Happy Fishing Village

Chapter 250 Sea Anemone

Chapter 250 Sea Anemone
In the afternoon, everyone wanted to fish in the sea, so Wang Hai agreed, and after choosing a suitable sea area, Wang Hai stopped the big boat.

Everyone changed into diving suits and jumped down. Everyone is familiar with diving.

Wang Hai shook his head and drove the speedboat to other places, so he stopped arguing with them.

After Wang Hai entered the water, I found that the place is not deep, it looks like 50 meters, the sea water is very clear, the seaweed is pure, but there are not many fish and shrimps.

"This place is good for diving."Wang Hai said, it's not the kind of diving like myself, but the kind that others play.

In the eyes of people like Wang Hai, no matter how beautiful a place is, it is not as real as a net of shrimps and crabs.

Wang Hai walks on the bottom of the sea. The bottom of the sea is made of sea sand, so it won't sink. Walking on it is soft and comfortable.

Although it looks very beautiful here, there are not many shrimps and crabs, so I swam forward.

"Fuck, there are so many sea anemones."Wang Hai crossed a hurdle and saw sea anemones, a lot of sea anemones. From a distance, it looked like a sea of ​​sunflowers, which looked very beautiful.

But this thing looks beautiful, but it is very dangerous and cruel. If you are injured, you will have to go to the hospital to lie down for a few days.However, this is a sea of ​​sea anemones. If someone falls into it, it may not be as simple as lying down for a few days, or they will lose their lives.

These sea anemones are big and small, the small ones are only a few centimeters, and the big ones are more than one meter. There are also many colors, such as white, yellow, red, etc., so they are so beautiful when viewed from a distance.

Some harmless marine creatures often run with a sea anemone on their backs, pretending to be tigers, or hiding in sea anemones.

Wang Hai understands the horror of these things, even if there are good things in them, he can't take risks.

A sea snake swam past, didn't bother to swim over it, and circled a little bit, it can be seen that it is very afraid of this place.

Instead, another starfish rushed in foolishly. As a result, a sea anemone shot its tentacles directly, trapping it, and shot out hundreds of stinging cells at the same time, quickly killing it and sending it to the mouth with a large mouth in digestion.

The sea snake walked around, and the starfish was instantly killed, which made Wang Hai feel that there might be other dangers here besides the sea anemone.

Wang Hai planned to go back and call everyone up. Fortunately, he found out ahead of time, otherwise he would be in trouble if he didn't know.

Just as Wang Hai turned around, he saw Wang Qiang swimming towards this side, not far away.

Wang Hai waved his hands hastily, and then swam up.

"Haizi, what's the matter, why are you here?"Wang Qiang asked curiously, looking at your net bag is not enough!

"There are large sea anemones below, it is very dangerous, we have to change the place."Wang Hai said solemnly, if anyone forgets about it, it will be troublesome.

Wang Qiang looked down, and sure enough, it was a huge area, and it would be troublesome if he entered by mistake.

In the team, Gao Mingxiang, Wu Ming, and Wang Yong all lack knowledge in this area. They can't understand it by reading books and videos. Sometimes after reading it, they will forget it when they encounter the real thing.

That's why Wang Hai decided to go back, call the big guys aboard, and change places.

"By the way, Haizi, don't these sea anemones like to live alone? Why are there so many here? It's a bit abnormal."Wang Qiang asked curiously, the sea anemone is having a meeting!
Wang Hai smiled and explained: "It is true that sea anemones like to live alone. When individuals meet, there will be conflicts and fights."

"However, if the two are members of the same asexual reproduction line, it is better to gradually extend their tentacles, like shaking hands with a friend, put them together, and then join hands to fight against the enemy.

Only those members of different breeding lines will retract the tentacles as soon as they touch, and then retract again, and then become tense, even a fight.

They are special weapons at the base of the mouth plate, that is, the edge nodules swell, flushing inside, forming a cone shape, and then the ring muscles of the body contract, and the body becomes taller, and then press the opponent with the whole body, and at the same time the tentacles stab at the opponent, and There are a large number of poisonous stinging cells in the nodules of the tentacles, and when it stabs the opponent, it will release the venom.

The two sides will fight back and forth, and after a few minutes, the weaker side will actively retreat and disengage, and if there is no place to hide, it will float up and follow the waves."

Wang Qiang gave a thumbs up and praised: "Professional enough, I know that if you encounter a large sea anemone, just stay away."

In fact, sea anemones are edible, but with such a large number, it is not worth the loss to catch them.

Soon, Wang Hai took Wang Qiang back and shouted: "Everyone get on the boat first, this sea area is a bit dangerous."

Here, obeying orders is also the main thing. When Wang Hai shouted, everyone climbed onto the big fishing boat.

Wang Hu ran over and asked, "What's the matter, Xiaohai, is there a shark?"There are many dangerous animals in this sea, but most of them hit the deep sea, and there are still a few less here.

"It's a sea anemone, a huge piece of sea anemone, bigger than the school's playground, let's change to another place."Wang Hai explained that he was afraid that someone would get into it by mistake.

"What I'm saying is that the sea anemones are fine individually, but if they are in groups, it will be dangerous. After all, sea anemones are also poisonous. One or two is not a big deal, but if there are too many, it will be different."

After the crew members came up, Wang Hu started the fishing boat and continued to move towards the southeast.

"Okay, here it is."After walking for about ten nautical miles, Wang Hu stopped.The big guy didn't go into the water for a long time just now, and he didn't catch anything at all.

"In the future, when everyone goes into the water, don't be in a hurry to catch things, and always pay attention to the surrounding situation. If there is any danger, return immediately and call the big guys, do you know?"Wang Hai shouted loudly that everyone must remember clearly.

"knew".Everyone replied, yes, my life is my own, and I don't cherish it, so that's okay?
Wang Hai also went down, and first swam around for a long time, and found nothing unusual before sinking to the bottom of the sea, ready to catch it.

"Hey, there are more seafood here than there just now."As soon as Wang Hai went down to the bottom of the sea, he found a group of big blue crabs walking rampantly.

Naturally, Wang Hai would not be polite. He pinched the back cover with one hand and quickly covered it with a rubber band, then threw it into the net pocket.

Wang Hai only picked the big ones to catch and let the little ones go, it was not enough, and soon, a net bag was full.

However, Wang Hai brought two net bags, and in the other net bag, he could put the caught shrimps.

After more than an hour, Wang Hai went up with two net bags, satisfied and rewarded.

(End of this chapter)

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