Happy Fishing Village

Chapter 327 Want it?

Chapter 327 Want it?
Wang Hai said embarrassingly: "There should be more, I didn't look carefully. In fact, Wang Hai really didn't check all of them. He just collected them and came back. The cabins inside were not searched."

"You, why don't you take a closer look."Mr. Zhao Dexin said angrily, maybe there is a good one, and if it is not done well, it will be of great value.

This value is not only the value of money, but also the value of research.

"Hey, I met a shark at that time, so I hurried back."Wang Hai lied a little, although the sunken ship is not very big, but if you search it carefully, it may take two or three hours.

"Hey, yes, there are still many dangerous creatures underwater."Zhao Dexin nodded and said, therefore, underwater work is not easy.

"Then do you still plan to go, can you still remember that direction?"Zhao Dexin hurriedly asked, Wang Hai discovered the sunken ship by accident, but he ran into a shark and ran away in a panic, maybe he couldn't find the place.

"No, it should be found."Wang Hai said confidently, how could he not find it.

Unfortunately, in the eyes of Gao Jianmin and Zhao Dexin, Wang Hai is still a bit boastful. The terrain of the seabed is complex, and there are no obvious coordinates. It is very difficult to remember a place by feeling.

When Zhao Dexin was young, he also ran across the ocean with ships, and he was not a novice who knew nothing.

Wang Hai can't remember it himself, but he has already marked it with the system, so it is naturally impossible to find it.

'Old man, will anyone want these pieces of porcelain?' Wang Hai asked, if no one wants it, just throw it away.

"I remember a person I knew before, who specialized in porcelain, and should be able to ask for it, but it's hard to say how much it's worth."Zhao Dexin hadn't contacted that person for a long time.

"I'll ask you back later."

"Then, old man, you can also help me deal with these gold bars."Wang Hai said with a smile, this amount is a bit large, I can handle it myself, it is not easy to handle.

"That's fine."Zhao Dexin nodded, then turned to Gao Jianmin and said, "Jianmin, please contact me later, it will be dealt with."

Because this is what Wang Hai obtained on the high seas, all the salvaged items belong to him, and there will be no violation of the law if he disposes of them.

"By the way, old man, these porcelains have been in the sea water for a long time. If they are taken out rashly, will there be any damage to the porcelains?"This is what Wang Hai wants to know the most, don't salvage the water by yourself and it will be broken soon, that would be called a loss.

"The most common one is desalination treatment. Of course, there are many details. If there is a good porcelain, I can help you deal with it."Zhao Dexin took the initiative to say that the key is that these are all fragments, and none of them are intact.

"Well, we're going back in the afternoon, if you can still find that place and salvage something, then contact me."Zhao Dexin said that because he had to go back to Shanghai in the afternoon, there was an important meeting.

"That's OK, I'll go as soon as possible."The two of Zhao Dexin naturally left after eating. The old man was very satisfied with the food at Wang Hai's house.

In the afternoon, Zhao Dexin and Gao Jianmin left, by water, and they were picked up by a yacht.

Looking at the beautiful and majestic yacht, Wang Hai also wanted to own one, at least it would be much more convenient to travel to and from Peach Blossom Island.

Tin boats are good, they can pull people and goods, but it's cold, and the wind is blowing when you drive.

When the two left, they naturally took away the porcelain shards and gold bars.

"Wang Hai, you are not afraid that we will not come back with your gold bars."Gao Jianmin joked with a smile that the gold bars in this box are not cheap.

"Leave it to you, I am very relieved."Wang Hai also replied with a smile, the old man has a good character.

As soon as Zhao Dexin and the two left, someone came to the house again, but it was Jiang Yuan.

"How did you come"?Wang Hai had just returned home from the pier when he looked at this guy, who was sitting on the sofa waiting for him.

"I have something nice to tell you."Jiang Yuan stood up, exchanged a few pleasantries, and then said: "It's like this. Last month, our coast guard cracked a big smuggling case. There were dozens of speedboats and yachts searched and suppressed. After a meeting and discussion, The result is that this batch of smuggled goods can be dealt with at a low price, but it must be kept secret.”

"I think it would be much more convenient for you to go back and forth by sea with a speedboat, so I came here to ask if you want it."Jiang Yuan also took out the batch of mobile phones and showed them to Wang Hai. These speedboats and yachts are different in size and shape.

If it is not a good relationship, it is impossible to know and will not be informed.

"By the way, do you have any documents?"Wang Hai asked, if you buy it directly, you must have some of the most basic documents.

Jiang Yuan said: "Don't worry, there are all of them."It can be re-applied, but some fees have to be paid, which is very cost-effective in comparison.

In this way, Wang Hai can feel relieved. Don't wait for the time to sail at sea and find himself without a certificate. If you don't check who you are.

"I have a speedboat, it's at the pier, don't you see it?"Wang Hai smiled and said that the speedboat was the reward he got for helping the Navy last time by searching for the black box.

But the speedboat, that is, when it was just delivered, was driven more often, and after the Chinese New Year, it was driven much less.

The key is that the speedboat is basically only suitable for short-distance sailing, and Wang Hai and his party basically go to the South China Sea to fish, the distance is too far, unless the speedboat is moved to the Sea King and brought there, then it will be a bit too troublesome up.

So I don't use it much, and Wang Qiang has borrowed it a few times to buy goods.

Moreover, the speed of the speedboat was very fast, but the bumps were even more severe. Wang Hai didn't think much about driving it a few times.

So, the speedboat has been parked at the pier recently.

Jiang Yuan scratched his head in embarrassment. He didn't know this. Last time the navy was looking for someone, but the diving captain recommended him, and he was from the navy. He went directly to the town and took him away. , I don't know much about the process. As for Wang Hai's reward, I don't know either.

Then there was a small oolong, but Jiang Yuan quickly laughed again and said: I saw the speedboat on the pier. It is not very big, and it is not very new. What we seized this time, not only There are only speedboats and yachts. Look, there are so many of them. See if you are interested. Relatively speaking, yachts are much more luxurious and upscale.

What Jiang Yuan recommends is that a speedboat is a speedboat, and a yacht is a yacht. They cannot be compared, and it is not much to buy another one!
(End of this chapter)

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