Chapter 182
Zhao Hai's eyes were spinning wildly, and his mind was spinning. He thought that this person grew up by the sea. He must be good at water and have some strength. However, my buddy is a taekwondo master. Although he has only practiced for two years, he is already a blue belt player. up.

You are a fisherman, so you must be stronger. When it comes to fighting, you are far behind.

For Zhao Hai, who is at this age and is still a gangster, if he can fight, he is a very powerful person.

"Let's just fight, how about two wins in three games?"Zhao Hai whispered to his buddies for a while, then said with a raised face.

"Comparison is comparison, whoever is afraid of whom".Wang Qiang'an held back the joy in his heart, they didn't know how powerful Wang Hai was, otherwise, they wouldn't be so hasty.

And how could Wang Qiang not know, let’s say that when he moved the corn, one bag weighed more than 100 catties, and it seemed very light to just move two bags.

There was also the time when Second Grandpa's house collapsed last time. It was obviously difficult for two people to lift the girder, but he lifted it without any effort by himself.

As the saying goes, one force will reduce ten meetings, let's see the effect.

"I won't make a shot for no reason. If I win, there must be a lottery."Zhao Hai's buddies all have strange names, Li Daxia, who usually calls himself a hero, and says complacently that he always seems to win.

"That's fine, you say it."Wang Hai shrugged, the conditions are up to you.

"This is what you said, and I won't bully you. If I win, you can treat us to a big meal. However, I have agreed. I have more than a dozen brothers, and all of them can the Lord who drinks".Li Daxia said that alcohol and tobacco are indispensable.

Wang Hai nodded and said: "This condition is not too much, it is acceptable, but what if you lose."

"We won't lose, just wait and see."Zhao Hai and Li Daxia said in unison, how is it possible?

Wang Hai waved his hands and said with a smile: "You can't say that. At the end of the Qin Dynasty, Xiang Yu was much stronger than Liu Bang, but Liu Bang was the one who won in the end. So, things are unpredictable. Let's go first." It's better to negotiate good terms, in case I win."

"Okay, it's up to you. If you win, I don't care about your chasing after my sister. I'll treat you to another table."Zhao Hai said grandly, anyway, there are only two of you, how much can you eat and drink?
Wang Qiang said: "It's a deal, I made a video, just don't go back on your word when the time comes."

Li Daxia was unhappy, and said: "What do you mean, I will lose to you? I will tell you two, hum, come on, don't play tricks, and see the truth in your hands."

"Hey!"Li Daxia set up his posture, and he gave Wang Hai a powerful roundabout kick. The posture is very good.

Wang Hai slightly shifted his body, dodged it, and shook his head.

"See how you hide."This time, Li Daxia didn't try to be cool, he just kicked sideways, and the speed was very fast, and he attacked continuously.

Wang Hai squatted slightly, like a horse, without dodging, kicked up with a series of seven or eight kicks.

Wang Qiang almost yelled, what's wrong with Wang Hai, why didn't he hide, and was beaten there.

But Zhao Hai was very happy, and said that he wanted to win, just these few times, he couldn't hide, how did you win?
"The strength is too light."Wang Hai shook his head, I stand here and let you kick, you can't even kick, what else can I do?
And Li Daxia also felt it, his serial kicks didn't knock him down, how could it be possible?Even if the senior encounters his serial kicks, he can't take it hard!
Taking advantage of Li Daxia's astonishment, Wang Hai bullied him, kicked him out, and with a touch, Li Daxia flew out, lying on the ground clutching his stomach, with a painful expression on his face.

"Prawn, are you okay?"Zhao Hai had an unbelievable expression on his face, and hurried over to help him up.

"I, I'm fine, it's just my carelessness, I was just attacked by him."Li Daxia frowned and said, if it is upright, I can't lose.

Li Daxia stood up, moved his hands and feet, clenched his fists, and attacked directly.

This time, Wang Hai didn't make a move. He used exactly the same routine as Li Daxia, and punched directly, fist to fist, head-to-head.

Hearing a touch, Li Daxia flew upside down again, clutching his hands and howling, his eyes were red from the pain.

"I, I will kick you to death."Li Daxia's face was ugly, and his expression became agitated. How could he lose to a fisherman? He jumped up, and directly used his stunt again, kicking sideways.

"boom".Wang Hai just kicked, and Li Daxia flew upside down again, clutching his stomach, unable to get up.

"Me, me, me".Li Daxia was not convinced from the bottom of his heart, how could he lose, he really wanted to prove himself, but unfortunately, the pain was too painful to stand up.

"It's right for you to pretend to be B, but Haizi, is he okay?"Wang Qiang asked worriedly again, he couldn't get up anymore.

"Don't worry, it's okay, I'm holding back my strength, otherwise, I could directly kick his leg and break it."Wang Hai said lightly, if it wasn't for saving you a little face, a punch or a kick would have solved it.

"I, I, hey, brother Alun, this side, this side."As soon as Li Daxia got up, he saw Allen strolling in front of him. Although Allen had never learned taekwondo, he was good at fighting and fighting, and he was no match for him.

If he is willing to make a move, then it will be easy to solve it. Turn around and invite him to dinner.

"Why call me, you, it's you".When Allen came close, he saw Wang Hai and the two of them, and ran away without looking back, with a panicked and ugly expression on his face.

"Brother Alun, what are you running for?"Li Daxia was speechless, what happened to Brother Alun today, so abnormal!

Wang Qiang had been on guard for a long time and stood in front of Allen. Run, where do you want to run?
"Hey, two big brothers, I don't know what's the matter, just give me an order."Allen said with a bitter face, why is he so unlucky today, meeting these two evil stars.

Last time, I suffered a lot. First, I was uncomfortably hungry. When I got inside, I suffered another meal. Later, I almost drowned.

Alan was scared, although it was very weird, after thinking about it, it must be the people in the village, especially the person in front of him, but with such a superb technique, he must be much better than himself, and very can fight.

You can't even hide normally, so how can you lean on it.Allen thought to himself, I didn't read the almanac when I went out today, so unlucky.

"Meet us, what are you running for?"Wang Hai said lightly, although he didn't make a move, in Allen's view, the pressure was even greater!

"Ah, I'm happy to see you guys. I plan to go to the restaurant to order some dishes and treat the two big brothers to have a few drinks."Allen said with a smile, I am kind!
"Forget it, I don't have time today, that's all right, there's nothing for you here, you go first."

And Alan, seeing Wang Hai stepped aside, ran away like a rabbit, blinked and disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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