Happy Fishing Village

Chapter 151 Fighting

Chapter 151 Fighting
Surviving Ichiro stood on the deck with a smile, looking at the small fishing boat like a bereaved dog in front of him, very happy, no matter how you develop, you are still no match for us, just like decades ago.

"Uncle, hold on, I'll go to the deck, catch him off guard and make them arrogant."Wang Hai said in a deep voice, these islanders really regard themselves as fish to be slaughtered.

Wang Hai obviously noticed that the leader of the opponent was also standing on the deck to watch the show, playing a cat-and-mouse joke.

Wang Hai stood on the deck, quickly opened the outer cover, aimed, and fired a water cannon.When Wang Hai bought a fishing boat before, he had operated it, but he hadn't launched it. He was no stranger to launching and aiming.

"boom".A water cannon was fired and hit the opponent's deck directly, and a lot of exclamations and curses were heard.

"boom".Another shot came, and although it missed a bit, it still hit the deck.

"Fall down, fall down".Wang Yong shouted excitedly, those islanders were caught off guard and were directly hit by the water cannon, and several of them fell directly into the sea.

"Baga, put down the boat and save people."Surviving Ichiro's face was ugly. He didn't expect that there was a water cannon on that small fishing boat. He was caught off guard and was drenched all over.

A gust of wind blew, and Surviving Ichiro shivered, freezing.

Soon, the big fishing boat of the island country stopped, because three people fell into the water, and if they were not rescued in time, they would sink to the bottom of the sea.

Surviving Ichiro didn't bother to change his clothes, so he directed the rescue, because one of them was one of the company's top management, and he followed this time to perfect the migration route of saury.

And one of the three people who fell was this high-level person.If this person dies, it will be miserable for him.

"Wang Yong, you come to launch, I'll go down, grandma's."Along the way before, Wang Hai also asked several people to try the operation in turn. It was very simple, but young people learned it faster.

"If you dare to bully me, I will let you know the consequences."With a plop, Wang Hai jumped into the sea, dived directly, and swam towards that side.

"Ah, what's the situation"?A crew member swam desperately towards the boat, but why did it seem like someone was pulling him down?

The crew members were terrified and looked down, but there was nothing, but as soon as they swam, they felt a strong suction!
Wang Hai pulled hard, and the crew member sank, gurgling, and the sea water poured in.

Wang Hai wouldn't really kill them, just scare them, especially the one in the suit, who directly scratched the life jacket he was wearing, then pulled it off and threw it away.

The level of the man in the suit was the worst, and he was yelled at after a few blows, and his face turned blue.

"Fuck, what does it taste like?"Wang Hai backed away quickly, grandma, the man in the suit is so disgusting that he peed in fright.

Seeing the lifeboat from the island country coming, Wang Hai withdrew, but instead of returning, he dived to the bottom of the sea, looking for large reefs.

"It's you, come on."Wang Hai tried it, and moved the one-meter-high reef, and was immediately taken into the space.

Wang Hai chose several pieces in total, and then swam towards the big fishing boat in the island country.

"Ba Ga, knock them down for me."Surviving Ichiro saw that everyone had been rescued, and ordered that he was really careless.

The big fishing boat started, the propeller started to rotate, and Wang Hai threw a stone directly.

"Kacha Kacha"!The powerful power of the propeller directly crushed the stone and fell it.

So, Wang Hai kept throwing, and finally, he threw the huge rock out.

"Click, click, jump"!One blade finally couldn't hold it up and was snapped off.

"What's going on, why did the boat stop"?With a bang, the fishing boat stopped suddenly, things scattered all over the ground, and everyone fell to the ground.

"Report to the captain, it shows that there is something wrong with the propeller, I don't know if it is entangled by something on the bottom of the sea."A crew member came to report, and the siren was on, shouting non-stop.

"It's not too late to fix it."Surviving Ichiro was in a hurry, how could such a thing happen, didn't you check it before you set off?

"You can't run, let's see how you still flaunt your might."Wang Hai snorted, turned and went back.

"Brother Haizi, why doesn't the boat in that cabinet not move?"Wang Yong said excitedly, although he was wet all over, he was happy!

Wang Hai didn't know how damaged the fishing boat on the opposite side was. Anyway, the water cannon couldn't be fired.

"Substitute, Grandma's, keep calling me."Just now, when the opponent called the water cannon, Wang Yong was also drenched several times, and his little face turned pale from the cold.

"Xiao Hai, you can't be so reckless next time, the sea is vast, we all know you are good at swimming, but you can't just go down casually!"Wang Hu was taken aback just now, Wang Hai went down as soon as he said it, how dangerous it is underwater!
Here is no better than the sea, with strong winds and waves, low water temperature, and a lot of giant fish.

"Got it, uncle, pay attention next time."Wang Hai took a few people who were drenched to take a hot bath, and it would be troublesome if they caught a cold.

Wang Ming and the others are still firing water cannons, aren't you amazing, fight back, rubbish.

Surviving Ichiro was so angry that the other party dared to provoke him. If the fishing boat hadn't broken down, it would have sunk your boat and asked you to feed the fish.

"Uncle, start the boat, let's go, the other party will definitely report for help, and this is relatively close to the island country, if the other party's fishery administration ship comes, it will be troublesome."

The fishing boat can still hit a few times, but it is impossible for the fishery administration boat, and it is lucky to be able to escape.

"Huh, it's cheaper for them."Wang Hu was still very excited, and it was a rare opportunity to beat the dog in the water.

In fact, not only in the villages, but also in the coastal areas, the islanders did not have a good impression of them. During that period, the islanders occupied the coastal areas and banned fishermen from going to sea.

At that time, unlike now, people relied on the sea to eat the sea, and they would starve to death if they did not go out to sea, but they would be shot to death if they went out to sea.

At that time, too many people died, that is, the Wangjia Village was better, relying on Yuanbao Lake, and could still enter the mountains, so they could survive no matter what.

Even so, many people died, and Wang Hu's grandfather was one of them.

As for other places, there are more.

Soon, Wang Hu drove the fishing boat and left here. Anyway, no one can be found in the vast sea.

Wang Hai didn't intend to go back and have a look. In the scuffle over there, no one could get a good result, and most of them would lose all.

Moreover, the migratory route is not this one, so there is no need to participate in it.After this incident, Wang Hai understood that if he wanted to gain something, he could not find those large-scale routes, but could only choose some remote and small routes, otherwise he would not be able to compete with others.

(End of this chapter)

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