Happy Fishing Village

Chapter 313 The Return

Chapter 313 The Return
Wang Hai swam a long way before, and the water depth was 200 meters, so naturally he couldn't tell these people. Besides, even if he did, these people wouldn't be able to go down to such a deep place.

Therefore, Wang Hai had no choice but to say a place deeper than here, let the big guys find it, otherwise, these people will not give up.

Let alone Wang Yong and Wang Ying, even He Wu's group and Zhao Bin's group went down.

Because Wang Hai stayed behind, even Wang Hu was moved. He put on a diving suit and went down. Now there are only Wang Hai and Li Ai on the boat.

Originally, Li Ai also wanted to go, but unfortunately his physical fitness is not good, he was seasick before, but after getting off, he felt very dizzy, so he hurried up again.

An hour passed, and a group of people came back one after another with their heads down, all empty-handed, not to mention tourmalines, even crystals.

The place Wang Hai pointed to was not found, and the big guy searched a large circle around, but still found nothing. In the end, as for giving up, they all came up one by one, and it didn’t work if they didn’t come up. Two or three hours passed In other words, some people have been in the sea for two or three hours, and it will be dangerous to soak in it any longer.

"It doesn't make sense. It stands to reason that there should be a mineral deposit."Li Ai said doubtfully, it's like gems and emeralds all have ore veins, it's impossible for one or two to appear alone.

Wang Hai said angrily: "It doesn't make sense, it didn't take long just now, even if I dive, I can't go far away."

Li Ai tilted his head and thought about it, yes, but it's still strange, how could a tourmaline appear for no reason.

But soon Li Ai stopped worrying about this matter, and pestered Wang Hai to sell the tourmaline to her, to be precise, to her company.

It would be nice if there was a blue one.You know, tourmaline has the highest value in blue.

Single-color pure tourmalines are very rare and precious. As for the colors, each country's preference is different, and the price is also different.

In island countries, blue ones are the most popular. In Europe and the United States, black ones are preferred. Maybe black is more mysterious.

Inland, red is more popular, while in the bay, emerald green is more popular.

"Alright alright".Wang Hai had never found out that Li Ai was so capable of talking, and he kept pestering him, so he agreed without hesitation.

"Great, thank you so much".Li Ai was so happy that he was about to jump up. His company can't even rank in the middle class now. Now that he has golden pearls and tourmalines, his reputation can be greatly improved, which is very beneficial to the company's future development.

"Wang Hai, if you find any treasure in the future, if you want to sell it, you must find me."Li Ai reminded, we are old classmates, besides, the price will not be less.

"Don't worry, I will."Wang Hai nodded. The reason why he agreed so readily is because there are several more in the space, and there are two, which are even bigger than this, and the value will only be higher.

Wang Hu was also disappointed, and returned to the cab. After asking Wang Hai, he started the fishing boat, prepared to go north, and returned.

Both Zhao Bin and He Wu had no objection to the return flight. They had been out to play for several days, and it was time to go back.

Several people were very satisfied with this trip, and gained a lot.

Whether it's the seafood from He Wu's side or the red coral from Zhao Bin's side, it's actually secondary, the main thing is to have fun.

Because I have almost finished playing, when I returned, I didn't stop there, but returned with all my strength.

At noon the next day, the fishing boat finally returned to the pier outside the village, and everyone lined up to disembark one after another.

"Wang Hai, I will leave my seafood to you."In the past, when fishing boats came back, they would go directly to the Cangjiang Wharf, and after selling their catch, they would return to the village.

This time, in order to take care of He Wu and Zhao Bin, they went back to the village first. After He Wu and the others disembarked, the fishing boat left and headed towards the Cangjiang wharf, intending to sell the harvest this time.

Although this time it was mainly about playing, but there were two big gains, which were very rich.

The four of He Wu also gained a lot, so they asked Wang Hai to sell it to him.

Originally, He Wu wanted to go with him, but when he came back, he caught a cold and felt uncomfortable, so he couldn't go.

"Wang Hai, we will go back after we go down, thank you for your hospitality."When Zhao Bin was about to disembark, he talked to Wang Hai.

"Well, welcome down to the village as a guest."Wang Hai welcomed and said that the more people he brought, the better.

After getting off the boat, Xu Hui asked: "What should we do, go back or not?"
"Why don't you wait, Wang Hai hasn't come back yet, we need to tell him."Yi Xiaoai said that although they are all contacted by mobile phone now, it is better to talk face to face, which makes people feel more comfortable.

"Why don't you wait, He Wu was fine when he went, but he caught a cold when he came back, look at how he looks."Sun Ming said with a smile that it was a good thing that he came back. If he caught a bad cold when he went there, it would be miserable, and he would not be able to play in the sea.

"That's fine, anyway, eat and drink at Wang Hai's house, the food at his house is so delicious."Yi Xiaoai said happily, when I go back, do I want to bring some souvenirs back?
Less than half an hour after the Sea King arrived at the Cangjiang Wharf, all the catches were snatched up.

Wang Hai also has several regular traders. Every time the fishing boat returns, these people will come together and discuss how to distribute it.

The quality of Wang Hai's catches is generally very good, which makes the business of several vendors grow bigger and bigger. As a result, the catches that were a little rich before are not enough now.

"Captain Wang Hai, can you catch more in the future? Look, I only got so much this time, how is it enough?"A vendor complained that there were not enough to sell!
"We are also human beings, and we also need to rest, not machines."Wang Hai said with a smile, even a machine has a time to stop, let alone a human.

If you continue to rotate continuously, your body will soon collapse.

The seafood vendor laughed and said, "I'm just complaining. The main reason is that your seafood here is of good quality and sold at a high price."

After the transaction, Wang Hai disembarked and planned to go to the market to buy some beef and mutton, as well as some vegetables to go back.

But Wang Hai knew that people like He Wu hadn't gone back yet.

"Brother Haizi, let's go too."Wang Yong said excitedly that after staying at sea for several days, he wanted to spend more time on land.

"Is there anything else you want to go, let's go together."Wang Hai asked, it would be fun to go together.

(End of this chapter)

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