Chapter 279
"Brother, can you take me to the island to play tomorrow?"Knowing that the island has been built and the supporting facilities have been completed, Wang Wei is very excited and wants to see it.

"Study hard, and go after the holiday."Wang Hai said with a straight face, have you finished your homework?
"Brother, how about Saturday tomorrow? I will finish my homework tonight and tell you, brother, this is called an investigation. The teacher has already opened an online shop for me. When the time comes, you will have to rely on me to sell fruits."Wang Wei pouted and said, I didn't come to play.

"Tomorrow weekend, let's go, and I will go to see it too. After it is built, Weiwei hasn't been there yet."Yin Ya said, if you haven't been to your own island, it would be embarrassing to talk about it.

"Okay, let's go tomorrow morning."Wang Hai nodded, it made sense.

"Hey, the teacher is the best, I'm going to do my homework."Wang Wei was so happy that she took her books and went into the room to do her homework.

Early the next morning, Wang Hai took Wang Wei and Yin Ya to the island in a speedboat.Liu Xia has been there several times, but said she won't go, because there is still work in the field.

"Ah, brother, when I grow up, I will also drive a speedboat."Facing the wind, rushing forward, the collar whistling, very comfortable.

Now that the temperature has warmed up, the sea breeze has become much milder. Facing the wind, there is no coldness in winter, and there is still a comfortable feeling.

"I'll buy you one when you take the exam for a prestigious university."Wang Hai promised that as long as you can pass the exam.

"Really, teacher, you can testify to me, and then I will take you for a ride."Wang Wei said happily, the sea will let me gallop.

Yin Ya laughed, she is only in elementary school now, and it is still early to wait for university, Wang Hai is really good at fooling people.

The distance is not far, and the speed of the speedboat is very fast. After a while, we arrived on the island.

"Second Grandpa, I'm coming!"Wang Wei ran up excitedly, Xiaozui shouted sweetly.

"Brother Mingxiang, Brother Wu Ming, my eldest brother has brought something, please help move it here!"Wang Wei turned her head and said to the two people working behind her.

"Here we go".Gao Mingxiang and Wu Ming said with a smile, what did Wang Hai bring here? He is already fine now.

"Come on, let the second grandpa take a look. I haven't seen you for a few days, and I've grown taller again!"The second grandpa happily threw away the hoe, and happily hugged Weiwei around twice.

"I forgot before. I brought a solar energy. It's convenient for you to take a bath, and it's also convenient to use hot water."When he got home and took a shower, Wang Hai remembered this.

"Captain, you are too thoughtful."Gao Mingxiang said with a smile, when he took a bath last night, it was boiled water.

Gao Mingxiang discussed it with Wu Ming and planned to visit the town in two days. Unexpectedly, Wang Hai sent it here today.

"Come on, let's press it up together, this one will be placed on the roof."Although Wang Hai brought the rope, it took a lot of effort to get it up.

Although there is no running water here, Wang Hai has dug a well before, installed a pressure tank, and installed a water purifier in the kitchen, so drinking water is safe.

"Xiao Hai, why are you spending money recklessly, just boil some water and wash it off."The second grandpa stared and said, it's fine now, why buy something again.

Yin Ya smiled and said, "Second Grandpa, the orchard is so big now, there will be a lot of people working, and it's hot, so it's convenient to take a bath."

The second grandpa nodded: "That's right, it's because your daughter is thoughtful, that's the reason."

Wang Hai curled his lips, I mean the same thing, okay?

Wang Hai found that his current status had dropped a bit, and his words were not as effective as the female teacher. Just now, the female teacher who was blowing his beard and staring at him was beaming when the female teacher said it.

"Brother, I want to ride a tricycle to play."Wang Wei said excitedly, this is very good, and a road has been built.

"I'll go with it, just take a look."The road is surrounded by the sea, and there are no guardrails for the time being. Wang Wei can go by herself, and no one is at ease.

"Second Grandpa, the speed is so fast, it's all planed out."It has only been more than a day, and the five acres of land in front have been dug again, and some of the land has been dug out.

"Well, I'm going to plant some cabbage and rapeseed here, cucumbers over there, tomatoes, potatoes and so on. The area here is not small, and I plan to plant some corn and so on."

Second Grandpa obviously had plans long ago and couldn't stay idle.

"Here, Second Grandpa, here in front of the house, let's build a concrete floor, it's convenient to dry things."In the warehouse, there was still unused cement, but Wang Hai did not transport it back.

The second grandfather stroked his beard and said, "It makes sense. I'll calculate later, and when I collect the corn later, I will have to dry it."

Wang Hai suddenly felt that he had reserved a bit too much land, how could he plant such a large area.

It was also considered to leave such a large area in the first place. There are so many fruit trees here, and the mosquitoes are very powerful in summer. With such a long open space, it also has a buffering effect.

However, if the vegetable fields grow up here, it is estimated that mosquitoes will be attracted at night, and there will be a lot of them.

"Mingxiang, please pay attention to the condition of the window screens. If they are damaged, replace them in time. I don't think there will be fewer mosquitoes in summer. Prepare more mosquito coils and electric mosquito coils."Wang Hai confessed that he should not be careless.

"Don't worry, I know."Gao Mingxiang nodded. When he was in the army, he used to go to the field for training. Those mosquitoes were called powerful by the CIA.

"If you need anything in the future, give me a call."

After a while, Wang Wei turned around and came back. However, she obviously didn't enjoy herself, so she took Yin Ya and drove there again.

"You guys talk, I'll go make lunch."The second grandpa said, Wang Hai is not considered a guest, but the female teacher is, so she should treat her well.

"Brother, you are bald, there is nothing to see."Wang Wei came back on the second lap, and jumped down sullenly. When she saw the fluffy chicken, she became interested again and ran over.

"Be careful, don't touch it randomly".Wang Hai reminded that he was really afraid that Wang Wei would play to death.

"Know it".Wang Wei said excitedly, I have a sense of proportion.

"The planned HIA is good, but the supporting facilities should also keep up with it. If it goes well, the first batch of fruits will ripen in summer. Are you ready?"Yin Ya asked, to find a market in advance.

"There's still half a year left, don't worry."Wang Hai planned to ask Li Li and Liu Wei when he turned around, and introduce the high-end fruit merchants to himself.

Yin Ya curled her lips, you are too careless, this investment is so big, if someone else would be very nervous, I hope you can get back the money as soon as possible, it doesn't seem like you don't care.

"Don't worry, it's fine."Wang Hai patted his chest and promised that it would never be unsalable, and there would only be people scrambling for it.

Yin Ya is still a little worried, and plans to set up the online store as soon as possible, and publicize it in the early stage.

(End of this chapter)

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