Happy Fishing Village

Chapter 455 Picking Wild Fruits

Chapter 455 Picking Wild Fruits

"Let's go, let's pick some fruit to eat, and we will serve it after dinner."Wang Hai said with a smile, after eating, eat some fruit to help you digest.

"Brother, are there a lot of wild fruits here?"Liu Hui asked excitedly, she hasn't eaten wild fruit yet.

When I was in school, I heard that a certain classmate went to climb the mountain and picked something delicious. I was envious in my heart, thinking, I can pick it once when I am.

Now, the opportunity has come.

Because there was nothing to do, Wang Hai led the team himself. Besides, there was no one in this mountain who was more familiar with him. Besides, he knew the general idea of ​​where there were fruit trees.

"Hey, it's a peach."After walking for a while, two peach trees appeared in front of them, and there were still more than [-] peaches hanging on them. They were reddish, obviously ripe.

Wang Wei ran over excitedly, stood on tiptoe, and picked one.

These wild fruit trees don't grow very tall, but they bear quite a lot.

In addition to the twenty or so whole ones above, there are quite a few half-eaten ones, obviously the masterpieces of some animals or birds.

"Delicious".After washing it, Wang Wei gnawed it, feeling that it tasted very good.

"I'll eat one too".Liu Hui was so happy that she picked one too, washed it up and ate it.

"It's really true."Liu Hui also felt that the wild peaches were more delicious than those sold in the market.

Although Yin Ya didn't eat, she picked some and put them in her backpack.

Wang Hai feels that they are all delusions. In fact, the wild ones are not as delicious as those sold in the market.

Wild fruit trees generally develop freely. As for whether they grow or not, it all depends on God's will.

What's more, the fruit trees are in the forest, and they are bullied by big trees. The fruits they bear vary, there are good and bad, and the taste is a bit sour.

However, if you have not eaten it, you will feel very good if you eat it.

"There are also wild grapes, this is delicious."After walking for a while, the sharp-eyed Wang Wei saw the bunches of wild grapes, so tempting.

Wang Wei yelled in surprise, ran over and picked a bunch.

After washing it casually, Wang Wei squeezed one and ate it. It tasted sour and sweet, very delicious.

"I'll try it too."Liu Hui followed closely, and also picked a bunch, tasted it, and really hadn't eaten it before.

"It's delicious."Wang Wei asked with a smile, this is not available on ordinary mountains.

"Uh-huh".Liu Hui nodded. Indeed, when she was climbing the mountain with others in the town, there was basically nothing on the mountain except some trees.

"Okay, almost, let's go."The same goes for wild fruits, just eat a little, but if you eat too much, you will lose your teeth. Besides, if you eat too much, you will feel that it is not delicious.

"Brother, shall we go forward?"Wang Wei asked, where to go further?

"Let's go a little bit, and then we'll go back".Wang Hai didn't plan to stay on the mountain for one night, so he planned to go back after a while.

Besides, Wang Wei and Liu Hui are playful, so he was worried that they lived in the wilderness at night.

"Well, I'm going to take some pictures".During the picnic just now, Liu Hui took a lot of pictures, and she plans to show off when she goes back to school.

After returning to the camp, Wang Hai checked again, and after confirming that there was no spark, he took a few people and walked forward.

Lighting a fire and cooking in the woods is not a trivial matter. First of all, there must be a large open space. The most important thing is that when leaving, it must be extinguished. It must be completely extinguished without any sparks.

After eating and resting, the enthusiasm of the big guys was once again high, and they didn't feel tired.

"Well, here it is."Wang Hai took everyone to a large sea of ​​flowers.There are relatively few trees here, but there are many flowers and plants, which are colorful and very beautiful.

"It's so beautiful, I want to take some pictures."Liu Hui happily ran over and stood among the flowers and plants.

"hey-hey".Wang Wei also ran in a long time ago, looking for the most beautiful place.Even Yin Ya was so happy that she took a mobile phone and asked Wang Hai to take a picture.

Naturally, Wang Hai agreed, and took pictures and videos of Wang Wei, Liu Hui, and Yin Ya.

"Haha, there is a signal, I will post one."Yin Ya happily said that she did not expect that there is still a good signal in this woods, and it is naturally possible to connect to the Internet.

Wang Hai didn't care, he just sat there and watched while the girls were messing around.

After playing around for an hour or so, the three women were also tired from tossing and tossing, and they came to sit beside Wang Hai, their faces dripping with sweat.

"Take a break, we're going back."Wang Hai calculated the time correctly, if he didn't go back, it would be too late and it would be dark.

"Well, take a break and go back."Yin Ya nodded, but she was tired from playing, so she should take a break.

"Okay, let's go."After about 10 minutes, Wang Hai stood up and shouted.

"Brother, sit down for a while."Wang Wei said coquettishly, I didn't feel it just now, but I feel so tired after sitting here, I don't want to remember it.

"Sit for a while, it will be dark, and when the snakes, insects, tigers and wolves will come out at night, I will ask you if you are afraid."Wang Hai said with a straight face, let's see what time it is, you want to spend the night here.

Tigers and wolves are naturally impossible, but snakes and insects are not necessarily so, Wang Wei naturally knows.Although snakes and insects are not big, they are also very scary things for girls.

Therefore, Wang Wei stood up straight away, packed her backpack, and prepared to follow her back.

Under Wang Hai's temptation and threat, Wang Wei and Liu Hui went back down the mountain.

As the saying goes, it is easy to go up the mountain and difficult to go down. In addition, when I came up, I was very happy and full of energy. Now I have climbed for half a day, and the energy has long since passed.

So when going down the mountain, Wang Wei and Liu Hui cried out that they were tired before they had walked for a while.

"Brother, take a break."Wang Wei said coquettishly, walking with a bag on her back is so tiring!

"That's right, just sit for 10 minutes, okay?"Liu Hui also said hopefully that her legs seemed to be filled with lead, so heavy that she couldn't lift them!

"no".Wang Hai refused directly, wanting to sit down and rest, but there was no door.

Now I am very tired, and my legs are uncomfortable, and I have to rely on a single energy to support it. If you sit down and rest, the energy will be gone, and then you will feel more tired.

Therefore, even if the two acted like a baby, Wang Hai would remain indifferent, otherwise, he would designate himself and Yin Ya later, and carry one back.

Although he didn't promise to rest, Wang Hai still cut a wooden stick for the two of them, and if they couldn't walk, let's lean on it.

"Oh, why is it getting dark so quickly?"Wang Wei pursed her lips and said, before she got home, there were already dark shadows, the sun had already set, and the afterglow was the last light. If the afterglow disappeared, it would be completely dark, and it would be night.

(End of this chapter)

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