Chapter 213
Zhao Hu was slapped in the face in public, he was shocked and very angry, he almost made himself ashamed.

"Why did you hit me".Zhao Hu pushed Li Ai, but he tripped over the chair and fell backwards.

"Damn, what do you want to do, kid."Li Bo became anxious, who are you, dare to touch my goddess, I don't want to live anymore, so I punched her out.

Originally, Zhao Hu would not offend people like Li Bo, after all, he might ask him to do so in the future, just like he asked Hu Bing to take him with him now.

It's a pity that after drinking a few bowls of wine, he was no longer himself, dizzy, and became angry from embarrassment, so he fought with Li Bo.

Don't look at Li Bo's handsomeness, but handsomeness is not equal to the value of force. Where is Zhao Hu's opponent who does hard work? He was beaten to the ground in a few strokes, and all the female students hurriedly stood back in fright, while men are enough Come to persuade us to fight, why are you so stubborn, start a fight when you disagree?
"Snapped".Li Bo was impatient, grabbed the chair next to him and smashed it over. Zhao Hu was not stupid, so he avoided it, but the chair hit the glass turntable of the big round table with a loud bang, and the glass shattered and scattered all over the ground. , Tableware, wine glasses and so on, also fell all over the floor.

Hu Bing stopped Zhao Hu, held him down, and cursed: "Zhao Hu, why are you crazy, you took the wrong medicine and you can't do anything."

Wang Hai and Wang Qiang also hurriedly helped Li Bo up. Although the two of them had a little feud, it was not worth mentioning in front of this.

After holding the two of them together, the scene gradually calmed down. At this time, Zhao Hu was no longer so angry, but he also regretted it. Why did he act impulsively, and beat the richest one, what should he do.

"Apologize quickly."Hu Bing wanted to scold people anxiously, and he even wanted to curry favor with Li Bo, but you offended him to death.

"I".Just when Zhao Hu was about to apologize, the door of the room was pushed open, and he asked, "What's going on, what happened?"
In a large room like this, there will always be waiters outside the table. After the waiters outside heard the loud noise, they walked in to check.

"It's not good, manager, the guests in the Lotus Hall started a fight, and the big round table was broken."The waiter was so scared that he ran out quickly. You must know that this big round table is very expensive, more than 3 yuan, and I can’t save that much for a year. If the people at this table run away, I will have to pay for it. It's just too much trouble.

"Everyone, what's going on?"The manager came over and asked with a stern face: "You guys are noisy, and you are noisy, but you can't damage our hotel's things."

The manager's expression was a little ugly, how could he meet such a customer, what a pity!

"What do you mean, we can't afford it?"Li Bo's face was livid, and he couldn't stand being despised one after another.

I came with the manager and the logistics staff, and quickly assessed the damaged items.

"The assessment has come out, and the damage is 8000 yuan. Please pay it together when you check out."The manager said politely, as long as someone agrees to it.

"Damn, what is so expensive, isn't it just a big round glass?"You must know that this is the AA system. There are a total of twenty or so male students. If they are divided equally, each person will have to pay nearly 2000 yuan more. Naturally, some people are unwilling.

"For 2000 yuan, isn't it delicious to buy meat? Isn't it good to smoke? It's also fun to chat with a girl."Now that the lightness is gone, no one is willing to do it except the person concerned.

Even Hu Bing was not happy in his heart, paying for it was secondary, he messed up the class reunion, he didn't have face on his face, you know, this time he organized it by himself.

"Haiko, what shall we do?"Wang Qiang stepped back, stood next to Wang Hai and asked, it's really lively now!

"Look and talk again, if it doesn't work, just withdraw. In this case, it needs to continue to be difficult."Wang Hai said speechlessly, a good class reunion can become like this, you are also amazing.

Originally, Wang Hai didn't want to come, but now that there is such a big battle, he has no intention of staying here, but he can't leave until the matter is settled.

Li Mengmeng and Li Yang also stood beside Wang Hai with dark faces, watching what to do next.

"If you want me to say, I have no objection to the AA system for eating, but for the broken things, whoever breaks it will pay for it. It has nothing to do with us. If I go out to drive and hit the car, will you all give me the money?" Pay to fix the car."Xu Ming said, with the 2000 yuan, if you buy clothes and cosmetics for Ma Xiaoling, you can still fall in love with yourself. Maybe you can go to the hotel at night after eating something good, watching a movie or something.

"What do you mean, we are classmates, we all go out to eat, how can we separate the relationship alone."Hu Bing said angrily, if Li Bo and Zhao Hu were really asked to pay more than 3 yuan, then the students would have done it too.

Hu Bing was naturally unwilling. He still had business dealings with Li Bo, and if the relationship got bad, the loss would be much more than the two or three thousand.

"Then what do you say, anyway, I disagree on average."Xu Ming objected, then leaned back and whispered to Ma Xiaoling.

This time, even Hu Bing was in trouble. On average, Xu Ming and several other men disagreed. On average, Li Bo and Zhao Hu disagreed. For a while, riding a tiger was difficult. No matter how you deal with it, you will offend one party. If it is not handled well, both parties will be offended.

If this is the case, his prestige as the squad leader will be discredited in the future.

In his heart, Hu Bing had already greeted Zhao Hu's [-]th generation of women, and he was only adding to his confusion.

Hu Bing also had his own vanity, he knew that apart from Li Bo and Li Ai in the class, he was doing well on his own, organizing class reunions, and wanted to show off, but the show didn't work, it became a farce.

"Xiao Wu, go and see what's going on, it's noisy, how does this manager work."Liu Wei's face was full of anger. Now the company is having a year-end meeting, but there is a mess next to it, which has affected this side, especially the loud noise just now.

"I'm going right away".Wu Jing nodded, walked out, went outside the private room, called out the manager, and reprimanded him: "Manager Li, what are you doing? Don't you want to do it? Mr. Liu is holding an annual meeting here, don't you know , Why is there such a big commotion, calm down quickly, Mr. Liu is very angry, be careful you can't eat and walk around."

"Yes, yes, I will deal with it immediately, and it will not delay Mr. Liu's meeting."Beads of sweat rolled down Manager Li's forehead immediately. He worked hard for a year and was just praised by Mr. Liu, but at this juncture, something went wrong. Well, it is good not to punish severely.

(End of this chapter)

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