Happy Fishing Village

Chapter 201 Fruit Tree Plan

Chapter 201 Fruit Tree Plan
At the annual collection, there are bustling crowds, and the originally wide roads are crowded, making it impossible to walk.

On both sides of the street, there are all kinds of stalls, there are all kinds of food, roasted seeds and nuts, toys, clothes, and so on.

Here are three roast gluten and three ham sausages.A small stall next to it emits an attractive aroma, especially the ham sausage, which is very fragrant after being fried with cumin pepper.

When he was young, Wang Hai hated this food very much, but he had no money at that time, so he could only eat it once in a while.

At that time, it was even worse than it is now. The ham sausages were very cheap, and some of them were expired, but they tasted good. Children liked them, and adults liked them too. As for the sanitary conditions, poor people can only eat this. What do you care about hygiene?
But it’s different now. The general conditions are better, and the ingredients are more particular. The stalls are clean and the ingredients are fresh. Unfortunately, the original taste is no longer there.

There is another phenomenon in the New Year's Fair, that is, you often meet acquaintances, old classmates and the like.

When Chinese New Year is approaching, young people who usually work in the big cities in the north and south have rushed back one after another. Some came late and came back when it was approaching, but some came back early!

Therefore, when you go to the market, you will often hear some greetings.

"Hey, Lao Song, why are you getting fat again? Are you still working in Shanghai? How about your salary?"
"Isn't this Xiao Li? Is this your daughter-in-law? That's fine. After going out for a year, I brought a daughter-in-law back."

"Mr. Zhang, I see you are proud of yourself. How is it? You made a lot of money this year. How about taking care of me next year?"
It's better now, but when the Chinese New Year is approaching, there will be too many people, and they won't be able to squeeze in. Cars can't get in, and they can only walk.

"Hi, Wang Hai, it's time for the New Year's Fair."Li Yang shouted, saying hello.

"Yeah, there's nothing else to do, just come to shop, your business is good."Wang Hai walked over with Wang Wei, and saw five or six people in the store, looking at their mobile phones, and his wife was also there, obviously a bit busy.

"Come in and sit down".As soon as Li Yang stood up, he was called away by the customer and asked the price of the mobile phone.

Seeing this, Wang Hai said: "You guys are busy, we will talk later when we have time."

"Okay, I'm too busy today."Li Yang waved his hands and invited you to dinner when he has time.

"Brother, I don't want to eat."Seeing the beauty of the cotton candy, Wang Wei asked for one, but after a few mouthfuls, she no longer wanted to eat it.

"If you don't eat it, don't eat it. It's not good to eat too much."Wang Hai nodded. The original cotton candy was white, but now there are colorful ones.

"Mom, don't buy so much, just buy it when it's near."Seeing my mother buying big and small bags of vegetables, Wang Hai stopped him. There are only a few people in our family and we can't eat so much.

"That's fine, you can buy it later."Liu Xia nodded, but when the time comes, the family will be busy, so you will have to buy it yourself.

Wang Hai also bought some paper money, ingots, liquor and so on. On the side of the Cangjiang River, they had to go to the grave a few years ago.

"Vivi, are you hungry, do you want to eat something?"Seeing that it was already twelve o'clock, it was time for dinner.

'I don't want to eat it, I feel that the food here is not delicious." Weiwei said with a pursed mouth, thinking that she could go to the town to eat a lot, but the food she bought was not very tasty.

"If you don't eat, go back and eat."Liu Xia said that there are many people coming and going here, the dust is flying high, and the sanitation conditions are far worse than at home.

"This Wang Qiang, why hasn't he come back yet?"Wang Hai took out his mobile phone and made a call, but the other party still didn't answer.

As a result, Wang Hai walked over, the clothing store was very busy, and Wang Qiang was helping there.

"Uh, that, Haizi, why don't you go back first, I'll help out here."As soon as Wang Hai came, he knew what was going on.

"That's okay, I'll drive the boat back first, and you will call me when the time comes."Wang Hai nodded. He was so busy that he was probably going to be in the afternoon. He could still walk around by himself. The whole family was here.

Wang Qiang handed over the key and went back to work, while Wang Hai said hello and went back.

"Qiangzi is helping there, let's go back first and leave him alone."After Wang Hai drove the tricycle onto the boat, he started the tin boat and took his mother and Wang Wei back first.

"Starved to death, starved to death".As soon as she got home, Wang Wei yelled and her stomach growled.

"Or, let's eat some dumplings."There are still dumplings made last time in the refrigerator, and they can be cooked directly after taking them out, which is very convenient and quick.

"Well, I'm going to pound the garlic."Wang Wei volunteered and started to work.It is delicious to eat dumplings dipped in garlic.

Wang Hai rode a tricycle and delivered all the things bought by Wang Qiang's family.As for his son's help in the town, he is willing to be prejudiced. It would be great if he could bring him home this year.

Frozen dumplings, meat and vegetables can be cooked together, one big bowl for one person, three people can eat.

"Mom, our dumplings are much more delicious than the steamed buns we ate in the morning."Wang Wei happily sandwiched the dumplings, two mouthfuls a piece, eating with great joy.The vegetarian ones are delicious, and the meat ones are also very fragrant.

"They didn't care as much as we did. We ate it ourselves. Besides, we didn't cook much, and many of them were grown by ourselves, which tasted better!"Liu Xia smiled and said that the vegetables she grows rarely use chemical fertilizers and pesticides, so they are naturally tastier than those on the market.

Only Wang Hai knew that when watering the vegetables in the backyard, he had added spiritual liquid several times. Not only were there no pests and diseases, but the taste was naturally better.

After dinner, Wang Hai wandered around the village, and the island had already been contracted, but it was not easy to find so many fruit trees.

It is okay to buy saplings, but some of them take several years to bear fruit, and even if they do, there will be very few in the first two years.

"It would be great if there were big fruit trees."Wang Hai muttered to himself, with the spiritual liquid, even a large fruit tree would not die after being transplanted.

"Let's see and talk, if it doesn't work, just use a small sapling."Wang Hai is going to inquire about where there are orchards, and see if he can buy a batch back.

"Hey, Haizi, where are you, come and pick me up."Just when Wang Hai was about to go home, his cell phone rang, and Wang Qiang called.

"Haha, why come back, you can live with her directly."Wang Hai smiled and said, that would be great.

Wang Qiang said with a smile: "I think, maybe people don't want to."

"You can't be shameless, you can't lose face when you are in love, otherwise how can you succeed."

"Why don't you be so shameless to Yin Ya, if you are so shameless, they won't go back alone, and if they take you back to meet your parents, maybe it will be done."

Wang Hai choked on his own words.

(End of this chapter)

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