Happy Fishing Village

Chapter 409 Making Decisions

Chapter 409 Making Decisions

In the evening, when the work was over, everyone happily took the money and walked towards the boat.

Wang Ying also took the three of them to the other side, because their iron boat stopped there.

"Hey, there is still money!"Li Kui said excitedly, he had a good meal today, and he still has money to spend in the evening, that's fine.

However, soon, Li Kui's face changed, because when he opened it, there was only 50 yuan.

After working for a day, Li Kui certainly knew that the wages of those people were one hundred and fifty a day.

Zhao San's face was not very good-looking, but Wang Ying was still standing there, and the two of them did not dare to get angry.

"If you are all right, you can come back tomorrow."After Wang Ying finished speaking, he clapped his hands and turned to leave.

After Wang Ying walked away, Li Kui couldn't help cursing: "Grandma, what the hell, who do you look down on, everyone is [-], why come to our place, only [-], hmph" .

"That's right, it's obvious that you look down on us, brother, tell me, should we find a chance to play with them once."Zhao San said viciously, you guys look down on us, so I want you to look good.

"Shut up, you forgot, why we came here, we are all honest, but you still want to mess with Wang Hai, do you know how powerful he is, he knows the big shots in the city, with the coast guard, and even It’s the navy that has made good friends, so we have to look up to them, besides, Wang Hai is very powerful, the three of us are not enough for him to beat him.”Fatty knew a lot about Wang Hai, because his younger sister especially admired him, which made Fatty feel very uncomfortable, but he had no choice but to do anything, because his elder brother was too good-for-nothing and too incompetent.

Because of the fat man's scolding, Zhao San and Li Kui didn't dare to say anything.Not to mention anything else, in their small team, fat people are the main force, and fighting is also the main force. Zhao San is tall, but thin. Li Kui has a fierce name, but he is also a fighting scum. They are all fat.

So the three of them were also headed by Fatty, and what Fatty said was basically what he said.

"Okay, let's all go home, anyway, there is 50 yuan, isn't it, it is better than our usual."Usually, the three of them only have ten or twenty yuan, and when it's 50 yuan, it's not much.

Although the three of them are lazy and do some sneaky things, they are not very courageous, otherwise, they would not be so poor.

"Mom? Lele"?The fat man bought two catties of pork head meat and a bottle of drink at the intersection, and brought them back together.

"Brother, why did you come back so early today? Mom went out to unload goods for others. She said she could earn 100 yuan. Before she left, she said that she might not be back until after nine o'clock. Let me cook and eat by myself. Brother, are you hungry? I will cook after I finish my homework. If you are hungry, drink some water first."Li Lele raised her head and said something, then continued to do her homework.

"Stop writing, I bought something to eat, let's eat first."Because it is marinated, so Li Pang cut it in the kitchen, put some green onion, ginger and pepper, put a little miso and vinegar, and add some sesame oil.

"Hey, pork head meat, it smells so good, bro, why do you have the money to buy pork head meat, are you stealing from others again?"Li Lele was excited at first, then wrinkled her little nose and asked, looking very angry.

"Don't worry, I definitely didn't steal anything today, I earned it by working for others."Li Pang explained, absolutely not.

"real"?Li Lele didn't quite believe it, so she asked back.

"Really, I swear, besides, I will go tomorrow too, and I will earn more tomorrow than today. How about bringing you a pig's trotter when I come back tomorrow?"Li Pang swore that I did absolutely nothing wrong today.

"Well, I trust you once, but brother, don't do bad things with Zhao San and the others in the future, okay, can't you work hard?"Li Lele has cried many times before, because in school, the students all knew that he had a brother who was not doing his job properly and was sneaky, and they laughed at her for a long time.

But gradually, Li Lele's mind became stronger than before, and she didn't care about those gossips anymore, but she still cared about them in her heart.

"OK".Li Pang said, remembering what the man on the island said today, maybe he still has a chance.

"It's delicious, brother, you can eat it too."Li Lele said happily that she hadn't eaten meat for a few days.

"Don't worry, brother will work hard in the future, so that you can have meat every day."Li Pang said confidently that he was a little ashamed. When he was eating and drinking outside, he never thought about what the younger sister was eating at home.

"Lele, that, I'm going to rest first, and I have to go to work tomorrow. When my parents come back, which half of the pig's head meat do you give them to eat?"After Li Pang explained, he went back to the house and went to sleep.

In fact, Li Pang was not sleepy, nor was he very tired. He was just a little afraid to face his parents.

"What was it like when I went home before"?Li Pang thought, he should blah, blah, blah, then eat and drink, and then go to sleep.

Thinking of all the things before, Li Pang himself felt that he was a jerk.

Just when Li Pang was in a complicated mood, there were more footsteps and voices outside.

"That rebellious son, who knows how to come back, why didn't he die outside."Li Pang's father, Li Qiang said angrily that he wanted to drive him out.

"What are you talking about? Didn't my son come back from buying you pork head meat? You can't stop your mouth if you have something to eat."Li Pang's old lady complained, "You can't say a few words less."

"It's not all you are used to. He bought it. Where does he have money? Not to mention stealing chickens and dogs. Even if I feed the dog, I won't eat it."Li Qiang said angrily, and then there was a crackling, and something fell off.

Li Pang felt very uncomfortable. On the one hand, he was a little bit wronged. Today's money is really hard earned by himself, and it is absolutely clean.

On the other hand, it also showed how stupid I was before, and the CIA would make my father so disappointed and angry.

If it wasn't for the disappointment and anger time and time again, it wouldn't be what it is today.

"Forget it, go to sleep, as long as I work hard to change, they will definitely see it."Li Pang didn't want to go out, and said that I would change, that I would be fine in the future, because I had said it eighty times, if not a hundred times, and they were already tired of hearing it, and they were numb. I don't believe it anymore.

Therefore, only by taking real actions to show yourself, will you let your parents know that you have changed, and you are no longer the bastard you used to be.

Glancing secretly through the window, Li Pang burst into tears unconsciously. His father's hair was all white, and his mother's waist was bent from exhaustion.

(End of this chapter)

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