Happy Fishing Village

Chapter 259 Going to the Supermarket

Chapter 259 Going to the Supermarket

Chenggang is not a well-developed city, which belongs to the central region. It can be seen just by looking at the traffic. Now that the high-speed rail is so developed, it is conceivable that it is not connected.

It's not that Wang Hai has any prejudice against inland cities. According to the degree of development, inland cities cannot catch up with the coastal side.Many inland migrant workers come to the coastal cities to work, and there are many in Cangjiang City.

As a place with an excellent port city, there are also a lot of factory areas, attracting a large number of migrant workers.

If you don’t work in a developed place and go to a poor place to earn a lot of money, it’s impossible to think about it. Besides, you are a novice who doesn’t know anything, how can you make a lot of money.

Only those who have just stepped into society, and those who are not pragmatic, will think about how to get rich.

"Then what did Wang Lang say?"Wang Hai asked, I am afraid that Wang Lang no longer has the arrogance he used to have before, and some are just worried.

"Call me and see if I can bring him back."Liu Xia sighed and said, "It's a pity that it doesn't seem to work!

Wang Hai shrugged and said: "Calling is useless. One is that Wang Li is obsessed, thinking about making a lot of money, and his mind is full. He has been brainwashed, and it is impossible to come back. The other is, there There will definitely be many people, it is a gang, and it may not be possible to let him come back."

When Wang Hai was in Shanghai before, he heard that a young man who came to be an apprentice was tricked into it before and stayed there for almost a year.

The young man graduated from junior high school, and his family background is not very good. He wanted to go out and make more money, but it turned out that he was so eager that the CIA was deceived.

Therefore, Wang Hai still understands a little bit. If Wang Li is fascinated, it is not enough to call alone, and he cannot be pulled back.

Back then, that young man was the one whose father said to go see him, and then took a dozen people there, and took them away. Even though the group disagreed, they didn't dare to say anything in front of a dozen big men. .

It's just that when the boy's father called the police, the group had already changed places overnight.

"It depends on the situation. Maybe Wang Lang will also go. I heard that the food and accommodation in such a far away place are poor, so I am very worried."

Wang Hai nodded and said: "The food is really bad. It's just a la carte. There's no oil or water at all. The houses are all bunkhouses. It's like the ancient inn in the TV dramas we watched. Many people live in one room."

When Wang Hai first met the young man, he was really thin, his face was a little yellow, and he was obviously malnourished. After working for a month, his face turned rosy. After all, the food in the hotel is good.

"Okay, go to sleep, Mom, it's useless to worry, let's see tomorrow."Although Wang Lang's behavior was very bad before, but after all, it is a village, and it is not far away. If something happens, he will help.

"Hey, tell me, why are there so many liars here?"Liu Xia sighed, why don't they all work hard?

Wang Hai didn't say anything more. In fact, there are a lot of scammers in the society, and there are countless tricks. Some even large gangs can amass billions of dollars. Let alone small villagers, they are Some elites and even officials will be deceived.

Wang Hai was quite sleepy at first, but after chatting with his mother for a while, he became less sleepy again.

Having nothing to do, Wang Hai turned on his mobile phone and watched the video shot by Yin Ya.

"Shooting well".The shooting time is very long and comprehensive, from the beginning to the end. There is nothing missing. It can be said that the whole shipwreck has been shown.

And behind this video, there is another 20-second video, obviously edited by Yin Ya.

"hey-hey".Wang Hai smiled, obviously, this was specially edited by Yin Ya, just to make himself pronounce a certain sound.

Wang Hai smiled knowingly, and thought of playing. You must know that there was no telescope at night before, so Wang Hai took his mobile phone, turned on the camera, adjusted the focus, and used it as a telescope.

And Wang Hai also took the opportunity to shoot it. It feels a bit like a horror movie atmosphere, which is very good-looking.

Wang Hai directly spliced ​​the two videos together, edited and edited them, and released them.

As for what happened next, Wang Hai didn't look at it, but played a game, not a new game, but an old game, Plants vs. Zombies.

This game was played by Wang Hai when he bought a smartphone for the first time. Although this game appeared relatively early, he didn’t have a mobile phone at home before, and Wang Hai rarely used the Internet. It was only when he bought a mobile phone that he played it seriously. up.

Moreover, Wang Hai feels that the mobile phone is more convenient than the computer, and the smart card can be tapped with both hands, which is more convenient than playing on the computer.

"Yeah"! The front is relatively easy. Wang Hai basically passed it in one go, but it was a bit difficult when he didn't reach the back.

"Aha!"Wang Hai yawned, woke up, and picked up his phone to check what time it was. It seemed that he was playing games yesterday and fell asleep while playing.

Wang Hai picked up the phone, tapped it, and the screen was still black, maybe it was out of battery.

I quickly took the charger, and after plugging it in, it turned out that there was no electricity at all.

Wang Hai simply got up straight away, anyway, it was already bright outside, obviously it would not be too early.

When I got up, my mother was cooking, but Wang Wei and Yin Ya hadn't woken up yet, obviously they were sleeping late.

Wang Hai didn't call them. Tomorrow is sixteen, which means school will start. Let them sleep for a while today.

After Wang Hai ate a few of Liu Xia's rice porridge and steamed buns, he planned to go to the market. Today is the Lantern Festival, and he needs to buy a lot of things.

"Haizi, go to the market, let's go together."As soon as he went out, he ran into Wang Qiang who was also about to go out.

"Okay, buy something."Wang Hai nodded, got on the iron boat, and headed towards the town.

"Haizi, tell me, when will we be able to open a large supermarket in our town?"When he went to Cangjiang Wharf yesterday, Wang Qiang also went to two large supermarkets.

"The mass base is not good enough."Wang Hai said that the economic foundation of the town is poor, and many things in the large supermarkets are not bought by ordinary people, and they don't need them.

"makes sense".It's like the cosmetic counters in supermarkets, outdoor equipment and so on, these are rarely bought in villages and towns.

There were a few small supermarkets, and Wang Hai and the two pushed the trolley into it.

Although the small supermarket does not have so many things, it has vegetables, meat, fruits, and daily necessities. For the villagers, it is still very comprehensive.

Wang Hai took two packs of glutinous rice balls, two packs of Yuanxiao, and bought some vegetables.

(End of this chapter)

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