Chapter 430

Wang Hai also watched coldly, watching the actions of those people, to see what they were going to do.

After those people rowed past, they really dived to the bottom of the water to see if there were any devices.

Wang Hai was speechless. What kind of device is there to imprison the killer whale? Such a huge monster can overturn the boat with a flick of its tail.

"You go, they dare not do anything to you"?The female college student pushed the little killer whale's big head and kept talking.

The little killer whale thought that someone came to take pictures again, and they cooperated quite well.

Because as long as you cooperate, you will have something to eat.

After these days, the little killer whale has also become smarter, and gradually it can be touched by tourists.

This makes many people, especially children, very excited. When touching the baby killer whale, their parents will take pictures.

It's a pity that no matter how the female college students pushed, the little killer whale just wouldn't leave.

However, after the cooperation, there was no delicious food, and the little killer whale got a little angry and swam away, not to play with you anymore.

However, divers also came up, and there was nothing on the bottom.

With the facts in front of them, the members of several associations all looked unnatural, because they didn't see anything wrong.

However, the female college student was obviously a little unhappy because she didn't catch Wang Hai's handle and said, "Wang Hai, tell me, what method did you use to prevent the little killer whale from leaving?"

Wang Hai sneered and said, "Are all college students now at your level? Can't you see? The little killer whale is not chained by me. It can leave whenever it wants. What spells can I use to imprison it?"
Being choked by Wang Hai, the female college student was instantly speechless. She was not stupid, but just unwilling.

Several people watched the previous video, and they firmly believed that Wang Hai used some means to imprison the little killer whale and prevent it from leaving, so as to achieve his goal of making money.

The purpose of these people is to expose Wang Hai, because they are all newcomers, and they also want to use this to make a name for themselves in the association.

Therefore, the failure this time made several people very sad, especially the female college students, who started to mess around a little bit.

"Haha, it's really funny. You are from that university. I will visit the principal later and see how good his students are."He Wu CIA doesn't care, they have been watching the show all the time.

"you".The one in the lead pointed at He Wu angrily, wanting to reprimand him, do you have the ability to meet our principal, but when he saw all his clothes, he lost his temper immediately.

He Wu is worth a lot of money, especially the watch in his hand, which is worth millions.

Therefore, the leader didn't dare to speak up immediately. Such a person must be either rich or expensive, maybe he really has that ability.

There were quite a few people watching the excitement on the pier. At first, these people were a little upset when they disturbed me to watch the little killer whale and interact with it, but now, when nothing was found out, someone immediately spoke up.

"Hey, some people just don't want to see others are good, and when they see someone is on fire, they want to pinch them."

"Hey, I was aggressive just now, why is it misfired now?"

"Hey, it's funny, you guys go ahead, I'm going to edit it into a bad joke, how about it"?
The people on the pier burst into cynicism, and some of them were angry that their noses were not noses, and their faces were not faces. Unfortunately, there was no way out. With so many people, whoever dared to utter a word would be outraged.

A few people left in despair, didn't even dare to say hello, it was a shame.

Wang Hai let out a sigh and said, "I'll just say a few words while the big guys are here. As for me, I have rescued this little orca twice, and I have become friends with the little orca. Now the little orca is living here temporarily." I'm here, I didn't imprison it, besides, I can't fasten such a big guy, maybe, after a while, the little killer whale will leave by itself, so whether to go or not depends entirely on It's its own, and in the end it's all about having fun."

After Wang Hai finished speaking, he went back. He wasn't worried at all. I didn't do anything, so why worry.

Many people also recorded the previous paragraph and posted it on Xingyin.

"Dayong, what's going on in the future, don't panic, just stay steady, you know?"Wang Hai took the opportunity to teach and said, just like today's incident, we did nothing wrong, and we didn't abuse the little killer whale. You are in a panic, what are you afraid of?

"I know, I just got nervous when I heard that they belonged to the Animal Protection Association and college students."Wang Yong scratched his head in embarrassment, a little embarrassed.

"We are not inferior to others. Also, when you are free, read more books, and ask you sister Xiaoya if you don't understand."Wang Hai nodded, mainly because Wang Yong's education was low, and he felt a little inferior psychologically when facing these highly educated people.

"That's right, many college students don't have as much income as ours."Wang Ying said with a smile that since the transformation, his mentality has also changed a lot.

"That is, you are now [-] a month. In Cangjiang City, there are not many people who can earn [-] a month. Many college students only earn [-] to [-] a month."Wang Qinghua said with a smile, look, you are also very good.

"Hey, isn't that, I'm better than college students."Wang Yong said with a smile, that's it.

"That's awesome. Most of the things I just said are graduates from rubbish universities. Those who graduated from good key universities are much better than you. If you don't talk about it, let's say you are Tsinghua brother. When you just graduated , When you get to the company, your monthly salary is more than 1 yuan. As long as you work for a year or so, [-] to [-] yuan is easy. After that, you can get promoted and raise your salary. As for those who are more powerful, I won’t talk about it ".Wang Hai scolded and said that he was afraid that Wang Yong would float up again.Wang Yong is young and has a longer road ahead, so it is still necessary to read more books.

Therefore, this enlightenment must be grasped to a certain degree.

"Don't worry, Brother Haizi, I understand."Wang Yong nodded, understanding what Wang Hai meant.

"Okay, let's do what we should do."Wang Hai waved his hand, why are you following me, and I don't care about your food when I go home with you.

"Hey, let's go".Wang Qiang ran away first, and now he is one of the busiest people.

Wang Qinghua also left, he still has to go to the warship, others can't do it, he explained like that.

Wang Ying also left. There were more people and more garbage. Although a lot of slogans were posted and a lot of trash cans were added, there were still many people who littered everywhere. He was responsible and brought people , to clean up the trash.

In the end, Wang Yong scratched his head and left. He wanted to ask Yin Ya what books he wanted to read, but when he saw that everyone was getting busy, he gave up and asked Yin Ya when he was having dinner. Bar.

(End of this chapter)

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