not close by will increase greatly. , It’s a waste of time. In this case, I’m afraid I can’t finish it in a day by myself.

"System, is there any good way"?Wang Hai asked, he felt that one purpose of the system is to clean up marine garbage, and it should take a very active countermeasure in this regard.

"have".The system's answer was concise and clear, which made Wang Hai quite uncomfortable.

"What way, why didn't you say it earlier"?Wang Hai complained that he was exhausted, and in the end, you have a better way, so you didn't say anything.

"You didn't ask".The system's answer was still simple and clear, but it made Wang Hai very angry.

any solution?Wang Hai lay on the boat angrily and hummed, not knowing what to say.

System reward: "One garbage transfer station, which can store five cubic meters of garbage for easy transportation."

"This is great, it's so convenient."Wang Hai jumped up all of a sudden, and as a result, his feet were empty and he fell into the sea.

However, this couldn't stop his joy. Hey, five cubic meters is not a small space. In this way, he can clean up the garbage by going back and forth twice.

Wang Hai found that as long as he moved his mind, something like a dimensional space would appear in front of him. It was square and bright, and he could put whatever he held in his hand into it.

Wang Hai was overjoyed, he kept holding those dilapidated boxes, and they disappeared in an instant. It felt very fun.

This is also at the bottom of the sea, no one sees it, otherwise, you have to be shocked.

Not long after, Wang Hai filled the space with rubbish, and then drove the tin boat directly towards the town. If so much rubbish was driven to the garbage station in the village, it might flood it.

The garbage in the town is standing outside the town. After all, the smell of garbage is not very good, especially in summer, or when it rains heavily, the garbage will not be washed out, even on the road.

It used to be in the town, but it was complained unanimously. Later, the town government decided to move the garbage station two kilometers outside the town.

Naturally, the garbage station does not have a camera. Who would steal the garbage? It is convenient for Wang Hai. He dumped the garbage out while no one was around.

"Master, there are some waste products here, do you want it?"On the way back, Wang Hai pulled an old sanitation worker and asked, those on the iron boat were all selected by Wang Hai. Those iron, wood, plastic, etc., how to say, can also be sold for money.

"You sell scraps, go to the buying station, why are you looking for me?"The uncle's face is confused, I'm a street sweeper, not a waste collector.

"I don't sell it, I just want to dump it. See if you can sell it, and pick it up."Wang Hai explained loudly that now the old man is happy, and he is going to go with Wang Hai on a tricycle.

At the pier, Wang Hai unloaded all the things and said, "Master, take away all the good things, and throw the rest to the garbage station if you don't want them."

The sanitation worker said gratefully: "Don't worry, I will clean it up."There are so many rotten iron sheets, plastics and so on. If you clean them up by yourself, you can sell them for at least 200 yuan.

He didn't expect such a good thing to happen today.It's just that he didn't expect it, and what else.

"Master, if you're okay, I'll come over in an hour or two, and there's still a boat."Do it again, and it will be almost cleaned up.

"Ok, go, I'll wait here."The sanitation worker was overjoyed. He didn't expect there to be more. If there were so many, wouldn't it be possible to sell them for more than 400 yuan, which would be more than half a month's salary.

"When I go back today, I must buy some delicious food for my wife and a toy for my grandson."The uncle thought to himself, he didn't have much money before, he was tight-lipped, and his daughter-in-law always told him that he must buy a better one now.

"It's not easy for these old people!"Driving the iron boat, Wang Hai set off again. The reason why he chose this uncle was because these people were doing important jobs, but received low wages. Moreover, most of them were old people. .

Don’t think that the role of sanitation workers is small. Wang Hai has seen a movie before, called the plague or something. The metropolis is covered with rubbish, everywhere is rubbish, just outside the door, the roads are also littered with flies and rats everywhere, the harsh environment also allows the rats to multiply rapidly, reaching a terrifying number, and then come out to hurt people.

Therefore, the issue of the environment cannot be delayed without delay.

(End of this chapter)

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