Happy Fishing Village

Chapter 237 Diving Salvage

Chapter 237 Diving Salvage
After boarding the helicopter, under the guidance of Zhao He, after Wang Hai sat firmly, he began to observe curiously.

You must know that this is a military helicopter, which is usually not seen. Even if you usually hear that a certain rich man bought an airplane or helicopter, it is also for civilian use, which is very different from military use.

But Wang Hai couldn't understand it either, he only knew about the machine gun installed on it, and for the rest, let's forget it.

After sitting for a while, Wang Hai felt bored, and there was not much space on the military helicopter, so he just closed his eyes and rested his mind.

I don't know how long it took, Wang Hai fell asleep in a daze, and when Zhao He woke him up, he found that he was already on a warship.

"Come with me".When Zhao He came here, he was obviously more serious, and took Wang Hai to the cockpit.

"This is Senior Colonel Liu Sheng, who is also the person in charge of this operation. Colonel, I have already brought him back."Zhao He saluted, and then said.

"Wang Hai, right, very good. Thank you for coming to help. Here is the shape and size of the box. I won't talk nonsense. After I succeed, I will invite the major general to celebrate for you in person."Liu Sheng said seriously, and at the same time, the people behind handed over the materials.

Wang Hai took a look, the box was not big, it was black, if such a box sank to the bottom of the sea, it would be hard to find.

Zhao He took Wang Hai to get the diving suit, and explained: "The average water depth here is more than 100 meters, and in some places, it even exceeds 200 meters. You should pay attention, in case there is something uncomfortable , come here immediately, don’t force yourself.”

After all, people were brought by themselves, and they were not part of the army, so it was impossible to force them.

"I know".Wang Hai nodded. If his life was in danger, he would definitely give priority to his own life.

"Hello, I'm glad to see you here. With you, I feel that we are likely to succeed."The diving team leader of the first team was very happy to see Wang Hai coming.

At this time, Wang Hai realized that the captain of the first team was the one who helped Liu Wei salvage the ring before. No wonder the navy would find him. The root cause is here.

"Brothers helped, my name is He Bing, we will be brothers from now on, if there is anything we need to help, it's just a matter of words."He Bing said enthusiastically, the key is that there is an urgent order from above, and this is a state secret, if it is leaked out, the loss will be great.

"Well, I'll talk about being polite later, I'll go down and have a look first, but there won't be sharks or anything down there."Wang Hai asked back, don't look for it, if there is a big shark behind you, it will be a sad reminder.

"Don't worry, we have already driven away all the large fish in the surrounding area, it is absolutely safe."Zhao He assured that there were dozens of divers below, and if there were sharks, the loss would be huge.

Wang Hai nodded, and after putting on the diving suit, he jumped down.Slowly, Wang Hai sank down. Wang Hai was not worried about the oxygen and water pressure that other divers were worried about. If there were not too many people, he would not even wear a diving suit.

As it slowly sinks to the bottom of the sea, the visibility is getting lower and lower. For people like Wang Hai, the line of sight will be greatly hindered, let alone those people.

Wang Hai turned on the flashlight and emitted a strong light, so that he could see farther.

"Not to mention, there are a lot of fish here."This area belongs to the South China Sea, and there are still many small schools of fish.Wang Hai reckoned that because the navy drove them away, there were no big fish schools, but there were many scattered fish schools. Besides, there were many good things on the bottom of the sea. Wang Hai saw teams of big crabs and shrimps.

If it wasn't for the inappropriate timing, Wang Hai would have picked up the net bag and started to pick it up, there are too many.

Because living things cannot be placed in the space, and you will die if you enter it, Wang Hai still gave up the idea of ​​fishing.

"Grandma's, there is garbage in such a deep seabed."Wang Hai scolded, I really don't know who it is, so unqualified, so it can't be installed, and when it docks, can it be sent to the garbage station?
If Wang Hai knew who threw it, he would save it up and throw it at his home.

Wang Hai simply picked up all the garbage on the seabed and threw it into the space, which is very big anyway.

Besides, after cleaning up here, maybe the box can be found better.

According to the time, Wang Hai went up after almost two hours, because the time for the oxygen tank was only two hours at most, and if he didn't go up, the people above would be in a hurry.

Seeing Wang Hai returning empty-handed, He Bing was a little disappointed. However, he soon felt relieved. After all, the scope is too large and too deep. So many people have not found it. If he finds it all at once, it will be amazing. .

"Come on, I'll take you to dinner and supplement your nutrition."He Bing said enthusiastically, after all, he was recommended by himself, no matter whether he succeeds or not, he must entertain others well.

The dishes are very simple, but they are all high-calorie foods, which can quickly replenish physical strength.

"Let's go, go back to the water."After eating, Wang Hai planned to go back, hurry up.

"Uh, don't you take a break?"He Bing asked, going down once takes a lot of physical and mental energy, and after a long time, the damage will be great.

"No rest, no tiredness".Wang Hai waved his hand, it's all right.

He Bing opened his mouth, forget it, you won't force yourself when you know you're tired.

He Bing was quite tired. He had been going for a day and a half, and he slept for less than three hours, and his physical strength declined rapidly.

"By the way, why don't you send more divers over?"Wang Hai asked curiously, the country is so big, it is impossible not to find people.

"To tell you the truth, many of the people here are elites. Besides, those who can come here must be innocent people. Not everyone can come here."He Bing didn't say it clearly, but Wang Hai also understood that those like him should belong to the navy, while those outside the military system are not uniform, and their loyalty cannot be guaranteed.

You must know that this is a state secret, and foreign spies will definitely pay a sky-high price to buy it. If the bribed personnel sneak in, it will be troublesome.

Immediately, Wang Hai didn't say much anymore, he was here to fish for things, and it was over when he finished fishing and left, and it would be bad for him to ask too many questions.

With a plop, after Wang Hai put on his clothes, he continued to enter the water. Compared with the awkwardness on the boat, Wang Hai felt that he was still comfortable and free in the water, and he could do whatever he wanted.

"Hey, I didn't expect to meet such a good thing."After Wang Hai went into the water, he found a small group of sea mussels, some of which were dead, the shells were opened, and the meat inside had been eaten by other fishes, leaving only single pearls.

Among them was a black pearl, which Wang Hai almost missed because of the bad light.

(End of this chapter)

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