Chapter 224
"Haha, I found a wild boar, brothers, come on, go back and make a pig-killing meal."From a distance, I heard a shout of excitement, but it was Chen Shu's group who had left before.

"Grandma, it's no wonder that kid Wang Hai is staying there. It turns out that he has found the trace a long time ago, waiting for us to leave."

"Hurry up, climb up the tree, and find the thick one."Wang Guangshan's complexion changed, he was cautious when he traced, because he was afraid of offending the wild boar, but he didn't expect a bastard to come out halfway.

Sure enough, the big wild boar rushed towards this direction with a huff and a puff. It was really imposing, like a tank.

With a snap, the big wild boar broke a small tree next to it that was as thick as a bowl.

Seeing no one around, the big wild boar changed direction and ran towards Chen Shu.

The group of people were bluffing loudly, which naturally attracted the attention of the big wild boar.

"Damn, it's so big."Chen Shu was startled, and suddenly screamed in fright.It was too far away, so I couldn’t see it clearly. It was blocked by trees, but now I can see it clearly. Is that a wild boar? It’s just a baby elephant!

Chen Shu was so frightened that he turned around and ran away, so did Brother Dou, what are you kidding, who can subdue such a big wild boar?Don't be hit by the wild boar and get bruised all over your body, it won't be worth it.

"Brother Shu, what should I do?"Brother Dou was so frightened that he cried, grandma, that one hit just now broke the tree as thick as the mouth of a bowl. If it hit him, he would be half dead.

"I don't know, run away!"Chen Shu regretted that his intestines were turning green, grandma's, wouldn't it be good to eat and drink in the village, and insisted on looking for some wild boar.

Chen Shu naturally saw the action of Wang Hai and others, that is, climbing a tree. He also wanted to climb a tree, but he had no chance.

It also takes time to climb the tree. The big wild boar is chasing after him. If you delay for a few seconds, you may be hit. Really, you dare not stop for a second!
"Brother Shu, there is a river ahead, what should I do?"In a panic, several people ran and ran to the river. Although the river is not very wide, it is more than two meters long. It is not clear how deep it is.

There are thick bushes on the left and right sides. If you want to turn, it is not impossible, but if there are bushes, it will waste time. If you don't run fast, you will be overtaken.

"Grandma's, fight."Chen Shu gritted his teeth, speeded up a few steps, and rushed directly towards the small river. Grandma, as long as he jumps over, then he will be safe.

"Brother Tree, I can't jump over."Brother Dou wiped his nose and was terrified. How can he jump? It's so wide that he can't jump over it, okay?

"You can't swim, if you want to be hit, don't jump."Chen Shu said angrily, you want to collide with the big wild boar, you go, I didn't stop you.

"Snapped"!Chen Shu took a run-up and jumped directly towards the opposite bank.The distance is so long, it is naturally impossible to jump across it all at once.However, due to the strong impact, Chen Shu almost reached the other side with the assistance.

Grabbing the stones by the river, Chen Shu climbed up with difficulty. It wasn't that he was not good at water, but that he was too cold, wet and still dripping, so cold that his skin got goosebumps. Trembling.

"Ah, I worked hard."Brother Dou has learned and behaved, and has Chen Shu's example, so he also jumped over.Brother Dou, don't look thin, he is tall, he can jump farther than Chen Shu, he jumped up a few times, and climbed up.

The saddest thing was the fat man who fell at the end. He weighed more than 200 kilograms. It was good for fighting, but running became a big problem. He couldn't run, and he was quickly overtaken by the big wild boar.

"Brother Tree, save me!"The fat man was terrified, that long snout, those sharp fangs, if he had one for himself, he couldn't stand it!

"Fuck, how can I save you, jump over quickly."Chen Shu is really angry and angry, why are there so many pig teammates, how can I save you here, besides, you are running fast, whimpering, can't you see that we are all coming.

A group of eight people, except for the fat man, all the others passed by, curled up and shivering.

"Snapped".The fat man was finally overtaken by the big wild boar, and with a kick, he flew up and flew towards the other side of the river.

"ah"!The fat man screamed, the fall was not light, and there were bloodstains, obviously injured.

"Brother Shu, the fat man was stabbed in the thigh."Brother Dou saw that the wound was bleeding continuously.

"Why are you still standing in a daze? Hurry up and bandage it up and carry it down. Call the village quickly."Chen Shu ordered, while planning to carry the fat man down, he asked for help, grandma, this is going to be sent directly to the hospital.

"Huchihuchi"!The big wild boar was on the other side of the river, whistling and snorting, but because of the obstruction of the river, it stopped and did not catch up.

Although wild boars can swim, this big wild boar may be aware of its tonnage and did not rush into the water.

"Hey, why doesn't this wild boar go into the water and continue chasing it?"Wang Qiang muttered, if we cross the river, we will be safe.

Although there is a distance from here to the river, for wild boars who like to run wild, it is only a matter of minutes, and they cannot run at all.

"Hey, Grandpa Shan, is that fat man okay?"Wang Hai asked worriedly, don't cause any casualties because of this big wild boar, it will be troublesome.

"No, don't worry, it was the big wild boar chasing him, not hitting him. If it hit him, it would have cost me a long time, but there is still a wound, even if your fangs pierced it, it needs to be Get medical treatment in time, otherwise there will be danger.”

Wang Guangshan explained that this place is not far from the river, and he could see it clearly. Chen Shu and the others hurried down the mountain with them, and it seemed that nothing would happen.

"Brother Haizi, what should we do?"Wang Yong was a little anxious. When will this happen? What if a big wild boar sleeps underneath!Can we still spend the night in a tree?

"Don't worry, we'll clean it up later."As Wang Guangshan said, he took out a large slingshot and took out a steel ball.

"Grandpa Shan, isn't this a slingshot? Can it work? Doesn't it mean that the wild boar's skin is extremely thick, and in some places, even bullets may not be able to penetrate it!"Wang Ying asked, who hasn't played with a slingshot when they were young, or shot a bird? It can be said that everyone present is a master.

"I was going to shoot wild boars in the eyes. This was specially made after my shotgun was confiscated. As long as I hit it, it can blind wild boars in the eyes."

The big wild boar ran back again, wandering between several big trees, HIA kept whistling, as if threatening.

In an instant, the marble in Wang Guangshan's hand was launched, directly hitting the big wild boar in the eye.

(End of this chapter)

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