Happy Fishing Village

Chapter 145 Making Persimmon

Chapter 145 Making Persimmon

"Wang Wei, be careful, don't climb so high."Yin Ya watched from behind and reminded loudly that Wang Wei had already climbed up the tree.

"Don't worry, teacher, I'm on this tree branch and I won't climb up."Wang Wei giggled, standing at the branch of the tree, holding the trunk with one hand, picking the persimmons with the other, and carefully putting them in the basket behind her.

Yin Ya continued under the tree, and when Wang Wei's small basket was full, she put it down and poured it into Wang Hai's big basket.

Wang Hai was very sluggish, he climbed up quickly and picked them very fast.But he picks hard ones, because soft ones cannot be used as persimmons.

Unlike Wang Hai, Wang Wei's persimmons are all soft. The persimmons beaten by Shuang will be sweeter and softer. After peeling off the skin, just suck it to suck out the pulp.

Yin Ya doesn't know how to climb trees, but there are a few small persimmon trees that she can reach with her feet on them, which satisfies her desire to pick them.

"Brother, look, there are wild boars."Wang Wei shouted loudly, it's in the woods over there, it's such a big one.

"where"?Wang Hai jumped down from the tree vigilantly. After all, there are still a few children climbing the tree to pick persimmons to eat. If there are, it will be troublesome.

As the saying goes, one pig, two bears and three tigers, this wild boar can be ranked No. 1, and that is not in vain.Wild boars have rough skin and thick flesh, and a pair of sharp fangs. They are also very powerful in attack. Another point is that wild boars do not like tigers. They are unique animals. Everyone knows that one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers.

But wild boars are different. They live in groups, and they often appear in groups.

Wang Hai followed Wang Wei's directions and ran over, but found nothing.

Maybe a passing boar.Wang Hai thought, otherwise, he wouldn't have disappeared so quickly.

But who knows if the wild boar ran away, so Wang Hai shouted to the group of children: "Have you picked them all? Come home with me after picking them."

As for Wang Ling, he had already gone down the mountain.

"Why go back, I have to pick a few more."Wang Xiaomi was stuck on the tree and couldn't get down, so I just couldn't get down.

"That's right, Brother Haizi, you won't let us pick it after you finished picking it yourself, it's too overbearing."Wang Xiaole pursed his lips and said, that's not acceptable.

"Huh, you guys are disobedient, aren't you?"Wang Wei ran over, just now she really saw a wild boar, it was very big, with long fangs, it looked very ferocious.

Wang Wei ran over, she was recognized as the "boss" by the children in the village, so Wang Xiaole and the others jumped down one after another.

"Sister Weiwei, do you want to eat?"For others, I just took out the persimmons and put them in Wang Wei's basket.

"You guys are too cowardly, just say a word and go down."Wang Xiaomi snorted, it was too embarrassing.

"You just stay in the tree by yourself, let's go"!Wang Wei took the lead and led a group of children down the mountain.

Wang Hai picked up the basket and packed everything, including the bag of snacks that Wang Wei ate just now.

"Wang Xiaomi, hurry down, there are wild boars in the woods, how dangerous, why are you staying here by yourself?"Yin Ya yelled, and Wang Xiaomi jumped down obediently, followed behind, drooping her head, and remained silent.

No matter how naughty the child is at home, he will be honest when he arrives at school. If he doesn't listen to his parents, he will listen to the teacher.

Wang Hai made a secret note, it would be fine if these wild boars didn't come out, but if they came out and the crops were raging, then don't blame yourself for being rude.

After returning home, Wang Hai washed all the persimmons, and separated the hard ones from the soft ones.Save the soft ones for eating now, and save the hard ones for persimmons.

"You persimmons are so sweet."Yin Ya took one, and after peeling off the skin, the juice inside overflowed directly. After taking a bite, the juice overflowed, sweet and delicious.

"Don't eat too much".Wang Hai reminded: "Persimmons contain a lot of pectin and other substances, which are not easy to digest. If you eat too much, it is easy to form hard lumps in the stomach. After a long time, there may be stomach stones."

Seeing that Yin Ya ate seven or eight in a row, Wang Hai hurriedly reminded that although persimmons are delicious, they should not be eaten too much!
"real or fake"?Yin Ya looked at him suspiciously, no way.

Wang Hai continued to clean up the persimmons, and said, "If you don't believe me, you can find all of them on Baidu."

Yin Ya wiped her hands, turned on the phone, looked at it for a while, and then put down the persimmon in her hand.

"Actually, eating too much of anything is harmful. There must be a limit and you should not overeat."

After cleaning, Wang Hai put it in the plastic case to dry to dry the moisture outside.

Finding a skin scraper, Wang Hai peeled off the skin little by little, preferably evenly, so that it looks better.

"Do you need help, Brother Wang Hai?"Yin Ya hasn't seen making persimmons before, and seeing the itching in her hands, she also wants to do it.

"You take these peeled ones outside to dry, I have laid them all."The outer shelf is still used for drying persimmons in the past, and it is also covered with sorghum foil.

"OK".Yin Ya took out the peeled persimmons and arranged them one by one, with the fruit tops facing up.

"How long will this take?"Yin Ya asked, wouldn't it take long for such a big guy to dry in the sun?

"Haha, are you talking about whether the persimmons have been sun-dried or the persimmons have been made? The sun exposure requires good weather. When the sun is full, it takes about ten days. Turn it over for the first time, and then turn it every three or four days. That's it, every time you turn it, you have to pinch it, and the second time you pinch the persimmon, the outside is hard and the inside is soft, and after softening, there is no sweating phenomenon, and it can be frosted."

"Frosting is to combine the tops of two persimmons, with the stems facing outwards, put a layer of persimmon skin in the tank, put one layer on top, then spread another layer of persimmon skin, and put another layer until it is full, then Seal it up and let it grow frost, but it should be placed in a cool place, not when the temperature is too high."

"So troublesome!"Yin Ya said disappointedly that it would take at least a month to eat.

Wang Hai nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, this is the old method, but now it is also made with an oven, so fast, but I don't have it at home."

Wang Hai shook his head, it is impossible to buy another oven just to make dried persimmons.

"Hey, isn't there one at Wang Qiang's house? Did you forget?"Yin Ya reminded that on August [-]th last time, she made moon cakes.

"Oh, how did I forget".Wang Hai slapped his head and forgot about it. However, this has already been done, and it is impossible to use the oven again.

"Hey, you also sometimes forget things."Yin Ya snickered and said, it was a rare time to see Wang Hai deflated.

After a long time, Wang Hai CIA finished all the hard persimmons and dried them one by one.

"Why is it getting dark so fast?"Wang Hai stretched his waist and found that it was already dark.

(End of this chapter)

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