Happy Fishing Village

Chapter 474 Uploading to the Network

Chapter 474 Uploading to the Network
"If you want me to say, this is retribution."The woman gloated and said, didn't Xu Ming run a chemical factory? I heard that there were no formalities, and the sewage was not only not up to standard, but even directly discharged into the sea.

"I heard that many fisherman's breeding ponds have been destroyed, and the loss is huge, so I gave a little money and thought about it."The man said contemptuously, even if your father-in-law suppresses it, what's the use? Now that the Internet is so developed, as long as it is uploaded to the Internet, it will be over.

"I don't understand this point, and I still want to play horizontally. You think it's the same as before."

"Haha, I thought of my baby, so let's write it a little bit more evilly. That way, the number of likes will definitely increase greatly. Let's see mine."The man said excitedly, people are like this, the more evil you are, the more people will see you.

What Xu Ming didn't know was that several neighbors had already taken pictures of the situation and posted them on Xingyin.

And at the factory, something happened.

Because of my father-in-law, I got a lot of orders, so even at night, I still work overtime.

However, when Wang Hai went back, he blocked the water outlet again, which was stronger than the last time, and it couldn't be opened at all.

However, the caretaker fell asleep again at night. When he woke up, he found that there was something sticky under his legs. He took a closer look, Grandma, isn't this the sewage that should be discharged? ?

"How did it come here? It must be some bastard who blocked the water outlet again."

The man hurriedly called to report and stopped working quickly, otherwise, the factory would be flooded with sewage.

"What's going on, how did you take care of it, such a big mistake happened, and I didn't find it until now."The supervisor is furious, the more anxious to start work, the more you come here.

"If it weren't for the fact that you are the brother-in-law of the factory director, I would have fired you a long time ago."The supervisor scolded angrily, you must be sleeping secretly.

"That's not what I blocked, so why rely on me."The brother-in-law said confidently, if you have the ability, go find someone who is blocking you, yell at me or something.

"you".The supervisor was furious, but there was nothing he could do, because no matter what, this man was the factory director's brother-in-law, and he could only curse a few words, and he really couldn't decide otherwise.

The supervisor hurriedly took someone to check it, but unfortunately, he found a blocked place and couldn't break it open!
When it was dawn, it still hadn't been resolved. Besides, there was sewage everywhere in the factory, which seemed, rather, messy!
A few people who met and came to the factory to talk about the teaching, saw this scene, and immediately took pictures. This is an excellent material, so it must be preserved.

"Hey, brother Ming, what's the use of saving it well, it will be deleted if you don't make it right."

"Then what to do, you have a good way."

"Of course, as long as the video is posted on the Internet, it will be impossible for many people to delete it after watching it."

So, a few people also posted the video they took on the Internet.Moreover, the factory was in chaos, and several people went back.

When Wang Hai returned home, it was already late at night, he quietly walked back to his room without disturbing others, and then lay down directly.

When he was on the yacht, he had already washed up, so when he got home, he went straight to sleep.

Besides, it was getting late now, Wang Hai fell asleep within a few minutes of lying down.

"Brother, what time did you come back yesterday, and you still can't afford it."Wang Wei has been here twice, and seeing Wang Hai still sleeping, she went out.

But this time when she came in, she saw Wang Hai woke up, so she came over.

"I came back a little late yesterday."Wang Hai looked at his phone, good guy, it's past ten o'clock.

Wang Hai planned to lie down for a while and get up again, just in time for lunch.

And Wang Wei had nothing to do, so she just sat on the side and played some music.

"Hey, brother, look at this, it's so strange, for no reason, how can there be such a big black water flowing down."Wang Wei showed Wang Hai her mobile phone, look, how could there be so much black sewage flowing down from the roof of this villa.

When Wang Hai saw it, he was immediately amused. Didn't he just mess with Xu Ming's house? Why did he get on a certain music so quickly?

Thinking about it, Wang Hai felt relieved. Now that a certain sound is so popular, and such a weird event happened, someone will definitely take it.

"By the way, what did the above say, what is the reason?"Wang Hai asked, it is impossible for this water to appear for no reason, there must be a reason.

"I don't know either. It didn't say above, but it said it appeared suddenly. A lot of police went there, but they didn't find anything."Wang Wei looked at the following, and said in the comments later that she couldn't find the reason.

Wang Hai smiled, it's no wonder you were able to find it, I used space to let it go, how do you check it, besides, you have already avoided all monitoring.

Wang Hai picked up his mobile phone, and sure enough, after a while, he also saw a similar video. Obviously it was not shot by the same person, but it was all the same incident.

But the same thing is that they didn't explain the reason, and even the police were at a loss.

"Why are you two still in the house, especially you, Wang Hai, what time do you not get up?"Yin Ya shouted at the door, don't get up again, the cane will serve you.

"Here we go."Wang Hai said, Wang Wei also muttered, put away the phone, and ran out to help.

Wang Hai washed up, and it happened that his mother had prepared the meal.However, Wang Hai lost his appetite from the sewage, so he drank some soup and ate some vegetables.

Wang Hai didn't regret that he did it. He just couldn't stand it for just one day. Those fishermen smelled the stench every day. After a long time, something will happen to them.

With so many videos going viral, it will definitely attract the attention of many departments. In that case, Xu Ming's chemical plant will also be excavated.

In that case, the wanton discharge of sewage will also be exposed. In that case, someone will stand up without having to do it yourself.

At that time, let alone your old father-in-law's backer, it will be useless even if you are one level older.

After getting up for lunch, Wang Hai went out again. Although that Xu Ming would definitely be punished, what about the sea area?
Therefore, Wang Hai planned to deal with it, just like separating oil pollution from seawater, separating seawater from sewage.

Although it was difficult and a waste of time, Wang Hai did not back down. If he did, the sea area would be completely over.

This is just the beginning, and there is still room for recovery. If it takes a long time and all living things die, then it will be even more troublesome.

Soon, Wang Hai came to the sea area with his yacht, stood in the sea water, and then the sea water passed through the space non-stop, and then the clean sea water flowed out, and the waste water was the big barrel left in the space inside.

(End of this chapter)

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