Happy Fishing Village

Chapter 195 Renovation Completed

Chapter 195 Renovation Completed
In two and a half days, the house was finally almost renovated, and the concrete floor in the yard was also painted. The overall appearance was completely new!

This excited Wang Ying back, so he quickly boiled water and made tea for everyone. This was the new tea he bought in town.

"I said Big Eagle, although your stove is good, it should be replaced. The girl is here, so how can I burn the stove? You need to buy an induction cooker or a gas stove."Wang Yong said with a smile that women now love beauty, especially young ones.

Some older and frugal ones can burn stoves, but young ones burn very little.

After a meal, the head is covered with ashes, and the face will be dirty if not done well, who wants it.

"That's right, it doesn't cost much to change a set. It's just right to transform your little concierge into a kitchen."Wang Hu said, taking advantage of the sand and gravel bricks now, you can directly make them together.

Just do it, Wang Hu led the people, and after a while, it was built, and then the remaining floor tiles were laid on it. It seemed that there was no difference.

"Look at your stove, then look at the kitchen, how about it, if you were a girl, which side would you choose"?Wang Ming asked with a smile, he knew it at a glance.

Wang Ying smirked and kept the big guy, insisting on treating everyone to dinner.He went to town early in the morning and bought 200 yuan worth of beef. He also cut up a large pot of potatoes, and here came a roast beef with potatoes.

"Okay, just eat here."Wang Hu spoke, mainly because Wang Ying had already stewed the beef first, then added potatoes directly, and stewed it for a while, it would be fine.

The stove still had a bottom fire, Wang Ying added some dry firewood, and it burned up after a while, then put the potatoes in, and it started to simmer.

On the other side, Wang Ying brought over the big rice cooker from the boat. The one in his house is too small, enough for three or four people to eat, but now there are more than a dozen people.

"Qiangzi, look at Wang Ying, he's fast enough, when you bring your girlfriend back, it will make my uncle happy, right?"Wang Yong asked with a smile, no one thought that Wang Ying's speed would be so fast.

"I'm not in a hurry, I have to wait for Haizi, hehe."Wang Qiang said with a smile that brothers should not only share wealth, but also marry each other.

"You talk about yours, why do you involve me."Wang Hai said speechlessly, originally he was talking about Wang Ying, but why did it come to him.

"Let me tell you, Teacher Yin is beautiful, knowledgeable, and highly educated, but he is a good boy who is rare in a hundred years in our fishing village. Xiao Hai, you have to hurry up. If he only supports teaching for a year or two, he will leave at that time." Now, you have nowhere to cry."Wang Yunming reminded that girls nowadays don't like big cities, where there are big shopping malls, big movies, eating, drinking and having fun, and have everything they want. Where is it like here? Apart from mountains and seas, what else can there be?
"That's right, Xiao Hai, but you have to hurry up. Look, there are so many volunteer teachers in our village, none of them are better than Teacher Yin. Let's just say that the female teacher last year is always arrogant. How can Teacher Yin be approachable?" ".Wang Hu also followed suit, meeting is fate, whether we can be together is up to you to fight for.

"Brother Haizi, come on!"Wang Yong said with a grin, come on.

Wang Hai was speechless, you guys are too worried, you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry.

"Come on, dinner is ready, how about a taste of my cooking?"Wang Ying came over with a big pot, full of beef stewed potatoes, placed in the middle of the table.

"The rice is ready too, let's serve it by ourselves"!Wang Ying shouted, the bowls have been washed, and you can serve as much as you eat, which is also the rule on the boat.

A group of people were laughing and laughing, holding bowls to serve rice, the older ones first, and the younger ones last.

"Hey, Qiangzi, I don't have so much appetite today"?Wang Ming asked, this doesn't look like your style, it's only half a bowl, and it's not a big bowl.

"Hey, you'll know later."Wang Qiang smiled and went back with the bowl in hand.

Wang Hai is also similar to Wang Qiang, also more than half a bowl, because he likes to pour broth when eating rice.

"Damn, no wonder, it turned out to be for serving vegetables, it was careless."Wang Ming had a bitter face, let's eat some first, otherwise, it won't be poured.

"The taste is not bad".Wang Hu praised that it has improved compared to before. Although it looks a bit worse, the taste is not bad.

Wang Ying scratched his head. In the past, he ate and waited to die by himself, as long as he had a stutter.Since I came to Wang Hai, I am rich, and I am working. I cook and cook by myself every day, and I have made great progress.

The working people ate a lot, a large pot of beef and potatoes, plus a large pot of white rice, was eaten up by these gangs.

What's left is the end of the branch, just tidy it up, and then refresh the outer wall.

"I can do these myself, you all go to work."Wang Ying said gratefully, this has delayed everyone's time for two days.

"Mom, dried pickled radish!"Last time it snowed sporadically, the cabbage and radishes in the backyard were collected and put in the cellar.

"Well, make some and have it with breakfast in the morning".The radish is dry and refreshing. If it is served with white porridge in the morning, it will be very delicious.

"Okay, do more."Wang Hai said with a smile, the dried radishes made by my mother are bright red in color and refreshing in taste, especially delicious. When I was working in Shanghai before, a bottle of dried radishes I brought back home was finished in a day.

"Is it enough to eat so much?"That's what Liu Xia said, but his cut a lot.

In fact, drying dried radishes is quite troublesome, and it takes two or three times to go back and forth.First, wash the radishes and cut them into long strips, and expose them to the sun for three to five days. It must start when the sun is good.

After being exposed to the sun, it needs to be pickled with salt, kneaded evenly, and then placed in a tank, stacked layer by layer and compacted.

After marinating for three days, take it out to dry for two or three days for the second curing. Of course, this time, you need to put less salt, and then marinating for about seven days, it is almost the same.

"Hey, I want to eat carrots."Wang Wei bounced back from the outside, picked up a piece of radish, and gnawed it, crackling.

"Have you washed your hands? Hurry up and then eat."It is good to eat more radishes and cabbage, but Wang Wei just doesn't like to eat stewed radishes, and now she is willing to eat them, so Liu Xia will naturally not stop her, so it's better to eat more.

In fact, there are many ways to eat radishes, such as cold salad, stir-frying and stewing, but when stewing, if you don’t add meat, it will not be very delicious.

Wang Hai reckoned that when stewed before, either no meat was added, or less meat was added, so Wang Wei didn't like to eat it, so I will try stewing it tomorrow.You must know that Wang Wei is not picky about food, she basically eats whatever she eats.

(End of this chapter)

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