Happy Fishing Village

Chapter 448 Negotiation

Chapter 448 Negotiation
Malatang was delicious, and the chat was quite pleasant, but Li Pang still couldn't figure out why the boss added food to him!
"I'm done eating".Li Linlin wiped her lips and said, "I'm so full, if I don't pay attention, I'll eat too much."

"Then you wait a while, I'll go to checkout."In fact, Li Pang had almost eaten a long time ago and was just waiting for Li Linlin, so he ate very slowly at the end.

"No wonder."When Li Pang was checking out, he saw through the transparent glass into the kitchen. Wang Qiang was chatting vigorously with the female boss, and they seemed to have a good relationship.

Li Pang felt that his extra dishes should be written by Wang Qiang.

"Otherwise, thank him later."After all, he helped himself and made himself face. Li Pang still felt that it would be better to thank Wang Qiang afterwards, but he couldn't think of how to thank him for a while.

"Uh, um, shall we go to the supermarket?"To be honest, there is really no interesting place in the town, no square, no shopping mall, no movie theater, really, no place to hang out.

"I don't want to go today, my daughter is not feeling well, I have to go back and have a look."Li Linlin said apologetically, "Next time, next time if you have time, let's go shopping in the city."

"That's all right, my daughter is important, do you want me to follow and see, and help me out."Li Pang said enthusiastically, why is it uncomfortable?

"It's not a big deal, but I have a cold recently, and it's always not getting better."Li Linlin said worriedly, she didn't know what was going on, it was always bad.

"That's fine, me, I won't send you off."Li Pang said in embarrassment that he didn't have a car!
"It's okay, I'll go back by bike, and it won't be too late to send me off when you buy a car in the future."Li Linlin smiled and said, it's not far away, besides, I came here by bicycle, if you really send me, there is no place to put the electric bicycle.

"Well, well, I will work hard and buy a car as soon as possible."Li Pang made a swearing promise, but, it seems, he doesn't have a driver's license yet!
After watching Li Linlin leave, Li Pang looked back, turned and walked home.

"Da Pang is back, how is it? Did the talk go well? What did the woman say?"As soon as he got home, Li Pang's mother caught up and asked hurriedly.

This Li Linlin, Li Pang's mother, had seen it secretly once, and looked at it from a distance, and she was quite satisfied, but I don't know the specifics.

"good".Li Pang replied with a smile on his face.

"Specifically, tell me."Li Pang's mother asked anxiously, I've been asking you for a long time, and you just answer two words!
"Okay, okay, let me talk about it carefully."Li Pang raised his hands as a sign of surrender, and told all about today's events, including the meal.

"Well, it looks pretty good, and people are satisfied with you."My mother happily said, as long as you are satisfied, it is fine. From this point of view, it is quite interesting.

Li Pang felt that it was his job that helped him. Wang Hai had a great reputation, and working with him would have a better future than working outside.

"Go back and thank that Wang Qiang."My mother said, how should I say, they also added food to you, and it also increased your face. This is a critical time.

"Understood, Mom, but how can we thank others."Li Pang said sadly, he is richer than us and seems to have everything, how can I thank him for buying things?

"Or, invite someone to have a meal."My mother suggested that it seems inappropriate for you to carry things to deliver.

"I thought so too. I'll go and see later. If Wang Qiang doesn't come back in the evening, I'll invite him to dinner."Li Pang was going back to the house to rest for a while, but the key was that it was too hot.

"Old man, have you finished your work, come back quickly, our blind date is back."Li Pang's mother, after seeing Li Pang enter the house, became impatient and called the old man.

"I haven't finished it yet, I have to wait for a while, okay, I'll talk about it later when I go home."After the old man finished speaking, he hung up the phone, and he couldn't go back halfway!

When it was past four o'clock, Li Pang changed into casual clothes and was going to invite Wang Qiang to dinner.He had already asked just now that the goods came to Zhao Min's store today, and Wang Qiang helped clean them up, and he would not go back until evening.

"Mom, I'm going, don't cook my meal tonight."Li Pang told me to do less.

Not long after Li Pang went out, the old man came back on a tricycle with tools.

After sitting down and taking a sip of water, the old man asked, "How about it? Tell me, I can't tell you clearly on the phone."

Although the old man usually doesn't ask much, he still cares a lot in his heart.

Li Pang's mother naturally knew the old man, so she told the story of Li Pang's blind date today.

"Well, it looks pretty good, if there are no accidents, it will work."The old man said with certainty that as long as the woman doesn't object and he doesn't search for it, it should be about the same.

"By the way, it's popular to buy houses in the city now, what should we do, should we take the time to have a look."Li Pang's mother asked, the boys from the next door bought a house in the city, and the girl who married also bought a house in the city. They all said that if they don't buy a house, they won't get married. .

"Uh, let's talk about this matter later, let Da Pang talk to that woman later, what is the specific situation, and how much money do we have?"The old man asked, he does the work by himself and doesn't take care of the accounts, the old woman takes care of it.

"It's 15. If you buy a house, you should be able to make a down payment."Li Pang's mother's tone was a bit hypocritical, because the neighbor next door bought a set in the city for more than 80 yuan. It seemed that she didn't even have enough down payment for this one.

"No, let's borrow some. I can earn a lot after I finish this time, more than 2 yuan."Over the years, because Li Pang was not working properly, the money earned by the old couple, except for Li Lele's expenses, was saved.

Otherwise, with Li Pang's previous level, he was not corrupt enough.

"Let's talk about it. It's not easy to borrow money these days. If you can't, just buy a house on a poorer terrain."Li Pang's mother said that the house would be much cheaper if the terrain was a bit worse.

"Let's talk about it later, I don't know how the two can talk."The old man threw away his cigarette butt, got up and walked into the house. It's too early to say this now, it depends on the progress of the two people. If the conversation between the two falls apart in the end, it's useless to say more now.

"Well, okay, Da Pang went to treat Wang Qiang to dinner, we don't have to wait for him, I'll cook later."Li Pang's mother cleaned up and went to the kitchen to cook.

There is an extra refrigerator in the kitchen, which was bought by Li Pang, and he bought a lot of vegetables in it.

"Mom, when did we buy the refrigerator? Is it today? By the way, what about my brother? Didn't he go on a blind date today? Why hasn't he come back?"Li Lele returned home bouncing around, and when she saw the brand new refrigerator, she was overjoyed.

(End of this chapter)

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