Happy Fishing Village

Chapter 464 Guess

Chapter 464 Guess
After chatting for a while, Jiang Yuan led the people to leave, and it was enough to get the evidence, because it was still during work, so he didn't stay much.

"Hey, I'm back."After such a commotion, people like Wang Hai didn't have the mood to play any more, and it was time to return.

"Tell me, who is this, so cheap, report us, are you full?"Wang Yong scolded, he must be free.

"That's right, it's broad daylight, and there are still so many people at the pier, so we'll come out and arrest them"?People without brains would not do this!Wang Hu also said angrily, those who were poached in the past, none of them left in the middle of the night and came back in the middle of the night, because they were afraid of being seen by others.

"Is it reported by tourists?"Wang Qinghua said, if it is, then it will be difficult to handle. If someone comes to travel, what else can you do?

Wang Hai shook his head and said: "Probably not. When we gathered at the pier, many people were watching from the sidelines. We also said that we were going to try the boat. How many people knew about it, even if some people said that we went fishing. , there will be an insider to explain it, if it doesn't work out, Chen Shu and his gang did it."Wang Hai said with certainty that that guy just didn't do his business, and he did a lot of crooked ways.

"Hmph, I think he wants to be beaten."Wang Ying said bitterly, she had been honest for a while, but unexpectedly, she jumped out like this again.

"Disgusting people!"
"I reckon they're peeking not far away. It won't be our village, maybe it's the junction of our two villages. In this way, after landing, Uncle, you can do the follow-up, other things Everyone followed me, let's go straight over there to see if anyone is there."

Wang Hai reckoned that this Chen Shu was bored, so he would not stay at home with such a place, and come back to watch the fun and see if the coast guard would punish him.

Therefore, he will definitely pay attention to this side. He can't come to the village. Even if Wang Hai and the others are away, there are other young people in the village who can still fuck him.

Therefore, Wang Hai guessed that he would only hide in an inconspicuous dark place on the other side of their village to observe, and if he was fast enough, he could still catch up with him.

"Okay, you guys go, I'll stop the boat."Wang Hu nodded, don't worry, I can do it myself.

Soon, the big fishing boat docked, and after Wang Hai and the others got off, they ran towards the boundary between the two villages.

"Hey, boss, they, why did they run towards us, they didn't find us, did they?"The fat man squinted his eyes and said, he is a little short-sighted, and he has to squint to see far away.

"Probably not, they just got off the boat and didn't know we were here."The other person shook his head, how is it possible, we didn't show up, even the people on the pier didn't know we were here, no one tipped him off, how could he know that we are here?

However, soon, Wang Hai took the lead, and the distance was getting closer and closer.

"It's broken, run quickly, this guy Wang Hai is destined to find us, and he is coming towards us."Chen Shu jumped up in a jerk, and then ran back.

He didn't know how Wang Hai found them, they were obviously well hidden.

If you don't understand it, you don't understand it, it is already close at hand, if you don't run, it will be too late.

"It's not that easy to run away."When Wang Hai yelled, he knew it was you, Chen Er, who did the immoral thing.

Wang Hai took the lead, followed by Wang Yong and others, especially Gao Mingxiang and Wu Ming, who were quite outstanding.

When they arrived at the island, Wang Hai took Gao Mingxiang and Wu Ming to the boat to get acquainted with them.

"Hey, boss, wait for me, wait for me"!The fat man shouted anxiously, you are all running so fast, don't wait for me.

Fatty has great strength, but he runs slowly. He is dangling all over his body with fat and can't run at all. Now he is in a hurry.

But the more anxious I was, the slower I ran. No, I didn't check, I tripped over the wooden stick on the bottom of my feet, and a dog gnawed shit.

"Haha, let's see where you are going"?Wang Hai didn't stop at all, but Wang Yong and Wang Ying stopped and kicked each of them.

"Hmph, I still can't beat you two?"The fat man took a look, you two brothers, the skinny man, are you still my opponent?

"Let's not talk about you two, even if there is another one, it will not be my opponent."The fat man thought arrogantly, I am not good at running, but you are far behind in fighting.

The fat man got up and waved his thick arms, wanting to punch him first, so that they could see it.

However, when he saw the smiling Wu Ming in front of him, he lowered his arms embarrassingly.

Although Wu Ming is not tall and his arms are not thick, but he fights well, and the fat man has suffered in his hands more than once, so he has a long memory.

"Hehe, that, misunderstanding, it's all misunderstanding, let's talk about it, a gentleman uses his mouth but doesn't act, right?"The fat man smiled awkwardly, we are all reasonable people, we can't do anything.

Wang Yong sneered and said, "You are the only one who is still a gentleman? You are a villain, besides, since when did our two elder brothers make sense in the village?"

"beat"!As Wang Ying yelled to fight, Wang Yong and Wu Ming also started to fight.

"You bully the few with the more, you are not considered a good man."The fat man was in a hurry, and hurriedly fought back, but unfortunately, two fists were no match for six hands. After a few blows, he lost the wind, and then squatted there, hugging his head and begging for mercy loudly.

"Don't fight, don't fight, I surrender, I surrender."The fat man begged for mercy in a very spineless manner, it would be impossible not to beg for mercy, the fist was so hard, it hurt a lot when he hit him.

On the other side, whether it was Wang Hai or Gao Mingxiang, their speed was very fast, Chen Shu and the others could not compare, and within a few minutes, they were overtaken.

Wang Hai flew up and kicked Chen Shu's ass, and the latter came directly to eat shit.

Gao Mingxiang also behaved like this, kicking another person's butt, and then he fell down, ending up with Chen Shu.

The rest of the people didn't get any better, they fell down one after another, and behind them, Wang Qinghua and Wang Ming also rushed over.

"Wang Hai, what do you mean, why are you chasing us?"Chen Shu asked angrily, why did you kick me.

"What are you running for?"Wang Qinghua asked with a straight face, that's right, I'm sorry, why are you running?
"Why am I running? This road doesn't belong to your family. I can run as much as I want, can you control me?"Chen Shu snorted and said, "Besides, this is our village's territory. Why are you breaking in? Be careful and get beaten."

Chen Shu said threateningly, this is not a place for you to run wild.

Wang Hai smiled and said: "Your village's territory, that's okay, you go call someone, call more people to help you, and we will fight when people come."

Wang Hai smiled and said, no matter how many of you come, we are not afraid.

"You are a group of barbarians, you know how to fight, a group of warriors."Chen Shu said angrily, I am ashamed to be with you.

(End of this chapter)

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