Chapter 401

Wang Wei still attaches great importance to her first customer. She personally brought cartons and net sets, and then packed the weighed peaches one by one. In addition, she also gave a few special gifts as the first one. Customer rewards.

"Well, all right."Wang Wei wiped the sweat from her forehead, she was still very satisfied, and said, "Teacher, when shall we send it out?"

Yin Ya smiled and said, "Wait until noon, let's go out and send you the peaches in the town, so that your first customer can get them quickly."

"OK"!Wang Wei said happily that the teacher still understands me.

However, Gao Mingyang on the side smiled and said: "How about I take it to you, and I will bring the peaches back to Shanghai in the evening, and bring them to you when the time comes, and then find an errand runner to deliver them to you." That's the past."

"Isn't that faster?"Wang Wei said happily, that way it will arrive tomorrow, it should be faster than express delivery.

But Yin Ya disagreed and said: "I don't want it anymore, brother Gao, this is the first order, and I have to take Weiwei with me to let her understand the process, and I can't teach her to be lazy and easy." ".

"That's right, it's up to you."Gao Mingyang smiled, Yin Ya was very attentive to this younger sister.

So, when it was time for lunch, Yin Ya and Wang Wei ate quickly, and then drove towards the town in a speedboat.

"This is also one of the processes. You know, we have to deliver it in person. Of course, when there are more orders in the future, the courier will come to pick it up."Yin Ya instructed and sent out the peaches at the same time.

"Teacher, the express delivery is also very fast, and it may arrive tomorrow."Wang Wei said happily that it was about the same time as Brother Gao.

"Well, we have to catch up on time."Yin Ya came here a little earlier on purpose. The courier in the town leaves at 01:30, so it can be sent before then.However, if the time is late, it will have to wait until the next day. After all, it is only in the town, and the goods are delivered once a day.

"Okay, I get it now".It went well, and then Yin Ya took Wang Wei back.Although Wang Wei will not send the fruit by herself, she must understand the process.

Soon, the afternoon passed, and the two ships were almost fully loaded.

"Don't worry, I will come early tomorrow."Zhao Hai went back first, and his customers were already waiting.

"I'm going back too, I'll come early tomorrow, and I'm sure I'll come earlier than today."Gao Mingyang waved his hand. His customers also made a lot of reservations, and they already called to remind them.

Because Gao Mingyang's signboard is very good, even if he didn't see the peaches, many regular customers still made reservations.

On the pier of the island, Wang Hai stood at the front, holding a wad of money, and handing out wages.

Originally, Wang Hai planned to pay the bill together after the work was done, but Liu Xia said that there are several of them who will not come because they are busy at home tomorrow, and there are a few who will not come tomorrow but will come the day after tomorrow.

In view of the complexity of the situation, Wang Hai decided to settle it once a day, so as to save trouble and avoid chaos.

"Xiao Hai, I have it."The neighbor uncle held the money in his hand and said with a smile.

"Take it, Uncle, it's only natural to get paid for your work. There's nothing to be ashamed of. If you have time, you can come tomorrow. If you don't have time, you can come the day after tomorrow. It's the same."Wang Hai said with a smile, nothing to be embarrassed about.

"That's fine, uncle will take it."The neighbor uncle nodded, took the wages, and boarded the boat.

The latter is still the same, one person on board will be paid one person's wages.

"Xiao Hai, forget about ours."It was Wang Hu's turn, and he didn't want to say anything. Although it was the fishing moratorium, Wang Hai still gave the big guy a basic salary. This moved everyone, so how dare they get paid again.

"Yes, no need."Wang Yong also refused again and again, and I don't want it either.

Wang Hai pulled Wang Hu, and said in a low voice: "You don't want it, and Gao Mingxiang and Wu Ming definitely don't want it either. They come to work from all the way to my place to make money and support their wives and children. You don't want it." , They won’t ask for it, besides, there will be more time to work in the future, oranges, grapes, etc., if you don’t want money, I won’t be able to ask you to work again in the future.”

Wang Hai lowered his voice and explained.

Wang Hu hesitated for a moment, and said: "That's fine, just give us 100 yuan a day, and we can't give more, or we won't want it."

Wang Hu firmly said that Wang Hai had no choice but to follow suit.

Soon, Yin Ya and Wang Hu drove the boat and sent the big guy back, but Wang Hai didn't go back because the second grandfather left him behind.

"Xiao Hai, look, what a beautiful peach, the skin is a little bit broken, why don't you want it, what a pity."The second grandfather said distressedly, one hundred and thirty one catty, there are three boxes, how much is it?
"Hey, don't worry, Second Grandpa, you can't waste it. Weiwei likes squeezed juice the most. Give some of these to Wang Hu and the others, and keep the other part for the squeezed juice. Also, you should keep some for eating or eating. You can squeeze juice."

Wang Hai didn't feel distressed much, after all, the big guy has been very careful to minimize the loss.

Besides, I originally wanted to keep some of it for food.

"Hey, it's a pity."The second grandfather still felt a little distressed. If these peaches were only a few yuan a catty, he would not feel distressed even if he kept a box for himself. However, this is a hundred and thirty catties. , can buy two or three boxes.

Wang Hai didn't explain too much. Slowly, he would understand, and it would be better with more experience.

Just like my mother, when Wang Hai just came home, if he spent 1000 yuan at home, he would hesitate, think about it, and feel distressed after spending it. However, as Wang Hai earns more and more, the money spent is also There are more and more, Liu Xia is a little numb, just like this island, after spending more than ten million, she doesn't feel much distressed.

"Da da da".After Yin Ya sent people back, she came to pick up Wang Hai again, and left a box of damaged peaches, and carried two boxes back.

Originally, Yin Ya didn't plan to stay, so she thought, there are so many peaches on the island, isn't it enough for the three of them to eat?

However, Wang Hai disagreed. Whether it is the second grandfather, or Gao Mingxiang and Wu Ming, they are all frugal people. If they are asked to pick a hundred and thirty-one catties of peaches to eat, they will definitely not to pick.

"makes sense".On the way back, Yin Ya immediately understood Wang Hai's explanation.

After returning home, Liu Xia went to cook, and Wang Hai divided the peaches in the box into several portions, and distributed them to several families with close relationships.

(End of this chapter)

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