Happy Fishing Village

Chapter 285 Sunfish

Chapter 285 Sunfish

Early the next morning, when Wang Hai arrived at the pier, He Wu was already waiting, chatting with Wang Yong and the others who had already arrived.

They already knew each other during dinner yesterday, so there was no distinction. In addition, He Wu is a fun person, and he got along with several of them in a short while.

"Let's go, let's go"!Seeing that everyone has arrived, Wang Hai waved his hand and set off.

With the sound of a whistle, the fishing boat slowly left the pier, then began to speed up, heading south.

This road, Wang Hu is already very familiar with it, it can be said that he is familiar with it, and Wang Hai is also very relieved.

The time I went there was the most relaxing time, where I could play cards, sleep, play games, and watch movies.

He Wu observed silently. It seems that the current fishermen are very comfortable and don't have to work hard. This may be the benefit of having a large fishing boat.

"Hey, Wang Hai, what kind of fish is that, so strange"!He Wu had nothing to do, so he took a binoculars to see if there were any strange things coming.He had heard about the ghost ship, and wanted to see it too.

He Wu looked at it and said: "The fish has only a head and no tail, as if it was cut off by someone. It swims so slowly, it must be dead."

He Wu was very excited, that fish is not small, it is more than three meters long and two meters wide, it is considered a large creature, it should be very fleshy.

Wang Hai could see it without binoculars. He explained, "It's sunfish, a very unique fish. It's also quite expensive, and it's very popular in Baodao."

He Wudao: "How come there is such a name, I don't know if it is good or not."

"The sunfish is one of the largest and most peculiar fish in the world. Its body is round and flat, like a big saucer. It has a docile temperament, so it is often attacked by humans, killer whales and sea lions. In summer, when a large number of sunfish turn over When the fish, with plenty of food, drift around, the sea lions attack them."

"Sea lions often bite the dorsal and pectoral fins of sunfish and attack them on the water surface. If sea lions cannot tear off the thick and hard skin of sunfish, they will take the sunfish that has lost its ability to move, like playing with a flying saucer. They were thrown into the water and became the food of ferocious seagulls. The reason why they are not extinct is because of their super high reproductive capacity, which is almost the most productive creature in the biological world. They can lay hundreds of millions of eggs at a time, although most of them will die young ".

Wang Hai smiled and said, "I've said it's an expensive dish and it's very popular. How about you say it's delicious?"

"Then let's not do it yet"?He Wu rolled up his sleeves, what the hell, why don't you do it?Didn't you say it's a good thing?
"Brother Haizi, it's a sunfish, I can't catch it."Hearing Wang Hai and He Wu chattering outside, Wang Yong came out to have a look, and it turned out that he had met a sunfish.

"Wang Yong, you also know sunfish!"Before He Wu finished speaking, he laughed to himself. He grew up by the sea, so how could he not know him!

Wang Qinghua also came out. When he saw the sunfish, he was surprised and wanted to catch it.He didn't want to eat it, but to see it. Although he knew it was a sunfish, he hadn't touched it with his own hands yet.

"That's okay, Dayong, go and call someone. Don't look at this guy swimming very slowly, and he can't even swim with us. There are fewer people, so it may not be possible to catch him."

"Okay!"Wang Yong walked into the cabin quickly, called everyone over, and began to put on the diving suit.

He Wu asked puzzledly: "Wang Hai, didn't you say that this sunfish swims slower than a human, how could it fail to catch it?"
Wang Qinghua next to him explained: "Don't look at this sunfish swimming is not fast, but diving is very good",
Wang Yong and the others put on diving suits, took fishing nets, and dived under the sunfish first, opened the nets and waited.

When Wang Hai went down and the sunfish got closer and closer, the sunfish sensed the danger, and after a few swims, its head sank, ready to dive.

As soon as Wang Hai chased him, the sunfish dived faster, and then directly hit the fishing net.

Wang Yong and the others directly closed together, then trapped the sunfish inside, and pulled it towards the surface of the sea.

"This sunfish is really big."He Wu touched it through the fishing net, and found that the outer skin was thick, like rubber.

"It's not too big. The biggest sunfish weighs several thousand catties, which is heavier than a cow."Wang Qinghua said, it is so big that ordinary fishing nets cannot catch it.

He Wu exclaimed: "It's so big, how many people can eat it? It's the first time I've heard of it. This ocean is really amazing. I'm right this time. What should we do with this sunfish? Eat it!" "?
This is the only one, so He Wu feels that Wang Hai should not be stingy.

"Don't eat it, let's sell it later, we can't cook this fish thoroughly."Wang Hai shook his head and said: "In the past, some sailors wanted to cook it and eat it, and the pot almost went on strike. Therefore, there was such a comment among the sailors: If you put it in a pot and cook it, the pot would feel ashamed."

In fact, the sunfish has incredibly thick skin. Its skin is made up of [-] centimeters thick dense femoral fibers. In the past, the children of fishermen would wind the thick sunfish skin with a rope Bouncy ball to play with.

Wang Yunming patted the body of the fish and said in agreement: "This fish is not easy to cook. It can't be cooked in an hour. The skin is very thick. If the knife is not sharp, it can't be cut at all."

Wang Yunxin said with a smile: "When we were young, we also caught this sunfish, but it was not as big as this fish. The big guys didn't understand, so they wanted to cook it and try it. It took a long time to separate the fish. , Cooked for an hour and a half, it was not cooked, and finally got angry and threw it all away.”

"Hey, look, this sunfish is so big, how come its mouth is so small, it's really strange."Wang Yong asked curiously, it doesn't conform to the rules.

Wang Ying exclaimed: "Since this fish is so hard, there should be many. After all, if you can't cut it with a knife, few fish can bite it to death."

If you can't even bite, the chances of survival must be very high.

Wang Qinghua shook his head and explained: "It's not like that. Don't look at its thick skin. The fins are easy to be torn. Once the fins are torn off, it will lose its ability to move. It can only wait for the fish to tear off." They will be dragged away by others, and then slowly eaten, and at night, they will also become the targets of large carnivorous fish."

"Why"?Wang Yong asked, why is it called night? Could it be that it is very conspicuous at night?
Wang Hai went on to say: "This sunfish also has a nickname called moon fish. Around its body, there are often many luminous animals attached to it. In this way, when the sunfish swims, the luminous animals on its body will light up. It emits bright light, and its body is also round, and some people look like a bright moon, so we add moon fish."

It's the first time for Wang Ming and the others to hear about it, and they all feel very novel.

(End of this chapter)

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