Chapter 459

"Hey, you'll know when you look at it."Wang Wei giggled, not lying to you.

Liu Hui followed and walked towards the hut.

"Wow, it's so big"!When she arrived, Liu Hui couldn't help shouting when she saw the huge watermelon.

"Isn't this watermelon weighing twenty or thirty catties? It's really, really big!"
"Second Grandpa, why is this watermelon so big!"Liu Hui couldn't help asking, this is too big, if there are few people in the family, it is really too much to eat.

The second grandfather explained: "This is the watermelon of this variety. There is only one fruit on each plant, and there are at most two. If there are two, it will not be so big. If there is one, it will be bigger."

It can be said that all the nutrients are concentrated on this one melon, so the knot will be relatively large.

"Okay, let's eat."Seeing that the two of them had returned, the second grandfather swung his knife and cut into many large pieces with a click.

So sweet, but still sandy.Watermelon, the one with sandy flesh is the most delicious, and it is sweet. Liu Hui feels refreshed after eating it, and her small mouthfuls turned into big mouthfuls.

As for Wang Wei, she didn't even estimate it, her little face was covered with juice, and she smiled happily.

"Eat slowly, there are so many, no one will grab you."The second grandpa smiled and said, why are you in such a hurry to eat.

"hey-hey".Wang Wei chuckled, and still ate big mouthfuls.

Yin Ya ate the most calmly, cut the watermelon into small bites, put it on a plate, and ate it with a fork.

Mouthful of juice, sweet and crumbly, it tastes delicious. Besides, it is still cold after being chilled for a while, making it even more refreshing to eat.

The big watermelon made the big guy half full, so even when it was time, the second grandpa didn't serve dinner, but let the big guy go for a stroll.

Wang Wei and Liu Hui ran into the orchard a long time ago, even though there was no fruit, they still enjoyed it endlessly.

"Sister Huihui, let's go fishing this afternoon."Wang Wei suggested that it would be interesting to let the teacher drive the yacht and we stop nearby for fishing.

"Yeah"!Liu Hui said happily that she had caught fish before, and that was in the river, but not in the sea.

"Yeah, I'll tell the teacher later."Wang Wei happily said that there are fishing tools prepared in the yacht, and there is nothing missing.

"Uh-huh".Walking in the orchard, Liu Hui felt very comfortable. The breeze was blowing, and the trees covered the sun and cast mottled shadows.

After shopping around for a long time, when the two came back, they found that dinner was ready.

"Hurry up and wash up, you two little mud monkeys."Yin Ya frowned and said, "Look, go out for a while, not to mention why you got mud all over your body, there are also mud on your face and hands."

"Second Grandpa, what delicious food did you cook?"Wang Wei asked while washing, with longing on her face.

After playing all morning, Wang Wei was already starving, looking forward to something delicious.

"Sister Huihui, come here, there are a lot of delicious food."Wang Wei said excitedly, there are chicken, fish, meat and eggs.

The chicken, of course, is a free-range chicken. The second grandpa chose a hen, stewed in soup, and cooked it slowly in a small clay pot. The aroma has long been radiated.

The fish are naturally sea fish. By the seaside, it is impossible to eat freshwater fish without eating sea fish.

The meat is beef, there is a lot in the refrigerator, Wang Hai bought it last time, and he hasn't finished it yet.

The eggs are also simple, they are eggs laid by free-range hens, but they are much better than those bought in the market.

Although it is only ten simple dishes, it is full of weight.Except for chicken soup, everything else is served in small pots.

"Ah, such a big pot, can I finish it?"Liu Hui was taken aback. It was too big. When I was at home, the sum of several dishes was still as much as a small pot.

"That means you are here, or else two dishes for us will be enough."The second grandpa is the most frugal. If he can not waste it, he doesn't think he will do too much.

People who have come through that era will never waste it.

"Drink it well".The chicken soup that Second Grandpa cooked was actually just for Yin Ya and the girls, and it also put red dates in it.

"That's right, this is what we feed ourselves, free range, of course it's delicious."

Wang Wei said happily, look, it's all over there, running wildly in the woods.

"However, it's hard to catch free-range chickens."Gao Mingxiang said with a smile, it took a lot of effort to catch the chicken, and it would not be possible for one person to catch it.

If it was kept in captivity, one person would catch it if he mentioned it directly.

"Weiwei, if I live in your house, I will become a little chubby pig sooner or later."Liu Hui was full, and she didn't feel it when she ate, but she kept humming after eating.

"Come on, drink some hawthorn water, after drinking, you two go to play."The second grandfather said kindly that children are very energetic, and they will be fine after running for a while.

After a stroll around, Wang Wei and the two were called back by Yin Ya, and they were going to go fishing on a yacht.

Wang Hai didn't come, so Yin Ya didn't plan to spend the night here. Although they were all close friends, three girls came, so the influence was not good.So I plan to play around and go back.

"Yeah, that's great."Wang Wei cheered and ran to the yacht, where she had her own small fishing rod.

"Sister Huihui, you don't know that I won a prize in the Yuanbao Lake Fishing Contest."Wang Wei proudly boasted, it's amazing.

"real or fake".Liu Hui said suspiciously, if you said you participated in the competition, I would believe it, but if you said you won the prize, I would not believe it.

The fishing competition is not a competition between a few people in your family, so no one will let you, why do you win the prize!

"It's true, Wang Wei caught a big fish over one meter that time, so she won the award, and there are photos."Yin Ya explained that it was just at the beginning, Wang Hai thought of the idea because he was afraid of a big black fish.

"real"?Although Liu Hui's tone was skeptical, after Yin Ya's words, she believed them most of the time.

"When the teacher said this, he reminded me. Come and take a look. This is my award-winning photo. My brother took it for me."Wang Wei happily took out her mobile phone and found the photos taken at that time.

"Hey, I'm great."Seeing Liu Hui's unbelievable expression, Wang Wei was overjoyed, I'm amazing, I'm the little princess of fishing.

"That's Yuanbao Lake, it's freshwater fish, and here it's sea fish, it's different."Liu Hui snorted, it hasn't started yet, who knows who is better.

"Hey, let's compete later to see who catches the most fish and whoever catches the biggest fish."Wang Wei thought, you are still not convinced, facts speak louder than words, just wait and see.

"Compare, compare, who is afraid of whom?"Liu Hui was very happy, you must be a coincidence, maybe this time, you will not be so lucky.

When the two were arguing, Yin Ya had already started the yacht and headed south. Although it is the fishing moratorium now, if you are just fishing, no one will take care of you.

(End of this chapter)

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