Happy Fishing Village

Chapter 307 Active Work

Chapter 307 Active Work
As the fishing net was pulled up, a large number of sea fish were dumped, and Wang Yong and others quickly took the boxes and sorted them into boxes.

Although most of the fish in this school are sea bass, there are also other sea fish, but the number is small.

Some people sorted and packed boxes, and some people began to carry them into the ice cabin, and they were very busy.

Busy and tired, but everyone is smiling. For fishermen, there is nothing more satisfying than a good catch.

"I'll come too".He Wu watched the lively scene, and also came over with a box in his arms to help pack it.

When He Wu went out to sea with him last time, he participated in the work, and even threatened to ask Wang Hai to pay him wages.

This time, he was well prepared, because the last time he worked, his brand-name clothes were scrapped. This time, he had experience. Before he came, he asked Wang Hai to prepare a set of work clothes for him.

"Should we help"?Xu Hui asked, the three of them were on the same team as He Wu, and He Wu ran over by himself, why are you watching?

"Go, there is a good saying, labor is the most glorious".Sun Ming said with a smile, it would be best if someone could take pictures of himself while working, and when his father said that he was not doing his job properly and not working, he would take it out for him to see.

But because everyone was working, even Wang Hai was nervous and busy. Sun Ming looked at it for a while, but no one would help, so he fixed the phone in a suitable place.

"Hey, I have pity on my clothes. A pair of pants cost more than 2000."Yi Xiaoai said with a bitter face, everyone agrees, and she will follow.

Xu Hui smiled and said, "Don't worry, let He Wu buy you a new one afterwards, and let Wang Hai buy it for you, anyway, we can't work for nothing."

Talking and laughing, the three of them also walked over to help share and load the fish.

"You three, take it with you, don't get your hands stuck."Seeing this, Wang Hai smiled, and came over with three pairs of leather gloves. After all, the three of them had basically never done work before, let alone arresting such work. '

What's more, the fins of sea fish are easy to prick your hands. If you pierce them, they will break if you don't do it well. Even if they don't get infected, they still hurt.

If someone comes to help with work, Wang Hai can't let him be troubled or injured.

"Thanks"!Xu Hui said with a smile, it's a pity that her hands were protected, but her body was not protected. A sea bass struggled one by one, touched her jeans, and suddenly a wet mark appeared.

"Yeah, my pants".Xu Hui pursed her lips and shouted that she was done with her trousers. Although she was mentally prepared, she was a little unhappy that she was really stained by sea fish.

"Why don't you all work together to lift the box in, so that it is not easy to be touched by sea fish."Wang Hai pointed to the box and said, besides, the box is not very big.

"Then let's try."Xu Hui called Yi Xiaoai, ready to try to lift the box.It's a pity that the box doesn't look big, but it's very heavy, at least for Xu Hui and Yi Xiaoai, when did the two of them do physical work before?
"You'd better share the fish, let's do the hard work."At some point, Zhao Bin also joined in.

The five people from Zhao Bin's side all came over, but one of them was a foreign worker, and that was Liu Sisi, who looked at the lively sea fish with a look of disgust on his face, and held up the corner of his skirt for fear of being contaminated. .

On the other hand, Zhao Bin and the others didn't care. Like Xu Hui, they didn't care if they were dirty anyway. They treated them as work clothes.

Looking at Liu Sisi who looked disgusted, Wang Hai felt sad for her. After going back this time, he might be dumped.

Those who are present, no one is stronger than you, no one is higher than you, they can put down their figures, but you can't.

Wang Hai felt that if this Liu Sisi could act together with Zhao Bin, she would do whatever Zhao Bin did. Maybe, she could really hug her thigh. Unfortunately, it is impossible now.

A few people wanted to help, but Wang Hai didn't stop them. Besides, it was very busy now, and the second net was also pulled up immediately, making it even busier.

When the second net was pulled up, the first fishing net was lowered again. This school of fish was really too big, and I would be sorry for such a large school of fish if I did not catch it a few times.

With the fish caught, the boat was changing shafts all the time, Wang Hai ignored He Wu and the others, and said loudly: "If you are hungry, go to the kitchen and make a pad first. There are instant noodles, ham, and snacks in it. Drinks, food and drinks are a little bit, I'm too busy now, I can't cook for you."

Wang Hai did not expect that the fish school would be so big. It had been more than three hours, and everyone was a little tired, let alone He Wu and others who basically had no work.

He Wulei sat down on the deck and didn't care about his image. Xu Hui and Yi Xiaoai were a little better, but they were just a frame, and they didn't care about cleanliness for a long time.

Liu Ming went to the kitchen, took a few bottles of water, took a sip and said, "I'm so tired, I haven't been so tired for a long time, hey, it's not easy being a fisherman"!
Wang Yunming, who was working next to him, had a good impression of these young people, and said, "It's much better now, Xiaohai bought this big fishing boat and worked on it, but it's much better than we used to be. It is that kind of small boat, which is very dangerous, and it will be in danger when encountering larger winds and waves. Besides, there is no guarantee that sometimes the catch will be large, and sometimes it will even lose money.”

Liu Ming asked puzzledly: "Losing money, what are you losing money for? When you go out to sea to fish, you can make money if you catch it. If you can't catch it, you don't make money. How can you lose money?"
Xu Hui laughed and said, "You are stupid, did you row this boat, or did I row it?"
Liu Ming scratched his head in embarrassment, yes, why did he forget this, this boat burns oil, this time going to sea, if the catch is very small, if you can’t even earn oil money, then naturally lost money.

On the other side, Zhao Bin and the others were also very tired, sitting there to rest, not wanting to move or talk.

At this moment, Wang Hu, who was in front, shouted through the walkie-talkie: "Xiao Hai, come here quickly, there are two foreign ships coming ahead."

Wang Hu was a little uncertain whether there would be any changes or something. After all, the follower fish had come to the high seas now.

When he came to the front, Wang Hu found that the two fishing boats in front had already started throwing their nets.

This is nothing at all, the ocean is so big, you fish for yours, and I fish for mine.

However, the first two boats are obviously not like this, and the nets in front of the Sea King are obviously the fishing boats of Bie Wanghai, which prevents them from fishing properly and has a great impact.

(End of this chapter)

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