Happy Fishing Village

Chapter 174 Cod

Chapter 174 Cod
The fishing boat started for another day. Although the crab pots were dropped several times, the harvest was not very good. The harvest was mediocre. This was after Wang Hai's investigation. Otherwise, there would be even fewer crab pots.

Wang Hai is also a little helpless, even if he can investigate, he still has to follow the ship.

The harvest decreased, and everyone became listless. Thinking about it, what Captain Wang said was right, it was really difficult to catch snow crabs.

"Okay, let's all go to rest, if not, play cards and watch a movie."Wang Hai said with a smile, everyone is a little anxious, it is best to relax.

Wang Ying sighed and said: "What kind of cards are you playing? Now you still have the mind to play cards!"
Wang Ming also said dejectedly: "Yeah, I don't even want to watch any action movies."

The mood of the whole group is not high, even if there is a table of delicious food, they have no appetite, and they just finish eating hastily.

Wang Hai had no choice but to go into the water. Unfortunately, in the sea, his speed was not very fast. Compared with the vast sea, the distance he swam for an hour was very small.

When I was in the East China Sea or the South China Sea before, I felt the vastness of the ocean, and I was moved.

However, it is not very far from the coast after all, and some small islands will appear from time to time.But now, in this deep sea, the CIA will understand what is really vast and endless.

Also, the situation at the bottom of the sea is different.In my hometown, the continental shelf extends into it. The situation on the seabed is very complicated, with different terrains, including sandy land, swampy land, rocks, hills, and large sunken pits, just like a basin.

There are even sea anemones, algae, etc., all kinds of things, looking the same, just like the forest under the sea.

But here, it's different. Sometimes hundreds of miles away, the terrain may be the same.

Just like what Wang Hai sees now, the bottom of the sea is sandy land, and at a glance, it is all sandy land, spreading for hundreds of miles.

You know, you don't feel much when you look at different scenes, but if you look at the same thing for a long time, you will feel tired.

Because of the system, Wang Hai doesn't feel tired after a day of swimming, but now, after only half an hour looking at the same seabed, he feels a little uncomfortable.

"Fuck, is that cod?"Wang Hai found out that there was a school of fish three to four hundred meters ahead, which was still cod.

The body of the fish is long, slightly flattened, the tail tapers back, the tail peduncle is thin and flat, the head is big, the mouth is big, and the lips are thick.

The nutritional value of cod is very high, the meat is tender, thick and thornless, the meat tastes sweet and not greasy, and it is rich in multivitamins.It is low in fat and also contains a substance that is essential for a child's development.

Moreover, the price of cod is still acceptable. Generally speaking, it can reach hundreds of yuan per catty. If it is black cod, it will only be more expensive.

Wang Hai floated up quickly, climbed onto the boat, and shouted: "Get ready to lower the net, there are cod schools below."

Although there are no snow crabs, there are too few snow crabs, and it is impossible to fill the ice cabin. Therefore, it is necessary to properly catch some fish.

"Okay!"Everyone who was idle, heard the order, and immediately started to move with smiles on their faces.

Compared with lowering the crab cage, everyone was very proficient in lowering the net. Soon, the two alternate fishing nets were lowered.

The fishing boat started to move towards the direction of the fish swimming, slowly dragging the fishing net.

Half an hour later, the winch was started, the fishing net was pulled, and soon, big fish fell on the deck.

Wang Yong and others immediately got busy, started packing boxes, and then moved them into the ice cabin.

And Wang Ying took people to pick out some other fish that were adulterated and put them in the box next to them.

"Haha, good harvest."Wang Hu said with a smile, these two nets cost five or six thousand catties, and this one net is enough to offset the fuel consumption of the fishing boat, and there will be a surplus.

With the harvest, everyone is no longer worried. After all, if the harvest is not big, it takes a lot of fuel to go back and forth for such a long distance, and to cruise back and forth every day.

The original lost mood suddenly recovered, everyone was smiling, and there was even one who was hungry.

"It's easy to say when you're hungry, let's try the taste of this pan-fried cod."Wang Hai selected several cod fish of suitable size, cut them into slices, wiped off the water, and marinated them with salt, cooking wine, and white pepper for a while.

After marinating, pick up a piece and apply a thin layer of cornstarch to spread evenly.

Then heat the oil in a pan, put it in when it is 1% hot, and fry on one side for about [-] minute.

Use white sugar, very fresh soy sauce, etc., to make a sauce, and pour it on the fried cod fillets.

"Wow, it smells so good!"Wang Yong said impatiently that the fragrance had already spread out.

"Eat it when it's fried, it won't taste good when it's cold."Wang Hai said, it will soften when it gets cold.

"Uh-huh".Several people were waiting for this sentence. As soon as Wang Hai finished speaking, the plate was empty there.

"Crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, Xiaohai has good craftsmanship."Wang Yunming praised that it was really delicious.

"That's right, it's just the feeling, I finished it in a few bites."Wang Ming said regretfully, as if he took two or three bites, and it was gone.

"You guys, this should be tasted carefully. Don't be like Zhu Bajie eating ginseng fruit. You don't know what it tastes like after eating it. Eat the crispy outside first and then taste the tender fish inside."Wang Yunxin said, all of you are acting too impatient.

"Uncle Xin, taste it slowly."Wang Yong laughed and said, while eating, the crispy taste and the tender fish meat, mixed together, had a unique taste.

"Damn, good boys, that's the original plan."Wang Yunxin laughed and scolded, no wonder, after eating one piece by himself, it was gone when he took it again, while Wang Yong and the others had already eaten two or three pieces.

However, soon, the second pot was already fried, and everyone stopped fighting for it, and each of them sandwiched the cod fillets and savored them carefully.

Eating only fish fillets is naturally not enough.However, Wang Hai also cooked a lot of food. Everyone who had no appetite before, now has a big appetite, and it is almost not enough.

"Xiao Hai, come and take a look, I'm afraid something happened."Wang Hu suddenly shouted, the radio rang, and there were many shouts inside.

When we were drinking together before, after returning, several people tuned the radio to the same channel, so that if there is anything, they can call directly and the big guys will go to support together.

But now it is obvious that there is a ship in the team, and it is in trouble. I am afraid it is not as simple as bumping and bumping, otherwise it will not be so chaotic.

(End of this chapter)

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