Chapter 411

Although there were still ridicules, eye rolls, and murmurs, Li Pang decided to just pretend he couldn't see or hear, and just do his own thing.

In several places, Li Pangqi's veins bulged, and he clenched his fist tightly, wanting to punch that person, but he held back in the end.

"For me? So much"?When work was over in the evening, Li Pang received a salary of 150 yuan, which made him both surprised and excited.

Originally, he thought that he was still paying 50 yuan a day, but even if it was [-] yuan, that would be fine, it was better than fooling around on the street.

"You work honestly, and you haven't done anything bad, how can you lose your wages."Wang Ying said angrily, as long as you don't make trouble and work hard, the wages are the same.

"Hey, I see."Li Pang nodded, it turned out that Wang Hai did not oppress him, but gave him the same treatment.

"Uh, that, can I make a floor shop here."It's too troublesome to go back and forth in a small wooden boat, and even if you go home, your parents don't want to see you. It's better to live here temporarily, and when the time comes to go back with money, it's enough to explain everything.

Besides, Li Pang was also angry and didn't want to go back, seeing Zhao San and Li Kui.

Li Pang always felt that there was an indescribable change between these two people. They were not like this before. When did they start to change!
"Okay, there is a spare room over there, you can go to sleep later."Now that the weather is hot, there is no need for bedding or anything. A mat and a quilt are enough.

Wang Hai explained, but he still told the second grandfather, after all, this person has a criminal record, so be careful not to make any fools.

"Okay, I'll pay attention. Besides, there are Gao Mingxiang, Wu Ming, and the person on duty on the island. He can't make any waves."The second grandfather promised that nothing would happen.

After having dinner, Li Pang went back to his room and lay down.Although it is hot summer, but here is an island, the wind is a bit stronger, open the window, whistling, save the blower fan.

"Hey, I don't know if my little sister has eaten?"At home, the best thing for me now is my little sister.No matter what happened to Li Pang, my younger sister never disliked him.

But the more this happened, the more uncomfortable Li Pang felt when facing his younger sister. This was one of the reasons why he wanted to change.

"I don't know, Zhao San and Li Kui, what's the matter, how is the food, don't steal things and be chased by others."Li Pang still couldn't help but care about the two good brothers.

"I've stepped on it a little bit, absolutely no problem, how about it, dare you, I guess I can earn [-] to [-] for this vote."A bald head said to the two people in front of him.

This bald head, if Li Pang was here, he would have recognized it. This is the famous Sanmao in the town a few years ago. Even in the urban area, he is also the number one person.

But in the past few years, he was locked up because of robbery and fighting, so he was considered a habitual offender.

Didn't he just come out, and he's back to his old job right away.It is impossible to work part-time, how slow it is to get money that way!

Of course, I can't do it by myself, and I need to recruit people to join the group. Li Kui and Zhao San, who are equally virtuous, have become the target candidates.

Originally, Sanmao planned to win over Li Pang. After all, as long as Li Pang agreed, the remaining two people didn't have to worry about it.

It's a pity that petty theft is okay, but Li Pang has no courage to do big things, and he restrains Li Kui and Zhao San and doesn't allow them to go.

However, what Li Pang didn't know was that Sanmao took Li Kui and Zhao San to the city for a round of fun. They had good food and drinks, and there were also beauties in nightclubs.

The two of them, seeing the charm of money, thought about their previous behavior in the town, just like beggars.

After eating delicacies from mountains and seas, steamed buns and rice don't taste good.Li Kui and Zhao San are two people who are popular in the city, drink hot food, and are accompanied by beautiful women. They have long forgotten Li Pang's warning. This is also the reason why the two of them disagreed with Li Pang reason.

"Don't worry, no problem."Li Kui nodded and said, doing this vote is better than the three of us for a week before.

"Um".Zhao San also nodded, absolutely.

So, at night, the three of them went into action.With experience, San Mao explained the precautions.

What Sanmao was eyeing was one of the intersections in a factory area. There were no street lights on this road. Besides, there were not many people passing by. He had already stepped on it, and there were a few women.

Moreover, he has also inquired in the past few days, and the factory is paying wages today.

Sanmao is going to use this to train the two of them, and when they are proficient, they will be able to make a big deal.

"Why haven't you come yet?"It was the first time he did such a thing, and Li Kui was so nervous that he lay down on the side of the road, sweating non-stop.

"That's right, Brother Sanmao, are they really getting paid today?"Zhao San was also excited, because San Mao said that he would be rewarded with 1000 yuan per person for a good job today.

Thinking of that girl's tenderness last time, Zhao San couldn't help it anymore, and decided to go to the city tomorrow to find that girl after getting the money.

"Don't talk, just keep an eye on it."Sanmao snorted coldly, chattering.

The two of them didn't dare to say anything, they both stared at the intersection.

Not long after, a woman rode over slowly on an electric bicycle.Because it was dark, the woman didn't dare to ride fast. Besides, Sanmao put a lot of debris on the road in advance, so the speed couldn't be raised at all.

"Ah, which bastard, the wooden stick you put is really wicked."Because one didn't check, a wooden stick lay across the road. As a result, the wheel twisted and fell down.

The woman cursed angrily, but her legs hurt a little!

"You, who are you"?When the woman looked up and saw three masked men, she immediately panicked and her voice trembled.

"Hand over all the money".Sanmao lowered his voice and said viciously.

"I, I have no money".The woman subconsciously squeezed the bag in her hand, but unfortunately, this move felt like there was no silver 300 taels here.

"You just paid your wages, and you still want to lie to us."Li Kui snorted and reached out to grab the bag.

The woman vowed to die, but when she saw the shining knife, she obediently let go.

Zhao San opened the bag and took a look. He estimated that there were thousands of them.

"Take off your shirt."Sanmao held the knife and pressed it against the woman's neck, saying viciously.

"I, what do you want to do, I gave you all the money, please, let me go."The woman pleaded, her body trembling, and she slumped on the ground.

"Hmph, don't worry, we don't want your body, it's just to take a photo. It's okay if you don't call the police. If you call the police, hmph, I'll post your photo all over your village, so that you can't be a human being."Sanmao threatened to say, choose for yourself.

(End of this chapter)

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