Happy Fishing Village

Chapter 261 A Thief

Chapter 261 A Thief

A few people were near the station and found a restaurant. Duan Peng wanted to drink more, but Wang Hai refused to let him take care of Wang Lang's mood.

"You two didn't go back during the Chinese New Year, when will you go home?"Duan Peng asked, during the Chinese New Year, you should go back.

"Wait for summer. I heard from the captain that there may be a fishing moratorium in summer. I'll be fine then and I can stay at home longer."Gao Mingxiang said that this was also discussed with Wu Ming.

"That's fine, as long as you discuss it with your family."Duan Peng said, after all, it is your own family's business.

"By the way, you go, and be careful, those people are not good people, don't go wrong."Duan Peng reminded.

Wang Hai nodded and said, "Don't worry, it won't happen, it's just us, it's a good thing if we don't tear them down."

Besides, it’s not the 90s now, it’s called horror at that time, people don’t give money to rest and leave, and HIA often beats people.

"Yes, you guys are strong enough."Duan Peng smiled and said that his two comrades-in-arms naturally knew about it, and it seemed that Wang Qiang and Wang Hai were not bad, only the one with glasses and the uncle were weaker.

Duan Peng left after chatting until 09:30, while Wang Hai and the others entered the waiting hall one by one. Generally speaking, they would check in about 10 minutes in advance, and the calculation time was about the same.

"Anyone of you who wants to go to the toilet should go there quickly, but it is very crowded in the car, which is not very convenient."Wang Hai didn't dare to drink too much at night, beer is diuretic, and it would be troublesome if he had to go to the toilet again and again.

After about ten minutes, the ticket check began, and there were so many people that there was a long queue.

The six people didn't have consecutive numbers, and they sat separately. After all, they didn't buy them in advance, but grabbed them when they were close.

"How about we switch seats, buddy?"Wang Qiang took the luggage and said politely that there was a row of seats between him and Wang Hai, very close.

"Fine".That person was very polite, and he agreed to Wang Qiang's request. After a while, Gao Mingxiang and the others all learned and learned, and changed their seats.

Wang Hai also hoped so. After all, there are a lot of people on the train now, and some are standing. It is not safe at night, and there will always be thieves.

Now that everyone is in the same place, there is more or less a care, and it is much safer.

"You can't fall asleep, so you just play cards or play with your mobile phone. I'm a little sleepy."The car was bumpy and bumpy, Wang Hai leaned on the back, and soon his eyelids felt heavy.

Wang Qiang didn't take the train much, so it was a bit of a novelty. He was so excited that he couldn't fall asleep, so he said, "Why don't we play cards for a while."

Wang Qinghua was looking at his mobile phone, and Wang Lang was very worried and not in the mood, so only three of them were playing.

The three of them were in high spirits, they played until the lights were turned off, and they didn't feel sleepy yet.

"Hey, Mingxiang, look at that kid is dishonest."Wang Qiang whispered that a man in the front seat was putting his hand into a girl's bag.

"Thief".Wu Ming was taken aback for a moment, and then he was about to stand up. Grandma dared to steal in public.

Wang Qiang directly suppressed the person, and said in a low voice: "Let's not scare the snake, it hasn't started yet, and besides, he won't admit it."

"Then what to do"?Wu Ming asked, can he still watch him steal things.

Wang Qiang pointed to the mobile phone behind his card and said, "Don't worry, I've taken pictures, and there will be evidence later, and he can't even go back on his word."Wang Qiang chuckled and said, you can arrest people only if you have evidence, otherwise, others will falsely accuse you.

"Makes sense."Wu Ming nodded. He had encountered such a thing before. He was falsely accused and almost detained. It was because he was too straight and didn't know how to turn.

"Boy, you steal something."After a while, when he saw the man put the stolen money and mobile phone into his pocket and was about to leave you, Wu Ming grabbed him.

"Mind your own business or you'll regret it".The man warned in a low voice, "We are not alone, but a group. There are people from us at every station. When the time comes, you will know how powerful you are when you get off the bus."

"Grandma, you dare to threaten me, everyone, wake up, there are thieves."How could Wu Ming be frightened by him, and shouted loudly.

"Me, my phone and wallet are missing".A girl shouted involuntarily, she was sleeping with her bag in her arms just now, unexpectedly, she was still tricked.

"Mine is gone too, damn thief".Another woman cursed that she was also missing a few hundred dollars from her purse.

"Boy, take it out."Wu Ming chuckled and caught them all, how dare you argue.

"Which of your eyes saw that I stole it, it wasn't me at all."The man said aggrievedly, I didn't have it.

"Then do you dare to turn your bags and pockets over and let us see".Wu Ming sneered, he has caught you, and he dared to argue.

"I said, you are not qualified to turn over me, or I will sue you."The man said arrogantly, you are not the police, besides, even the police, you can't search your body casually.

"Hmph, Mingxiang, call the police and let the police come over. This kid looks like a habitual offender, and he dares to speak hard."Gao Mingxiang didn't need to call the police, the two people who were stolen had already called the police.

Soon the marshals came over, but the man still refused to admit it.

"Comrade police, we have evidence, look, this is what I just secretly photographed, it's this kid."Wang Qiang stood up and presented strong evidence.

In an instant, the man's face became ugly. Unexpectedly, it took only a minute for him to be secretly photographed.

"Boy, you wait."When the man was taken away, he did not forget to say a few harsh words.

"Thank you, thank you."The stolen woman was naturally very grateful to get her money and mobile phone back.

"Boy, where are you going?"An old man sitting next to him turned his head and began to chat, obviously he was woken up and couldn't fall asleep.

"We are going to go to Hong Kong City and find a friend to play for a few days."Wang Qinghua said with a smile, just for a walk.

"Hey, the place in Hong Kong City is very chaotic, especially at the station, there are everyone, how do you go there to play?"The old man frowned and asked, this port city is notoriously chaotic, especially at night, there are robberies in the alleys of the station.

"We just played for two days, and we will go back after two days."Wang Qinghua said with a smile, he didn't stay too long, and it doesn't matter to us whether it is chaotic or not.

The old man got closer and said in a low voice: "It doesn't matter, I often take this car, and I am familiar with it. Let me tell you, the man just now is not alone, but a gang. There is one at the Hong Kong Station. Listen There are dozens of people, after you get off the bus, if it’s not dawn, don’t leave the station, be careful, and leave after dawn, and don’t stay for a long time, there are all kinds of things to do there, but there are the most scammers.”

(End of this chapter)

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