Happy Fishing Village

Chapter 329 Supper Problem

Chapter 329 Supper Problem
Jiang Yuan has also been here several times, and he is familiar with Wang Hai's family, so he doesn't feel restrained.

But Wang Hai and the others were not very polite to Jiang Yuan, they seemed very casual, which also made Jiang Yuan very happy, because only the closer the relationship is, the less polite they are, the less familiar they are, the less familiar they are , will be very polite.

"Brother Jiang Yuan, how about you try my juice?"There are a lot of fruits at home, and Wang Hai bought a lot during the Chinese New Year.

During the Chinese New Year, people like Wang Yong and Wang Ying brought a lot, and when the uncle's family came in the next year, they bought a lot, and then they piled up like a mountain.

Even if it is a family, each person eats two or three meals a day, and has not finished eating for more than half a month. As a result, Wang Wei and Yin Ya are unwilling to eat, saying that they have eaten enough.

Helpless, Wang Hai had no choice but to share more than half of it and move it to the boat. When he went out to sea, he let the big guy eat with him.

And the remaining half becomes Wang Wei's experimental material. When I have nothing to do every day, I just study some fruit juice, or add some yogurt, or add some toffee. If I don't add some Sprite, it's a random experiment anyway.

Wang Wei smiled, and came over with a disposable water glass. The juice inside was a bit black, which made Jiang Yuan a little worried. This could not be dark food.

However, this is the juice prepared by Xiao Gongju himself, so you can't drink it.

Jiang Yuan took it, and planned to take a small sip first, if it tasted good, he would continue to drink it, if it didn't taste good, well, make another plan.

"Hey, it smells like cola and oranges."Jiang Yuan took a sip, and it tasted like cola and orange. Mixed, it's not bad to drink, but it's not very tasty.

"How is it, how is it, is it good?"Wang Wei asked eagerly, neither the teacher nor the elder brother wanted to taste the drink for themselves, now that a test subject has finally come, how can I miss it.

"It's okay, it's not hard to drink."Jiang Yuan said truthfully, it was a bit weird anyway.

Wang Wei walked away with a long voice, a little disappointed. It's not bad to drink, that is to say, it's not good to drink. It seems that her ratio this time failed again.

But within 5 minutes, Wang Wei ran over excitedly again, still holding a water glass in her hand, and said, "Try this, I changed the drink, and added Sprite this time."

In Wang Wei's expectant eyes, Jiang Yuan took a small sip, um, it seemed to be okay, so he took another big sip.

"Well, it's okay, it's much better than the one just now."Jiang Yuan nodded and said, this time the taste is good.

"Hey, I'll try again to find the best ratio."Wang Wei ran back excitedly and ping-pong in the kitchen. After a long meeting, she brought three water glasses and asked Jiang Yuan to taste which one was the most suitable and the best drink.

Jiang Yuan also had a small interest, and while tasting, he fed back the results to Wang Wei, and Wang Wei was actually taking notes with a pen and paper in a serious manner.

More than half an hour passed, and Wang Wei left happily, but Jiang Yuan felt as if he was hungry and full just now.

"Xiao Jiang, it's time to wash your hands and eat."Liu Xia shouted enthusiastically, she felt that this Jiangyuan person was not bad, and she would still think of her son when there was something good going on.

"Well, let's go."Jiang Yuan said with a smile, but when he turned his head, he turned into a bitter face, because he had been drinking juice just now and was already full.

Jiang Yuan has always been obsessed with the food of Wang Hai's family, and this time he also has plans to eat it, but unfortunately, it seems to be a bit of a waste.

"Why, it's not to your liking, or Wang Hai's craftsmanship has regressed."Yin Ya smiled and said that she had met Jiang Yuan several times, and she didn't feel unfamiliar, and she was just joking.

"No, it's just that I drank too much juice just now, and I feel a little full."Jiang Yuan waved his hands again and again, how could it be possible, the food made by Wang Hai was the best he had ever eaten.

Following Jiang Yuan's words, Liu Xia stared at him. I said I didn't see you doing your homework all afternoon and you were running around. So I went to make juice again and asked Jiang Yuan to taste it for you.

Wang Wei was very self-conscious. She lowered her head and ate the rice without speaking or explaining.She knew that her mother was just staring at her now, if she spoke, she would definitely get hurt.

"hey-hey".Yin Ya covered her mouth and snickered, and she didn't forget to order some food for Wang Wei, but she couldn't let her eat the rice!
"It's okay, you can eat whatever you want, sometimes at night before going to bed, we will also have supper, just do a little more at that time."Wang Hai said casually, we all ate supper before going to bed.

"Well, that's troublesome."Jiang Yuan said gratefully that he would definitely be hungry by then.

In Wang Hai's house, there is no habit of eating supper. Even if one night is very hungry, they just eat some snacks or instant noodles. This kind of situation is very rare.

However, no one said anything, lest Jiang Yuan would feel embarrassed.

For a meal, Jiang Yuan ate the least, even less than Wang Wei, but she was still laughing behind her back.

Sure enough, it was only after nine o'clock, and Jiang Yuan's stomach started to growl. It was obvious that he was hungry, and he sat on the sofa, blushing.

"What do you want to eat, Weiwei?"Wang Hai asked, in this case, everyone should eat a little, otherwise, Jiang Yuan would eat by himself, how embarrassing it would be.

Besides, he is not stupid, if he eats it himself, he will definitely know that Wang Hai lied to him about eating late at night, so he will definitely feel even more embarrassed.

"I want to eat tomato beef".Wang Wei said happily that when she was hungry at night before, she only had instant noodles to eat, but now she can order whatever she wants, and she must eat whatever she wants.

"I want a dumpling, don't need too many, just a dozen or so, the essentials."Yin Ya said, don't eat too much meat at night, it's better to be vegetarian to keep fit.

"Be a fish, it's better to eat fish than meat."Liu Xia used to have high blood pressure, so she ate less meat to avoid affecting her blood pressure.But fish is not included in this list. Eating a lot of fish has no effect on blood pressure.

"And you".Wang Hai turned his head and asked Jiang Yuan, what do you want to eat.

"I can eat whatever I want, but whatever you cook is delicious."Jiang Yuan said indifferently, as long as it is done by you.

Soon, Wang Hai went to the kitchen and started to prepare.

"Okay, it's time for supper."Wang Hai shouted, bringing over the meals one by one, a total of four dishes, a large portion of dumplings, and a soup.

Although there were only four dishes, Wang Haiyinya and the others ate very little. Even if they only picked up a couple of dishes at the beginning, they didn't eat any more. Therefore, basically all four dishes were eaten by Jiang Yuan. .

At this time, Jiang Yuan realized that what Wang Hai said before that their family often eats late at night was a lie, and it was just to take care of himself. For a while, he was quite excited.

(End of this chapter)

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