Happy Fishing Village

Chapter 344 Provocation

Chapter 344 Provocation
Yin Ya counted and called the names to make sure that the students were all there before leading them down the mountain.

Wang Hai also went down the mountain. There are so many people waiting to eat Sophora japonica cake, but there will be a big meeting.

Although Wang Hai went back, the tricycle was still here, because people like Wang Qiang still stayed on the tree and did not come down.

He doesn't care anymore, you can pick it whenever you want.

"Brother Qiangzi, shall we go back too?"Seeing Wang Hai and Yin Ya taking the children back first, Wang Yong asked loudly.

"Why go back, let's pick it for a while, let's talk about it, it's okay to go back."Wang Qiang also planned to send some back to Zhao Min.

"That's right, there are so many brats, if we go back now, it won't be our turn to eat."Wang Qinghua said with a smile, we are also waiting when we go back, it might as well be here.

Wang Ying also echoed: "That's right, we are adults anyway, how can we compete with the brats for food."

As for Gao Mingxiang and Wu Ming, it doesn't matter anymore, just follow the trend and do what you say.

After picking for another half an hour, several people came down from the tree one after another, looking at the mountain of Sophora japonica, feeling a little proud.

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to ask Haizi brother where he put it, it seems that he can't put it at home."Wang Yong said, it took more than two hours to pick them back and forth, and they must not be piled up as much as a hut.

"Let me call and ask."Wang Qiang shook his head and said, just now he was only focused on picking it, who knows where he pulled it.

After a while, Wang Qiang closed his cell phone and said, "I see, they have all been taken to the cold storage in the village. Do you guys want to take some of them home? Let's take the rest to the cold storage. If you want to eat then, take it." Come out and let Haizi do it for us."

As he said that, Wang Qiang packed two bags, took one bag home, and gave the other bag to Zhao Min.

"I'll take it home and give it to my grandpa to taste."Wang Yong packed a bag, and grandpa liked it very much.

Wang Qinghua, Gao Mingxiang, and others packed a bag each.One bag per person, but it is still not enough for the mountain of Sophora japonica.

"Let's go"!When the car was fully loaded, Wang Qiang fully charged it, and the tricycle drove out with a whoosh.

"Brother Qiangzi, slow down."The pagoda tree flowers piled up on it were dangling, which made the people in the back worry unceasingly.

"Do not worry".Wang Qiang said with a smile, unfortunately, before the laughter ended, the Sophora japonica flowers fell down, and there were a lot of them.

"Haha, I'm so stupid, I can pull off even a little bit of Sophora japonica."Just as Wang Qiang jumped down, he heard a piercing laughter coming from the front.

"Chen Ergou, who gave you the courage to laugh at me."Wang Qiang looked up and was furious. It turned out to be Chen Ergou from Chenjiagou.

"I just laughed at you, why not?"Chen Ergou said with a sneer, my brothers are all back, ten, how about it, more people than you.

Chen Ergou has three brothers, including cousins, a total of ten. This time, they all came back because of family affairs.

"Cut, don't say ten, I'm not afraid of twenty."Wang Qiang also sneered and said, are you provocative? What's wrong with ten, they are all embroidered pillows, who is afraid of whom!
"A dead duck has a hard mouth."Chen Ergou snorted, our brothers are all working on the construction site, among other things, we have strength, if you are dishonest, I will beat you up.

"Haha, it's a joke, even two sticks dare not say that."Ever since people like Wang Hai and Gao Mingxiang came, the battle between Wangjiacun and Chenjiagou had never been defeated. Not to mention Wang Qiang, even the least courageous one in the village was not afraid of trouble.

The brothers of Chen Ergou were all furious. When did you people in Wangjia Village become so arrogant? Are you not afraid of being beaten?

"Let the horse come here, see the real chapter under your hands."Wang Qiang hooked his hands, come on, if you don't accept it, do it.

People like Chen Ergou have been working outside all year round. This year, because of rush work, they didn't come back during the Chinese New Year. They just took a vacation recently. Naturally, they don't know what's going on between the two villages.

In their concept, they still stay in the situation before they work.

When Wang Qiang was yelling at Chen Ergou and the others, Wang Qinghua also rushed over and stood behind Wang Qiang as a backing.

"Tsinghua and Yongzi, you two will stay behind, and we will rush forward."Wang Qiang confessed that he, Gao Mingxiang, Wu Ming, and Wang Ying were in front, and the two of you were in the back.

The two nodded. Relatively speaking, the two had the weakest fighting power and were very self-aware.

Chen Ergou and others, how could they bear Wang Qiang's provocation, they rushed over one by one waving fists like sandbags, after you have tasted the taste of fists, you won't be so stubborn.

Chen Ergou and others rushed over, but unfortunately, someone was faster than them, that is, Gao Mingxiang and Wu Ming, who came later and punched them like iron.

Wang Qiang is tall and strong, and if he is tough, he is not inferior.

Chen Ergou and the others, although they have a lot of strength, can deal with ordinary people, but unfortunately, they are facing Gao Mingxiang and Wu Ming who have been special soldiers, so they can only be beaten.

"Don't fight, don't fight, we are convinced." Ten minutes later, Chen Ergou and ten people fell to the ground. They were kicked and punched.

"Hmph, let me tell you, it's a good thing Haizi isn't here, otherwise it would have been even worse for you."Wang Qiang said contemptuously, if Wang Hai was here, you wouldn't even last 5 minutes.

Chen Ergou and the others were extremely depressed. It was obvious that their side had the upper hand, so why did they suddenly take a turn for the worse? Instead, it was their side that was beaten.

"Just accept it, remember, if you dare to attack our villagers in the future, you will not be full."Wang Qiang snorted, and warned, not only us, but anyone in the village, you must not move, whoever does it will be in trouble.

"Know know".Chen Ergou and the others said yes again and again, thinking that we will be leaving in a few days anyway, who would stay full and mess with you again!
After getting a satisfactory answer, Wang Qiang let Chen Ergou and ten people leave, and then began to pretend to be the falling Sophora japonica.

"Er Gou, let me tell you, this Chen Shu is too dishonest. He knows Wang Qiang and the others are so powerful, but he still doesn't tell us. He obviously wants to make us look bad."A cousin of Chen Ergou said angrily.

Before they came, they had met Chen Shu. Not only did Chen Shu not remind them of their coming, but he kept encouraging them. Now it seems that it was not encouragement, but gloating.

"That's right, isn't it just that there is a father who is the village head? What's so great about it? I don't want to have the same experience as him, otherwise, I would beat him up."The other cousin was also aggrieved, and if it wasn't for his father's sake, he would have beaten him up.

"Forget it, this time we are unlucky, stay safe these few days, let's go back after finishing the business, and don't get involved in the muddy water here."

(End of this chapter)

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