Happy Fishing Village

Chapter 45 Solutions

Chapter 45 Solutions
Wang Hai sank to the bottom of the lake and began to swim in circles, roughly in a circle, and saw a lot of grass carp, crucian carp, carp, etc., as well as black fish, but not so big.

This reassures Wang Hai a little, if there are a few more that big, it will be troublesome.Fish that are too big, especially carnivorous fish, are very dangerous and will attack people if they are not handled properly.

The weather is still very hot at noon. Many children like to go swimming in the lake. If they encounter it, it will be troublesome.

Wang Hai went around in the opposite direction and took a different route, but he didn't find it, so he felt relieved.

However, Wang Hai intends to tell the village head uncle about this matter. After all, if he swims alone, he may not be able to find the hidden big fish, maybe it is behind him, or maybe.

Therefore, if you can prevent children from going into the water, don't go.

I caught a lot of fish today, and Wang Hai couldn't go home alone, so he had to call his mother.

Unexpectedly, after a while, before my mother came, Wang Wei arrived first on a tricycle, followed by Wang Qiang with a smile on his face.

"Haha, Haizi, I heard you caught a big fish, let me see how big it is."Wang Qiang went to Wang Hai's house to borrow a hammer, but when he heard Wang Hai calling, he followed him with great interest.

"It's just right here, come and help me lift it up."Although this black fish is not very heavy, about twenty catties, but it is wild and struggling so hard to lift it up by one person.

"Damn it, Haizi, how did you catch it, such a big mullet, hehe, what a blessing."Wang Qiang giggled, and together with Wang Hai, carried the black fish into the tricycle.

"Brother is amazing, no one in our village has caught such a big fish from the lake yet."Wang Wei happily took the stick and beat the big fish.

"Don't make trouble, the black fish is not dead yet, it will attack people."Heiyu opened his mouth wide, not to mention eggs, he could swallow goose eggs, and the teeth were so sharp that they could bite off a child's arm.

"Crack"!Sure enough, Hei Yu opened his mouth wide and bit off the stick on Wang Wei's finger.

"Get away from it for me".Just in time, Liu Xia arrived. Seeing Wang Wei's actions, she twisted her ears angrily and pulled her aside.

"If you bite your finger, it will definitely break, or even be bitten off directly."Although the hospital's technology is now advanced, and 3 severed fingers can be connected, but it will take a certain amount of time. The traffic in the village is blocked, and it will take a lot of time to go to Cangjiang City, and maybe it will be too late.

Wang Wei bared her teeth and was carried aside.

After the big fish got into the car, Wang Hai loaded the other fish into the car and prepared to go back.

"Fuck, what a big black fish, buddy, can I take a photo"?On the way back, I happened to meet a tourist who came to play. I was surprised, but very happy, and wanted to take a photo.

"Okay, let's shoot, but hurry up, I'm waiting to go back and raise the fish."Wang Hai estimated that this person just wanted to post a Moments, show off, and say that he caught a fish.

"Brother Wang Hai, do you have a d-tone account?"Yin Ya asked, she just glanced at it just now, and she knew that the tourist just now uttered the sound of d, and even pushed the hot one.

"Yes, but I basically haven't posted much."Wang Hai said so, he registered last year, and tried to post a few at that time, and then slowly, it became just watching but not posting.

"Such a good material is wasted."Yin Ya smiled and said, look, people can borrow your black fish for use, but you don't use it if you own it yourself.

"Let me get it for you."Yin Ya wanted to get Wang Hai's mobile phone, and started shooting, taking pictures of the lake water and the big black fish, and then started to fiddle.

To be honest, Wang Hai doesn't know how to use it very much, he only knows that there are a lot of special effects in it.

"By the way, Yin Ya, why are you here?"Wang Hai asked curiously, he also called his mother when he called, and Wang Qiang just happened to be at home.

"Hey, it was Wang Wei who called me and said that you caught a big fish and let me come over to have a look. I don't have much to do at school, so I came here."

School has not started yet, Yin Ya has free time for free activities in addition to preparing for get out of class every day.

"It's a pity, if you can take pictures when you are fishing, it will be more convincing."Yin Ya said without raising her head, pressed her small hand, and then shouted: "It's done".

On the way, Wang Hai called the village head uncle and when he got home, the village head was already waiting at the door.

"Oh, good guy, it's really big enough. I haven't caught such a big fish for many years."The village chief exclaimed that he had caught such a big fish when he was young.

"It is indeed quite dangerous, but there is no good way!"The village head frowned, who knows if there is such a big lake in it.

"You can organize a fishing competition to attract a large number of fishing enthusiasts, and in this way, it can also promote the development of your village."

'If there are more people coming, food, drink and housing must be solved, this is an opportunity."

"That's right, Mr. Yin is smart. As expected of coming from a big city, his brain turns faster than us."Wang Qiang said with admiration, in this way, his business will be much better, and many people will take the boat.

"This can be, I will add up later."The village chief nodded. It was indeed a good idea. It would not only reduce the number of big fish in the lake, but also promote the development of the village.

However, the lake is shared by the two villages, and the village head has to go to Chenjiagou to discuss it with him.

"Village chief, stay and eat some, there are so many fish."Seeing that the village chief was about to leave, Wang Hai shouted.

"No, no, you can eat. I'll go to Chenjiagou and discuss it with that old guy."The village chief waved his hand. It is a rare good opportunity, so you can't miss it.

Naturally, Wang Qiang would not leave, he was helping to kill the fish and was preparing to have a big meal, while Yin Ya went to Wang Wei's room to supervise her homework.

There are still a few days before school starts, and the homework has not been finished yet, so I am starting to get nervous.

Wang Hai shook his head. The little girl said before that there was only a little bit left. In the end, it took a day to write this, and I haven't finished it yet. My mother is so angry that she can't eat if she can't finish it.

Wang Hai thinks about it, is this a kind of bad "tradition"? I remember that when I was in school, many of my classmates did the same. When it was summer vacation and winter vacation, it was a wild little horse running wild every day. Playing, going up the mountain and going down to the lake, no matter where you can play, you would even rather help the adults with work than do your homework.

However, as it was getting closer to the start of school, I panicked, weeping one by one, and couldn't finish writing until twelve o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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