Chapter 466

According to Wang Hai's original plan, he went to the island for dinner.When the big fishing boat came back from maintenance, there was no food or drink on it, and there was too little time, and Wang Hai didn't let Wang Hu go shopping. After all, it was not time to open the sea.

Anyway, it is the same if you drive a section to the sea outside the village, and go back to the island for dinner.

As a result, before noon, it came out like this, and it ended hastily.

"Brother, where are we going to play in the afternoon?"During the meal, Wang Wei asked, if you can't go to sea, you won't go climbing.

"Go to Yuanbao Lake."Wang Hai said, Liu Hui will go back tomorrow, then go to Yuanbao Lake to play.

"Brother, I want to go to the big fishing boat first, and then go to Yuanbao Lake to play, okay?"Liu Hui really wanted to go on a big fishing boat, but she had never been there before.

"Okay, I'll take you there after dinner."Wang Hai nodded, this girl is just curious, and there is nothing fun on the boat.

After dinner, Yin Ya helped his mother clean up the dishes, and Wang Hai took Liu Hui out, planning to take her for a walk.

"Brother, I will go too."Wang Wei ran out, idle is also idle, I also went to play around.

"Let's go".Wang Hai nodded, it's not a dangerous place, let's go.

"so big"!It was the first time for Liu Hui to board such a large modern fishing boat, and she was as happy as a curious baby, looking here and there for a while.

"There is something bigger than this, it's so big."Wang Wei has been to Liu Wei's place before, and has seen fishing boats bigger than this one.

"I have not seen".Liu Hui nodded awkwardly, this was the biggest she had ever seen.

"Come back and I'll take you to see it."Wang Wei proudly said, some are more than twice as big as this one, how big do you think?

"OK"!Liu Hui agreed, but think about it, let's talk about it later.

Liu Hui ran in and out for a while, and kept taking pictures, happily.

"Okay, let's go back, it's getting late."Wang Hai looked at his mobile phone, both of them had been running on the boat for an hour, and they were not too tired.

Afterwards, Wang Hai took the two of them and walked towards Yuanbao Lake with fishing gear.

"Xiaoya, you don't fish!"Wang Hai asked, why, not interested today?

"I will stop fishing and go read a book."On the embankment, there are rows of trees, with a large area of ​​shade. Sitting under it, the breeze is blowing and it is very cool.

Therefore, Yin Ya brought a small mat and was going to sit there and read a book.

When they reached the embankment, Yin Ya spread out the mats, while Wang Hai took the two of them and walked down. There were small wooden boats there, and they could paddle into the lake and find a suitable place for fishing. .

"Cozy"!Yin Ya sat on the mat, opened her backpack, and took out a large bottle of juice, which was squeezed just before, very fresh.

And, from inside, he took out a bunch of grapes, some bread, a pack of spicy strips, and a box of yogurt.

While eating snacks and reading a book, Yin Ya felt very comfortable. The most important thing is that the breeze is blowing, and it is not hot at all.

Yin Ya felt that it would be a good choice to bring a recliner next time. Although the mat can also sleep, but after all, if a girl sleeps here, it seems a bit indecent!
It's more than half of August now, Yin Ya slowly put away her playful thoughts and started to prepare lessons.

Moreover, Yin Ya intends to gradually take back Wang Wei's playfulness. Fortunately, there is enough time, so she can do it little by little.

Why do many people take a few days to adapt to school after the summer vacation?It was because I was playing crazy at home before, and I was a little uncomfortable when I was under control.

On the other side, after Wang Hai waited for the two of them to board the boat, he slowly rowed inward.

Although Wang Wei is a girl, she can swim, but Liu Hui is not good at swimming, so Wang Hai let her wear a life jacket.

"Brother, let's go over there, there is a tree shade, it's cool."Wang Wei suggested that now is the afternoon, and it is also the most poisonous time. Even on the water, it is very hot.

"Also."Wang Hai nodded and rowed over there.

A few minutes later, Wang Hai stopped, and the boat gradually stabilized, so he took out his fishing rod and started to hang the bait.

"Hey, look at me."Wang Wei happily picked up her fishing rod, and just like Wang Hai, she also put on the bait.

That arrogant little expression seemed to say, come on, the little fishing princess is here, you all have to stand aside.

Liu Hui chuckled, and began to prepare her own. You thought this was still the sea, but this is the lake.

Although I don't do much sea fishing, I am quite familiar with it in rivers and lakes, and I am definitely not afraid of you.

I lost to you last time, this time, I must win back.

"Snapped"!While the two were fighting secretly, Wang Hai had already raised the pole, and then, a crucian carp the size of a palm was thrown onto the boat.

"Brother, why are you so fast!"Wang Wei complained and said, I just got off the rod, and you caught it, it's too inappropriate.

Liu Hui wanted to cry even more, brother, you caught me before I got off this pole, how embarrassing it is for me!

"That's a matter of you throwing the club first, that doesn't count."Wang Wei cheered herself up secretly, don't panic, it's because she got off the swing late, that's why she was like this.

The same is true for Liu Hui. After placing the bait, she quickly threw it out.

It's a pity that Wang Hai lifted the pole again here, and a big carp of more than 20 centimeters was caught.

After another 5 minutes, a large grass carp half a meter long was pulled up by Wang Hai.

At this point, Wang Wei and Liu Hui were completely speechless. Are you fishing? It's faster than catching fish, one at a time, one at a time, and let others catch it.

"Brother, stop fishing, you've caught all the fish."Wang Wei said coquettishly, there are only so many fish in this area, you catch one after another, and you will finish fishing in this area. What are we fishing for?

"Okay, then I'll rest for a while, you two fish."Wang Hai chuckled, naturally he knew what was going on, so he put away the pole and leaned there to play with his mobile phone.

"Hey, it's up to me this time."Wang Wei is happy, without the big brother who is like a cheater, she is the boss.

"Look at how I abuse you".Wang Wei glanced sideways, just wait and see how I abuse you.

Not to be outdone, Liu Hui stared back, meaning, what are you thinking, you think I'm a weak chicken, just wait and see, and see if I won't make you cry.

So, the two people who had their own thoughts started a competition to see who could catch more fish and bigger fish.

Not long at the beginning, Liu Hui brought up a crucian carp weighing half a catty. Just when she was about to feel complacent, she saw Wang Wei coming up with a carp. up.

(End of this chapter)

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