Happy Fishing Village

Chapter 445 Follow-up Questions

Chapter 445 Follow-up Questions
Early the next morning, Wang Hai got up and went into the mountain, and he still brought tools.

Wang Hai is going to the mountain to cover the pit from yesterday to prevent anyone from falling into it.

The signal in the mountain is weak. If someone falls in and cannot climb up, and cannot make a phone call, it will be a sad reminder.

"Hey, Dayong, Daying, what are you doing here?"Walking halfway, Wang Hai saw these two people talking and laughing, and they seemed to be preparing to enter the mountain.

"Hey, Brother Haizi, I knew you would go into the mountains, we are here to help you."Wang Yong said with a smile, when you caught a cicada before, you had to fill in the hole to prevent someone from falling in. Now that a tourist has fallen into it, how could you leave it alone and ignore it.

"Okay, let's go, let's check again to see if there are any other pits around. These tourists are dishonest. Some people are just cheap. If you say you can't go, he will go."Wang Hai said helplessly, just like yesterday, he said it several times, and others said it again, but those two still didn't take it seriously, otherwise they wouldn't have fallen into it.

Soon, the three arrived at the place, Wang Yong and the two brought a shovel.

"Brother Haizi, it will take a lot of effort for us to fill in such a big hole."Wang Yong said with a bitter face, besides, there are many tree roots in this place, so digging is not easy.

"Besides, digging the soil is not that simple, and you can't dig according to one place, otherwise, a new pit will appear."

"Don't be so troublesome, let's cut down some dead trees, then tie them up and cover them."Wang Hai explained that in this case, it would be much easier than digging and burying it.

"That's a good idea."Wang Ying said happily, this way, it will save a lot of trouble.

There are naturally many trees in the forest, and there are also many dead woods. Soon, the three of them cut down enough dead woods. Wang Hai brought them with pliers and wire, and tied them together one by one.

"It's almost done, Dayong, both of you dig a little around the pit so that we can put the cover on and it will be stronger."After digging out the surrounding area, after the cover is done, it can be buried again, so that it will be stronger.

"Oh, I can't stand this day, it's so hot in the morning."Wang Yong wiped his sweat and said, it's only less than eight o'clock.

"For work, if you don't work, this time is the most comfortable time of the day."Wang Ying said with a smile, this time is also the time to sleep soundly.

"Well, it's almost there, it's ok."Wang Hai stood on it and walked around, it was fine, and he stomped a few times, it was fine, it was very firm.

"Let's go back, we're all hungry."Wang Ying clutched his stomach and said, usually at this time, the meal has already been finished.

"Wait a little longer, let's take a look around to see if there is such a pit, check it, and save it by going back."Wang Hai ordered, otherwise, it will be troublesome to do it again later.

"OK".The two had no objection, and soon the three of them split up and started checking.

"Brother Haizi, there is a small pit here, are you okay?"Wang Yong asked, neither big nor deep.

"Well, it's okay, this is less than one meter, even a child can climb up!"Wang Hai looked at it, and there was nothing wrong with it.

However, the last three people really found a bigger pit, more than one meter deep, although it wasn't that big.

Because the caliber is not large, it would be troublesome to make a cover, so the three of them took turns to shovel the soil, and within ten minutes, the hole was filled.

"Let's go, go home"!After confirming that there was no more big pit, the three of them wandered around and prepared to go home.

"Or, go to my house to eat."Wang Hai invited politely, and the two of them contributed their efforts in the morning.

"OK".Wang Yong quickly agreed, hey, I want to go to your house for dinner these two days.

"Then I will go too."Wang Ying was a little embarrassed at first, but after hearing what Wang Yong said, he wanted to go too.

"Fine".Wang Hai is speechless, so I'll just be polite, and you're too polite.

It's just two more people eating, Wang Hai doesn't care at all, anyway, there is a lot of food at home, even if it is not enough, some dumplings are enough.

Because Yin Ya sometimes sleeps late, gets hungry easily, and sometimes eats late at night, so when my mother is free, she makes some dumplings and puts them in the refrigerator to freeze.

"The meal is ready, what are you eating today"?When Wang Hai got home, he heard banging in the kitchen.

"Today eat noodles, tomato and egg noodles".Yin Ya poked out half of her head and said with a smile.

"Sister Yin Ya, the two of us are having dinner at your house today."Wang Yong hurried up and said with a smile.

"Okay, let's go wash it first, and add some noodles."Yin Ya nodded, go and sit down.

Because people like Wang Qiang and Wang Yong would come here for a meal from time to time, and now Yin Ya is used to it.

Wang Hai washed up, went to the kitchen, brought out some side dishes and put them on the dining table.

"The noodles are ready, serve them all, one bowl for each person, there is not enough to fill, Weiwei, go to the backyard and call your auntie, the noodles will not taste good if they swell after soaking for a long time."Yin Ya shouted, hurry up.

"Oh, I'm going right now, Mom, it's time to eat, come quickly."Wang Wei shouted while running.

"Brother Haizi, your pickles are still delicious."Wang Yong said happily that he also has pickles at home, but he can't get the taste out of it.

"It's all the same, come and learn if you have nothing to do."Wang Hai said, you have to be careful, and you can do it a few times. This pickle is not a complicated dish, so it's not that troublesome.

"Um, I'll have another bowl."Wang Ying ate at home, and got used to eating in a hurry. After sitting down for a few minutes, a large bowl of noodles was gone. The point is, other people ate half of the bowl.

"Haha, there is still in the pot, just fill it up again."Yin Ya said with a smile that this means that her cooking is delicious.

"Sister Yin Ya's cooking is delicious, and I will have another bowl."Wang Yong praised that he even finished the soup.

After eating and drinking enough, Wang Hai was going to go for a stroll in the village. Now, there is no need for him at the little killer whale, as long as he goes there from time to time.

Wang Hai walked all the way along the stone road. There was basically no rubbish on the road, but he made a lot of progress.

Even a month ago, there was rubbish on this road. Although there were not many of them, they always existed. It was a little different from now.

This shows that the awareness of the villagers has also increased.

"Xiao Hai, let's go for a stroll, have you eaten yet?"Passing by a small supermarket, Wang Hong greeted them warmly.

For Wang Hai, Wang Hong is very grateful. Since he returned to the village, the turnover of his small supermarket has skyrocketed.

Especially now, there are a lot of tourists every day, and the mineral water, drinks, and snacks that I brought in are selling very quickly. If I didn't stock up twice as much, I would have to buy it every day.

(End of this chapter)

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