Happy Fishing Village

Chapter 335 The old man is here again

Chapter 335 The old man is here again
Wang Wei had a bitter face, and didn't dare to mention the rewards anymore. Whatever the exam questions, she would do well.

As for Liu Xia, she was not interested in these things at all. After watching them for a while, she went to cook.

After another half an hour, the three of Wang Hai looked at a room full of boxes and opened things, and their interest also lost half.

At this time, the fun of opening the box was no longer there. As for the things that were opened, they were not very attractive to the three of them.

"Wang Hai, how do you deal with these things, call the old man?"Yin Ya asked, so many things are useless at home.

"Not yet, let's call after dinner, don't be in a hurry."Wang Hai said, after cleaning up, it's time to eat.

"Too".Yin Ya nodded and started packing. There were a few empty boxes that were useless, and they were all thrown out. The rest were sorted out and put together.

Sure enough, before we finished cleaning here, my mother yelled outside: "Is everything cleaned up? Hurry up, the food is ready, it will be cold in a while."

"I'm coming".Wang Hai replied loudly, please sweep the wood chips and other garbage on the ground, that's all.

"There are so many things, hurry up and let Zhao Dexin take them away, don't keep them at home."When eating, my mother explained.I don't have a good opinion of the things that come out of these shipwrecks.

"Understood, I will call later."Wang Hai nodded and said, don't worry.

After eating, Yin Ya took Wang Wei to learn computer. Relatively speaking, computer is more attractive.

But Wang Hai went back to his room to make a phone call. Since his mother didn't like it, let's deal with it as soon as possible.

"What's the matter?"On the other end of the phone, the old man asked, he didn't expect that Wang Hai's movements were so fast, and all the things were brought up in such a short period of time.

"There are a lot of things, come as soon as possible, they are all big boxes with a lot of things."

Wang Hai originally wanted to take a video to go there, but after thinking about it, forget it. Although the old man is in the capital, he will fly over tomorrow morning, and he should be there in the afternoon.

The next morning, Wang Hai went to Wang Hu's house and said, "Uncle, go and prepare, do some shopping, and go to sea tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. I won't go this time."

Mr. Zhao Dexin will come over in the afternoon, and with so many things, I'm afraid it won't be able to be dealt with in a day or two.

"That's all right, I'll go later."Wang Hu nodded. Now Wang Hai is getting more and more busy. He has already felt that if he waits until autumn, when the fruits are ripe, he will be even busier.

"By the way, what about Wang Qiang, he left for the boat early in the morning"?Wang Hai asked, it's really early.

"What a fart, I went to the town again, and said that I won't come back for lunch, and I won't eat at night. I'm mysterious, and I don't know where I went to play."Although Wang Hu was complaining, there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

They are all from the same town, and Zhao Min is still selling clothes in the town. Wang Hu has met him a long time ago. He is very handsome and hardworking, which is pretty good.

Moreover, Wang Hu also asked someone to inquire about the situation of Zhao Min's family. They are all dutiful people, just a younger brother who is not very worry-free. Now he has changed a lot, and the family is very good.

Therefore, Wang Hu is still very satisfied with Zhao Min. If his son can take her down, it will be very good.

"oh".Wang Hai covered himself, then turned and went back.Wang Hai guessed that maybe today is Zhao Min's birthday, and Wang Qiang didn't go home for a day, probably to celebrate her birthday.

At first, Yin Ya was thinking about going to Zhao Min's birthday and buying some gifts, but now it seems that there is no need for it. She didn't think about it at all, but thought about going to the world of two people.

After three o'clock in the afternoon, Zhao Dexin came, followed by an old man besides his apprentice Gao Jianmin.

"Wang Hai, let me introduce you. This is Xu Kai. He used to be a professor of history at Fudan University. Now he is retired and has become a collector. He likes to collect things from the war period. So this time, I brought him too. ".

After Zhao Dexin got off the yacht, he saw Wang Hai who came to pick them up, so he introduced him by the way.

Wang Hai stepped forward and said warmly: "Welcome, let's go, let's talk when we go home."

"Little friends!"Xu Kai responded with a smile, and heard his old friend talk about Wang Hai several times.

"How about something?"As soon as he got home, Zhao Dexin yelled that he wanted to see something, and wanted to see if Wang Hai had lied to him.

It wasn't that Zhao Dexin didn't believe in Wang Hai, but that Wang Hai said a lot. Besides, it wasn't long since he left last time. How did he salvage so many things in such a short period of time?
Even a professional salvage company may not be able to do it.

"Haha, you guys have a cup of tea first, let's go after the tea, everything is in the room, it is indispensable."Wang Hai naturally understood the meaning of Mr. Zhao Dexin. On the one hand, it was to remind himself, on the other hand, he brought someone here, so don't make a fool of himself.

Something was on their minds, they drank tea quickly and followed Wang Hai to the room.

"Damn, so many".Walking into the room, even Mr. Zhao Dexin couldn't help but swear, because there were about a dozen large and small boxes in the room, and there were a lot of things in them.

It wasn't the gold and silver that the three of them ran to first.The first thing Zhao Dexin went to look at was the blue and white porcelain. If it was genuine, then, among so many things, this might be the most valuable.

But Xu Kai was different, the first thing he looked at were those two boxes of banknotes and the box full of papers.

Based on these banknotes, he can see which countries the island country plundered at the beginning.

And that box of papers may be able to solve some mysteries for myself.You must know that some battle reports, secrets and the like cannot be circulated, and many things can only be guessed.

Gao Jianmin, too, took great interest in those calligraphy and paintings. He was Zhao Dexin's closed disciple, and he was also very knowledgeable in this area.

After nearly an hour, Zhao Dexin got up and said: "Wang Hai, this blue and white porcelain is from the Yongle period of the Ming Dynasty. You can see that the carcass is fine and dense, the enamel is fat and orange peel, the shape is light and thin, and it is beautiful. The blue and white hair color is rich and colorful, the rust spots are heavy, the decoration is sparse, and the painting is more delicate and the bottom glaze is whiter."

Regarding these, Wang Hai could be said to be confused, but blue and white porcelain belonged to a peak period in the Ming Dynasty, and he still knew it, especially the ones produced in Jingdezhen, which were very exquisite, especially the official kilns, which were not exquisite, were all regarded as Broken, only qualified and exquisite ones will be sent to the palace.

(End of this chapter)

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