Happy Fishing Village

Chapter 42 Eliminate hidden dangers

Chapter 42 Eliminate hidden dangers
When Wang Kui heard this, he was angry and wanted to laugh.I was so angry that I was worrying for nothing and flustered, but in the end, this little guy was just tired from playing and fell asleep.

I want to laugh, but also because of this, the child is fine, better than anything else.

After everyone pulled the father and son up, they felt relieved when they saw that nothing was wrong, as long as they were safe.

"Uncle, don't blame the kid. Boys are not always like this when they were young. Hurry up and go to the hospital in the town to find out. If you fall from such a high place, you don't have internal injuries or something."Wang Hai suggested that this is not a joke.

It has happened before, someone was in a car accident, but even if the person was in good condition, there was no injury, no bleeding in the broken place, and he felt that there was nothing wrong with him, and then he went home.

However, within two days, the person died, but there was no injury on the outside, but the internal organs were bleeding inside, and the best time for treatment was missed. In the end, there was no way to recover.

Therefore, even though Xiaomi seemed fine, Wang Hai still suggested to go to the hospital.

Seeing Xiaomi like this, many people took their children home directly, saying that they could not come here to play.

After a short time, there were only Wang Hai and a few people left in the bustling mountainside.

"This is not a solution, it has to be solved."Wang Hai looked at the big hole and if he didn't deal with it, maybe someone else would fall into it in the future.

"Yeah, children come to play a lot. If they are not careful, they will fall down. If they encounter snakes or something, they will be in trouble."Yin Ya also said worriedly.

"You wait here, I'll drive the tricycle over, let's pull some soil and bury this hole."After speaking, Wang Hai went down the mountain, and then drove the family's tricycle over.

When Wang Hai came back, Yin Ya was already working, throwing in some surrounding stones, branches and so on.

Wang Hai drove a tricycle and started digging at a small slope.Then the carts poured into the pit.

There are also some big stones, which can be rolled directly in. A big stone can withstand a lot of soil.

After more than an hour, the soil was finally approaching the horizon, and another car was coming soon to complete the project.

Wang Hai still stepped on it, and then pressed it with the car, it was too empty, and it would sink.

"Huhu, I'm exhausted, I haven't done such a heavy job for a long time."Yin Ya also sat on the ground disregarding her image, panting heavily, her forehead covered with fine beads of sweat.

Although Wang Hai was also very tired, he still checked around to see if there were any other traps, otherwise, there would still be potential safety hazards.

Fortunately, there is only this one place, otherwise, if there is another one like this, Wang Hai really can't finish it.

Wang Wei's face was dirty, she took her own small shovel, and sat next to Yin Ya to rest, and she also helped.

"Brother, I'm hungry."Wang Wei rubbed her stomach and said, work is said to make you hungry quickly.

"Okay, let's go home and cook something delicious for you, Yin Ya, you can go too."Not to mention Wang Wei, even Wang Hai was starving.

"It's really hungry to do heavy work!"Yin Ya smiled wryly and said that usually she would feel full after eating a little by herself, and she would not be so hungry when the next meal came.

But now, before noon, I'm hungry.

"Well, I'll go back and wash it."Yin Ya said with embarrassment, now she is all dirty, with soil, leaves and so on.

Wang Hai shook his head and said, "Wash your hands and face first. After eating, you can take a bath and rest."

It makes sense for Yin Ya to think about it, now that she is so hungry that her chest is pressed against her back, she doesn't want to move.

After Yin Ya and Wang Wei got on the tricycle, Wang Hai started and rushed home.

"Mom, are you ready?"While on the mountain, Wang Hai called.

"It will be ready soon, everything will be done on the mountain."Liu Xia is still very satisfied with her son's behavior, and the hidden danger has been eliminated.

"Yin Ya is here too, sit down quickly, the food will be ready soon."For Yin Ya, Liu Xia was very enthusiastic and never changed.

"Eat a little today, I have wronged you."Embarrassed, Liu Xia said that time was short and she couldn't cook anything delicious, so she made a few bowls of noodles.

Tomato eggs, shredded pork noodles, green vegetables, and a large fried egg on top, it looks very appetizing when combined.

The dish is also very simple, old pickled vegetables, made with chili, shredded green onion, coriander and garlic cloves, it smells very fragrant.

"That's great, Auntie, your cooking is delicious."Yin Ya thanked with a smile, this side, it smells delicious.

"Hey, auntie, your pickles are not quite the same as the ones I bought in the market"!Yin Ya picked one up, it tasted slightly salty, with a hint of spiciness, the aroma of onion and garlic, and the aroma of chili oil, and it exploded in the mouth. The taste was really better than meat.

"This is pickled by our family, and this is cooked pickles, which are pickled and stewed in a large pot. Naturally, they are different, and these sauce soups are also old soups."Wang Hai explained with a smile that now the standard of living has improved, and there are fewer pickle jars at home.

In the past, there were a lot of them at that time, basically every household had them.

"Hoo hoo!"Wang Hai ate the fastest, and soon a large bowl was drained, and he added some soup to dissolve the food.

"Wow, I'm so full, it's a bit full!"Yin Ya said helplessly, it seems that if you eat too much, according to this way of eating, you will gain weight!

"Auntie, I'm going back first, I'm all dirty, I need to wash it."I am full, but my whole body is itchy and very uncomfortable, my body is a little dirty and I have sweated a lot from working just now, and it is very uncomfortable to stick to my body.

"Well, go, Weiwei, you go see the teacher off."Liu Xia ordered, but Wang Hai was left behind.

"Mom, what's the matter"?Wang Hai could tell at a glance that his mother had something to say, and it was about himself.

"There is something, are you coming home now, your uncle, I know, I want to introduce you to someone, the girl works in the bank in our town, and she is off on weekends, go and meet her ".Although Yin Ya is good in all aspects, she is pretty, has a good figure, is knowledgeable, and is polite, but this also makes Liu Xia feel that there is a big gap between her and her son, and I am afraid that she will not be able to succeed. , to introduce a partner to his son, he does not object, but also supports it faintly.

"That's all right, I'll see you on the weekend."Since the uncle also has good intentions, Wang Hai can't save his face, right?

"Well, although Yin Ya is pretty good, but she is from a big city, and she came to support education, maybe she will leave at any time."
Liu Xia was worried that Yin Ya would be like the previous teachers, quit after one semester or even two semesters, and then went back to the city.

(End of this chapter)

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