Chapter 422

Under Yin Ya's supervision, none of them drank too much, and with Zhao Min around, Wang Qiang only yelled and did not dare to drink too much.

"Hey, the action is very fast!"Wang Hai went to the kitchen to cut a plate of watermelon, only to find that two people were missing, it was Wang Qinghua and Wu Jing.

"Hey, I urged Wang Qinghua to go."Yin Ya smiled slyly, if she hadn't hinted at Wang Qinghua, this guy would not have known to invite him.

"Also."Wang Hai nodded. Wang Qinghua took Wu Jing for a stroll in the woods. Perhaps there would be unexpected gains.

"Hey, let's go for a walk too."Wang Qiang pulled Zhao Min and said, you haven't been here yet.

When Zhao Min came here, it was indeed a little less, and at that time he was bald, unlike now, it was lush and lush, which made people feel relieved.

Although Zhao Min rolled his eyes, he was still pulled away by Wang Qiang.

"I'll go upstairs and have a look and prepare a room for them."Yin Ya smiled, don't even think about it, we two go shopping in the peach forest every day, so I won't go.

"Why".Wang Hai let out a hey, and Yin Ya had already gone upstairs.

Wang Wei took Liu Xiaoxiao and went to the room to watch TV.Now, at the dinner table, there are only a few big men left.

"How about it, let's get used to it."Second Grandpa was cleaning up the kitchen, and Gao Mingxiang went to help again. In the end, only Wang Hai and Li Pang were left.

"Very good, I will definitely work hard."Li Pang said excitedly, to be honest, he ate the most today.

Although at the beginning, Li Pang kept refusing to let others eat first, but later on, when others were full, it was time for him to eat.

So, in the end, it was he who ate the most.

Moreover, Li Pang was also very happy. These foods were all delicious, even better than those made in the restaurants in the town. If you were not careful, you could get full.

The salary is high, the food is good, and I can live in a single room. The tables and chairs inside are all new, which makes Li Pang happy, but also a little worried.

To be honest, many people can do this job by himself, which makes Li Pang feel very crisis. He is afraid of making Wang Hai unhappy, so he directly withdraws himself.

Therefore, Li Pang forced himself to be diligent.I used to be lazy and sleep until ten o'clock, but now I can wake up at six o'clock.

At first, Li Pang couldn't get up, and the specially ordered alarm clock didn't help, so he beat himself hard, and after a few times, he was able to get up.

And now, I'm getting used to it a little bit. When the alarm clock rings, I can get up by myself without any special measures.

However, Li Pang was still a little ashamed, because when he woke up, he thought it was early.

However, when he got up, the second grandfather, Gao Mingxiang and Wu Ming, had already woken up and had already washed up.

"Well, how familiar you are, if you don't understand, just ask, don't do it blindly, it will be fine after a long time."Wang Hai said, just don't act recklessly.

After a while, Yin Ya yelled at the window, and Wang Hai ran up to help.

"How about it, talking with Wang Hai is stressful!"Gao Mingxiang said with a smile, look at your legs shaking.

"Well, to be honest, a little bit".Li Pang stretched his legs and calmed down, and then he felt much better.

"Work hard, Wang Hai is very affectionate. Since I let you do it, I recognize you. As long as you don't kill yourself, nothing will happen."Gao Mingxiang patted him on the shoulder and said something earnestly.

After finishing speaking, Gao Mingxiang moved the table and went back, it was time to tidy up.

"I come".Li Pang was in a much happier mood. This time, he felt confident and began to tidy up the bench.

Then I started to clean up the garbage on the ground, sorted it, put it in a bag, and waited for it to be shipped out tomorrow.

On the first day of his arrival, Li Pang was warned that hygiene was the top priority on the island, even bigger than food.

Therefore, these days, Li Pang has also become familiar with it and formed this habit.

After a while, Wang Qiang and Zhao Min came back from playing around, Zhao Min still had a flower on his head, obviously Wang Qiang picked it as a gift.

"How's your shopping?"Wang Hai said angrily, you go to play, and Yin Ya and I have to prepare rooms for you, which is annoying.

"Hey, it's so beautiful."Wang Qiang laughed, took Zhao Min and went upstairs, leaving behind a messy Wang Hai.

"Grandma, to put it bluntly, Qiangzi is thick-skinned."Wang Hai muttered to himself, and then saw Wang Qinghua holding Wu Jing's hand, and also came back.

"Let's all go back and rest, it's past twelve o'clock, Wu Jing has to go back tomorrow."Wang Hai reminded, don't patronize dating.

Wu Jing withdrew her hand without leaving a trace, and said, "I have to go back early tomorrow morning, and I have to trouble you to take me and Xiaoxiao back."

"Don't worry, remember."Wang Hai nodded, we must be sending you back, otherwise how would you go back?

"How about it"?Wang Hai pulled Wang Qinghua who was behind, and asked with a smile.

"There is progress, hehe."Wang Qinghua was so happy and happy from the bottom of his heart, he not only held hands, but also kissed her.

"Good job"!Wang Hai gave a thumbs up. From this point of view, there is something to be said!
At night, they naturally sleep separately.Wu Jing and Zhao Min share one room, Yin Ya and Wang Wei have separate rooms, and Liu Xiaoxiao sleeps with Wang Wei.

In fact, they were all in pairs, and Wang Hai purposely didn't notify Wang Yong that they were coming, that's the purpose.

Originally, it was fine for Wang Hai and Yin Ya, Wang Qiang and Zhao Min to share a room, but Wang Qinghua and Wu Jing couldn't.

Therefore, in order to take care of the two of them, Wang Hai decided to sleep separately.It's just that Wang Qiang was still muttering in a low voice, seemingly not very happy.

The next morning, Wang Hai got up early, mainly because Wu Jing planned to go back to work, and it was best not to be late.

If this is the case, it will be very early.

There is another one who got up very early, that is the second grandfather.Knowing that Wu Jing and the others were going back early, the second grandfather got up early and made a basket of steamed buns for the two of them to take with them to eat on the way, and there was also warm soy milk that had been whipped.

"Thank you second grandpa."Wu Jing was very moved. Calculated in this way, Second Grandpa probably got up before five o'clock.

"It's okay, I'll make up for it after a short nap at noon."The second grandfather said indifferently, don't worry.

"The buns made by the second grandpa are the best."Liu Xiaoxiao praised that it smelled very good.

"Come play again when you have time"!For the sensible Liu Xiaoxiao, Second Grandpa still likes it very much.

"I will".Liu Xiaoxiao agreed and said, you are so good here, of course I will come.

Liu Xiaoxiao is still very sensible. Early in the morning, she woke up without letting anyone call her, and went to wash up obediently, so that no one would worry about her.

(End of this chapter)

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